anyone go fro bypass to bypass or BOB??

(deactivated member)
on 6/9/11 11:41 pm
On June 9, 2011 at 12:53 PM Pacific Time, SamyM wrote:
I'm 6 years out from my gastric bypass. I can eat a small meal, then two hours later be hungry again. They found out through an endesocapy that the opening to my stomach is enlarged and they could fix it with a Band Over Bypass. There's a chance when they get in there for surgery , if my pouch is bigger, I could get another bypass. I would prefer that, then I could loose more weight.

has anyone gone through this?? 
The most effective remedy for any failed weight loss surgery, as well as to regain satiety, is revision to the duodenal switch. Please educate yourself of this option before you proceed with a revision. A broken RNY (dilated stoma/pouch) can not be repaired with restrictive revisions. eration.pdf
Monique A.
on 6/11/11 3:10 am, edited 6/11/11 3:11 am - NY
If I may chime in... I have been researching revision surgery fro about 2 yrs. granted I too had a baby after RNY ained about 30lbs and I am 5 yrs out. Gained 20 of those 30lbs @2 yrs out. I considered BOB since it was the least risky surgery but I want to get to a near normal BMI.
This is a second chance... I am not confident that I will get a third try neither do I want to undergo any surgery.
what to do I guess can depend in part on your goal and how much you have to loose. I need to loose another 75lbs. BOB will not  get me there. So Revision to DS is better option for me. Is it risky considerably much more. about 20% of patients experience leaks however they are all managable. no one in any studies died. bariatric surgery is riskier because its MO persons with medical issues having surgery. it is all surgically related in part partially surgeons skills. aftercare, etc. nothing is perfect or a quick fix.
Am I afraid of revising my RNY...
absolutely. I am scared pooping in my pants(lol) so to say. BOB will get you down-studies say about a 3 point drop in BMI for me thats about 30-40lbs. What am I going to do about the other 40lbs. So needless to say lookup on bariatrictimes. com  just put in keyword revision and read some of the literature dispersed to bariatric doctors/surgeons what the standard of care is.

I think most RNY regain something 10% is average due to the mechanics of the pouch it emptys quickly becuase we have no pyloric sphincter. it reinforces frequent eating. I can eat every 1.5hrs. so u r doing better than me already,

good luck in your journey.
(deactivated member)
on 6/12/11 6:22 am - Charlotte, NC
I'm 13 yrs out from Proximal RNY bypass and will have revision to distal/DS ( a combo fix) for reason of bile reflux that is causing moderate gastritis and esophagitis (which I had the whole 13 yrs, just worse the past 2). I had an endoscopy 2 weeks ago and it showed a small stomach pouch still (apporx 1/3 cup sized) and dilation of the gastrojejunal stoma (where it leaves the pouch). I lost from 392 down to 190 and kept it ALL off until I was injured and had back surgery in April 2010. I've slowly put on 45 lbs now. Mostly, the reason is I've learned to 'plug up' the path from the bile refluxing back up into my esophagus with half a bagel...usually just before bedtime. I've aspirated bile into my lungs during sleep TOO MANY TIMES..had aspiration pneumonia and it has changed my voice, too (I now have a slight rasp).I actually carry a bagel with me in a bag for when I am not home and the bile is bad. I never know what the trigger will be. That and the lack of exercise since surgery has been the weight gain after 12 yrs.
My doctor says he's had better results from conversions for long term weight loss. I was 5'10" and 190 lbs was a great size 10-12 for me. I got to 165 and looked like death, when I fell off a bed and broke my arm and leg. I also believe there's about 25 lbs of hanging skin between my arm 'flags' and abdomen. I'd love to have that removed one day, too. I don't aspire to ever be smaller than a size 8 or 10~it's just not realistic for my now 5'8" frame.
I've had NO vitamin, mineral deficiencies ever, but have been faithful in taking all kinds of supplements from day one in 1998. I DO have newly diagnosed osteoporosis, even after 3 years on Fosamax, but that may be heriditary or from the 13 yrs of non bariatric doctors insisting I could NOT have bile reflux and putting me on one acid reducer or another for 'acid reflux' that I KNEW I didn't have. New info says osteoporosis may come from use of (PPIs) acid reducers...esp long term. I never had any hunger until I found that the bagel consistency helped stop the bile and I could sleep safely. It may have stretched the gastrojejunal stoma to empty sooner this past year. All I know, is I've skated past Barrett's Esophagus this long. I have been going to PT for some months to where I can begin walking again some, and I am NOT going any further UP in weight. My revison will most likely be open, as my original RNY was. My ariatric doc from 1998 retired in 2007. They didn't do them lap back then. I'm 58, healthy, and motivated. I will seek my own psycho-therapy immediately after surgery once I see IF the bile reflux stops (NO guarantee with the surgery, but many DO have it stopped)and make certain that I am not eating for any other reasons or can stop the learned behavior that stopped the bile but may have added to the stoma dilation.
Lisa N.
on 7/5/11 1:03 am - Williston Park, NY
 I had my revision surgery with with Dr. Roslin last Nov. I went from a bypass to a bypass. The surgery lasted 5 hours.  Any surgery is risky, but I had complete confidence in him. My pouch and my stoma stretched and he told me the band would not work on me. I am 7 months out and I have lost 107 pounds.
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