Frustrated...Regained weight after Lapband
Thank you for your help and support!
BUT, it is NEVER too late to talk to your surgeon and make some decisions about your future. I think you will be surprised at how "understanding" our surgeons can be, especially with regards to the band. I bet you'll find that your surgeon is seeing a lot of failure regarding the band! Just take the first step and get yourself back to the loser's bench!!
Best of Luck to You!
Please don't feel bad, it has happened to thousand's of us. I had the lapband Nov. 2006 initially lost 30 lbs. and have gained it all back plus. I have had fills, unfills, tweeks, here and there with no success. This surgery isn't for everyone, including me. I see my surgeon on Monday.......I am having a revision.......from the band removal to the RNY. I have everything done.........research, and have attended different seminars. When I had the lapband done the surgeon I used only did lapband so I wasn't very educated as to my choices. My new surgeon explained the differences between all of the surgeries.......and it hit me like a ton of bricks..........I needed more than a lapband........that was only a restriction technique. So I stopped beating myself up and started to research other options. Now this Monday when I arrive in his office we can have a good consult.
Hang in there and go back to your surgeon and be honest with him. Good luck, o.k.
on 5/19/11 3:11 am