Lapband going bye-bye Wednesday!
Did all my pre-op stuff at the hospital..........lost 8 lbs. pre-op. Pretty happy with that!! I am good to go Wednesday morning..........have to be in Tampa for 9:00 a.m I am the first one on the board for surgery at 11:00 a.m. Time for my revision........lapband and I are parting company..not sorry for that one!!! I'll be home Thur. evening if everything goes well!
Please keep me in your time is almost here!! I teach full time so I am officially off for the summer, don't return to wor****il he 15th of Aug. I will try to post this weekend!! -Holly
Please keep me in your time is almost here!! I teach full time so I am officially off for the summer, don't return to wor****il he 15th of Aug. I will try to post this weekend!! -Holly
Good luck Holly!!! Hopefully your surgery will go as well as mine! Try to get up and walk alot, I felt that helped me out tremendously. I brought my ipod to the hospital and was going up and down the coridors as much as I could. I have been home since Thurs. and have been trying to keep busy, I can honestly say that I am close to normal.
I will keep you in my prayer!
Good Luck!
I will keep you in my prayer!
Good Luck!
Thanks Sheley and Stacey!! You know last night was the first time I had tears ....surprised me bcause I have been so excited abut the revesion!! Little nerves butI I'm hanging in there. You know I wen t to Red Lobster yesterday........ordered Tilipia,brow rice and a nic e green salad. After I started eating rice ......... I started the sliming!! Then of course I lost my lunch!! Can't wait to have this band out....pain in the butt! I will try and post maybe on Friday!!! Thanks for all your support!!! Love you guys!! -Holly