rny revision

mary repsher
on 6/1/11 9:38 am - Camp Lejeune, NC
On the 10th i am having a revision done... i had rny on aug 15, 2010.. Unfortunately i have had a few complications. Finally they discovered a fistula conectiing my new pouch to my old stomach. This fistula was large enough for the camera from the endoscopy to explore into my old stom ach. On top of that i have a large ulcer (the kind that has to be removed by surgery) that is right on my stoma.. my pouch and everything is swollen, painful, and just a mess... they  have tried waiting hoping the swelling would go down but no luck. So i guess they have to go in cut away the fistula... the stomach contents from old stomach and new pouch are swish swashing between the two... ( makes alot of acid.. i toss up almost all i eat) and then need to cutt away the bad part of pouch and move my stoma to another location on my pouch. ( were the food goes into intestines) they say i will be on a feeding tube for a few weeks.. just wondering if anyone else went threw this. Kinna would like to knorw what to expect.. i was told it was a long comdplicated s urgery.. However... i have lost over 100 pounds.. and would still have the surgery again...
on 6/1/11 10:08 pm
Wow, I am so sorry you are suffering......

I had my original surgery in 2001 - lost 100 lbs. Never got to my goal. On April 28, 2011 I had my revision.
What led me to a revision? Well, like you over time I developed complications. Fortunately, not to the severity of yours......However, I developed a hernia and lots of scar tissue....major chest pains and threw up alot. Never felt full.....Long story short my pouch had a mechanical failure......developed a extra limb.....causing food to over flow....causing puking, acid reflux, chest pain etc.......After 2 yrs of research, I found a surgeon who was able to fix me (so to speak lol)......I feel so blessed....like a new person and so will you! I thought I was going to wake with a feeding tube, however, I did not....From what I understand about it, it is a little tube connected to a port......not too painful and I do not think you can see it with clothing on. I think you will be fine with it. Ask your surgeon if this is mandatory. Let him know your concerns about it. He may opt not to do it. .... (just a thought)

So while I was not in the distress you are in....I did suffer for quite some time. But all is positive in the end......You will do great. Keep positive....and remember this is to help you feel better.....and get to your own personal goals....

Acceptance means that you can find the serenity within to let go of the past with its mistakes and regrets, move into the future with a new perspective, and appreciate the opportunity to take a second chance!

on 6/5/11 11:57 am - Templeton, MA
I am so sorry to read about your problems.  It is so unfair, but it will be just a memory soon.  My story is similar in many respects but not as complicated.  I had to have a revision done on May 9, 2011.  That was after having over two years of complication after complication.  I have a long history of ulcers, dehydration and PAIN. I had to become a "vegetarian under duress", as I called it.  It was too much pain if I tried to eat any meat!!  As time went on, I slowly couldn't eat much of anything because of the pain when I ate.  I had at least 10,000 (at least it seems like it) endoscopies that always showed the same ulcer.  Sometimes I had a lot of ulcers, but always the main one.  I even had to have an ERCP when I had bile backing up in the bile ducts.  The gallbladder should be taking care of that, if I had one!  To make a long story short, when my surgeon got in there he saw I had a lot more going on.  The ulcer had been there for so long and was not helped with any antacids that it had nearly eaten through the stomach lining.  Then he saw that my liver had attached itself to the stomach too.  I have no idea how that happens!!!  
Anyway, I am now starting all over again.  I had to be on only liquids for 3 weeks, now I am on soft foods.  All this to hope no new ulcer forms.  It better not, my doc had to take over six inches from my intestines and cut out a major portion of my pouch.  I now have a pouch that is the size of a "robin's egg", his words.  I can only have 2 ounces of anything before I get that too full feeling.  There are no more options, there are no more places to take from.
The point I am trying to make is, you are a very strong lady.  You must be, you have gotten through all the horrible complications and still would recommend others to have the procedure.  Please remember how much you have been through and how wonderful it will be when you are healed and you can again enjoy a life the healthy new lifestyle promises!! 
Best of luck to you.  If possible, let me know how you are.
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