Lapband to gastric bypass almost 1 week in!

on 6/12/11 11:06 pm - RI

I had my lapband placed on 6-12-09, post op I lost 20 pounds (248) pre-op I lost a total of 20 pounds the first year never lost anymore went down to 208 and the scale never moved except to go up.  I went in for my fills until I could not get filled anymore. Last year I started to get discomfort and was having a hard time keeping food down.  It could of been the same food I ate earlier with no problem, get stuck and forced to the bathroom. I decided in January, 2011 after I gained almost 30 pounds 18 pounds away from where I started, sick of throwing up and very disappointed, to talk to my doctor to see what my options were.  She suggested that I remove the band and gave me a few options.  I opted to go with the gastric bypass.  I had my bypass done last week 6-7-20011.  I feel great, I must say that the recovery feels alot better than when I had  the band.  The first day like any surgery was HELL!  But got thru that and everyday has been better.  I went in on Tuesday and was out by Thursday.  The band was removed and the bypass was proformed, my dr. says everything went smooth, there was not much scar tissue around the band so it made it easy to remove.  She tried to use the same openings she had made for the band and missed by one.  I am on my liquid diet, taking good care of myself, tomorrow I get to eat some yogurt and cottage cheese YEEPY!  I must say that the shakes is what is giving me a hard time, even though I have a variety of them, I just cant get them down, I don't know what it is.  Maybe I am just sick of them.  I have not weighed in yet, which is probably a good thing. I have my two week check up next Monday, I can't wait to jump on the scale. Athough I have heard that some people dont start seeing results till after 3-4 weeks.                                                                                                                                          

Holly O.
on 6/13/11 8:57 am, edited 6/13/11 8:57 am - FL
Congratulations!!  I am so glad your doing so well!  Boy your story sounds like mine!!  LOL  But in all seriousness I am so happy to say my surgery to remove the lapband is this Wednesday and I will convert to RNY.  I can't wait..........I am 20 lbs. heavier then when  I started out 4 1/2 yrs. ago...........been hell, I know I don't have to tell you that!!  Today I went for lunch........tilapia got to the bathroom I went.  Wouldn't go down!!  So so tired of this nonsense!!

I'll be joining you very very soon on the loser's bench!!  Take care!!  -Holly
on 6/13/11 10:31 pm - OH
I am abou4 wks out from my RNY revision from lapband!! I had 2 slips and no weight loss after the first slip, then a re-gain, plus 10 additional more pounds!!! I had my band placed in 2008. I too am doing quite well with RNY after the band! I think recovery has been quite comfortable compared to the band. I have been able to drink and eat my mushies without any troubles!!
Congrats to you!
on 6/13/11 11:15 pm - RI

Thank you Stacy!  It has def. been a smoother recovery, I don't know if it has to do with the fact that I have been thru this already or that it really is going good!lol 

I wish I would have read all these post prior to having the band placed.  All along I thought I was the only person going thru this or doing something wrong.  When all along it seems like alot of people are going thru this and worse situations than mines.  I AM SO HAPPY I GOT MY BAND REMOVED, I actually feel better recoping from surgery than when I had the

How have you been doing with your energy levels?

on 6/14/11 7:33 am - OH
My energy level has been GREAT! I am taking my vitamins and other supplements and I am not used to doing that regularly so maybe that is the difference, but I feel really well! I think also being off of sugar and most carbs for the last 4 wks has probably helped with that too! Even my acne has cleared up! (ugh...acne at 40 sux!!). So all in all...I have been feeling fantastic!
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