anyone go fro bypass to bypass or BOB??

on 6/9/11 5:53 am
I'm 6 years out from my gastric bypass. I can eat a small meal, then two hours later be hungry again. They found out through an endesocapy that the opening to my stomach is enlarged and they could fix it with a Band Over Bypass. There's a chance when they get in there for surgery , if my pouch is bigger, I could get another bypass. I would prefer that, then I could loose more weight.

has anyone gone through this?? 
on 6/9/11 6:03 am - New York, NY

Samy< I am schedueld for a BOB on the 23rd, I just started my 2 week Liquid diet today. I had my RNY in August of 2002, so, I am just short of 9 yrs out. I went from 305 to 175. I am today at 246.  I put on 50+ lbs alone in the last 3 yrs.  I hurt my back, while running, and my exercise has been very limited.  I contemplated a full revision to another RNY but its too dangerous. The complication rate is too high and too risky. All I need is some restriction so I am opting for the Band.  The doctor I saw for the Revision, Dr. Mitchell Roslin, is probably the best in the country and he said it wa risky. I knew a girl who did it recently, 8-10 hours in surgery. THAT IS INSANE. 

Lisa Bee is on here too, she's had a BOB, if you pull up my profile, all the people I have listed as friends, 99% of them, are also BOBsters.  Good Luck!


on 6/9/11 6:23 am
Thanks for getting back to me. I was told that they wont know til they are "in there" if my pouch is bigger. On the endescopy, it was the same size it was post surgery, so most likely I will get the BOB. I am seeing one of the best in the country too, Dr. Khalili at Cedars in CA. I asked about the long time in surgery if I do end up getting the bypass to bypass. I was told in no way would it be that long. Maybe your friend had a complication? Did lisa Bee have good luck with the BOB? This is my first time posting in years on OH, so not sure how to get around. 
Thanks so much for helping out with your advice. I hope your back is better and you are doing well.

on 6/10/11 12:33 am - New York, NY
Hey Samy:

I had an endoscopy and ct scan in February and the CT showed a fistula and a large pouch. The Endoscopy re-confirmed this. My intiial doctor, Dr. Leitman, had a tendancy to make larger pouch and was very conservative in his sizing. All of my friends who had surgery with him have re-gained half or more of their weight (except my one bf who is still tiny).  Granted they all had kids, so, that maybe an issue (post baby gain).

My doctor, Marina Kurian (Al Roker's docotor) thinks for me, a Band will be perfect. It will give me the restriction I desperately need. I was a a model patient for the first 6 yrs, no bread, no sode, protein, protein, protein and I worked out 5 times a week. I went form 305 to 175 and had 2 plastic surgeries and had was an 8/10. In 2008/2009, while running, I experienced back issues and found out I had a slipped/bulging disc. I hope that the initial 20lbs of loss pre & post surgery will make exercise easier.

Please look Lisa Bee up.  She has been very helpful.  Click on my picture, it will take you to my profile and you can see my friends, most are new or pre-BoBsters. 

As for you decision, just educate yourself. Dont let someone else tell you what to do.  If I had, I'd be having a full revision right now instead of a BOB. For me, I dont want the risk.  20-30% complication rates?  Not interested.  Also, a lot of people will preach the DS, do your research, its major surgery!

(deactivated member)
on 6/10/11 12:28 pm - Bayonne, NJ
Heather, one other thing. You've said you're anemic and that's an issue. I was never anemic before RNY, became anemic after. I got worse after my plastic surgery. Since my DS revision, I've been taking 1 proferrin ES a day. I have no more issues with anemia, and I'm doing really well. You might want to look into proferrin. I found it worked better than any other iron fomulation, and it didn't have any restrictions with when to take it like other iron sources.
on 6/10/11 11:18 pm - New York, NY
Hi.  I am anemic but not so much so that I require shots of anything. I am on the low side. I was very anemic in 2004 right after I had PS and was in a almost fatal car accident 2 wlks later. It took me taking 2 65mg tablest of FE per day to get it back up to normal.  Then, in 2006, my PS (boob lift and arm lift) had to be postponed due of my low iron count again. I still get my bloodwork done every 3-6 mos and its the only level that hovers around low.  I do ieat a ton of meat, so, it helps.
(deactivated member)
on 6/11/11 2:21 pm - Bayonne, NJ
One thing that they never tell RNY patients is that they don't absorb iron easily. Ferrous sulfate doesn't work for most people. Try switching to something like Vitalady's tender iron with C, or to the proferrin if you want to try it. Your levels will come up. I was able to turn myself around in about 6 months.
on 6/12/11 12:07 am - New York, NY
Thanks for the additional advice.  Ferrous Sulfate works just fine for me.  I take a double sometimes triple dosage bc I still have malabsorbtion issues.  While my pouch maybe stretched out to the size of a ballon, I still dump and malabsorb.  My toliet every morning is proof.

on 6/11/11 2:46 pm

Thanks so much for the info. I wrote Lisa Bee an email....

When i had the endoscopy, it was my anastomosis that was enlarged, the opening to the stomach. So I am a perfect candidate for the BOB, unless my actual pouch is stretched, then I will need a revision to the pouch. I will have 3 surgeons in the room, and they are conservative.....we shall see...I was wanting the ROSE or Stomafix (sp?), for the last two years, but they said no because there was not enough data. I feel as time goes on, I can eat a lot more.

Sounds like you are in good hands for your BOB. I'm so happy for you. Sounds like you have really educated yourself too!

You and I are 4 days away from each other in our dates. I'm the 27th.

Lets keep in nice to know someone going through the same thing....I'm kinda alone in all of this stuff.

Thanks for the support : )) 


on 6/12/11 12:05 am - New York, NY
Good Luck Samy, Please feel free to email me if you need anyting.  my email is [email protected].  Im on day 4 of liquids today in prep of the surgery. Im down 6 lbs.  My pre-surgery goal is 15-20lbs but that is a lofty goal, I'd be happy with 14-15lbs.  Im doing a 5K this week, so, hopefully, I can build on that. 

3 surgeons sounds great and safe.  You appear to be in good hands.

I hope you get what you want.

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