Anyone else changed from LAPBAND(2001) to REALIZE

(deactivated member)
on 5/18/11 5:50 pm
RNY on 04/23/13
My lap band has never worked the way it should.  It has been a system of constriction rather than restriction.  I rarely feel full unless I eat alot.  If the band if tight enough to restrict my food intake then it is too tight and I end up near aspirating/coughing and wheezing in the night with terrible reflux and vomting in my sleep.

I finally decided to get a second opinion (after my surgeon has told me since 2007 that the band is in perfect position).  the second surgeon took one look at those 2007 Barium Swallow Xrays and showed me where my stomach had herniated through my band and created a big pouch above the band!!

I am scheduled to have it removed and a new band put in (either straight away or 6 weeks later depending on the extent of scarring and adhesion of the mesh holding the band in place). The new band is a REALIZE which apparently has a wider balloon with more range of pressure whichi s harder to herniate above.

Has anyone had a revison like this and how different was the weight loss.  Admittedly I was nevet grossly overweight when I first had the band (BMI around 31) but I struggle to keep my BMI at around 28/29 and am on constant diet and excercise or I balloon!!  

Do you think this will make it easier ?

Thanks so much everyone!
on 5/19/11 12:21 am experience is very much like yours! I had the Inamed LapBand surgery in 10/04, lost about 80 lbs, then started having problems with the fills..either too tight or not tight enough..never hit that perfect spot! By 2009 I was having severe acid reflux and Dr suggested that the Band be removed and the RealizeBand in 02/09 He made the switch and did a repair on a haital hernia at the same forward 2 years.....the new Band just did not work for me and in fact I gained 30 lbs, so on 04/26/11, I had a revision from Band to RNY and so wish that I had done that two years ago!
I am three weeks post op now, and probably like you, was so against the bypass surgery, but I am already down 19 lbs and feel this will give you something to think about....whatever you decide to do...I wish you a safe journey on this road to good health.
LapBand: 10/2004
RealizeBand: 02/2009
Revision: LapBand/RNY 04/26/2011
(deactivated member)
on 5/19/11 3:46 am
If your first one cause so many problems and did not wor, why on earth would you get another one? It's pure madness if you ask me.
on 5/19/11 10:38 am - Vancouver, WA
Please consider a different type of surgery such as the sleeve instead of another band. Replacing a band that has caused damage RARELY ever works right and usually ends up requiring a revsion to a different surgery. Changing band types really won't make much difference because they still are basically the same and put the same pressure on the stomach. If you can't get good restriction with one type it's doubtful you will get it with a different type. I wish you good luck but I really think you would be happier and more successful with a completely different surgery. Best of luck on whatever your choice!
(deactivated member)
on 5/19/11 1:30 pm
RNY on 04/23/13
Thanks for the advice. I will not consider a bypass as it is not performed in my state and is really only considered for morbidly obese people. My BMI is around 29 at the moment so I really don't fit the criteria.

I am concered that if I did have the verticle sleeve (the only one I would consider) I would be at least 1.5 hour air flight away from the nearest surgeon.

From what I have read and from a friends experience the REALIZE has a larger volume of fill which results in a wider band of restriction with less pressure on the area it is put. This results in less reflux/gurgling at night.
Please dont get me wrong..I would love a sleeve or RnY but really I think it is an extreme measure for someone who is only 10kg overweight. My band has not been a terrible experience for me but it has been tricky.

thanks guys
on 5/20/11 11:47 am - Austin, TX
Hi Rani, I was in the same boat as you almost exactly!  My BMI was 32 when i had my first lapband in 2004 ish.  I lost all of my excess weight within 9 months and did great, but all of a sudden I had this crazy restriction, couldn't get down water, etc.  From then it was up and down with fills, never getting it right.  I had a revision to the AP band in 2007 (I'm not sure if that is the same as the Realize?).  I was so hopeful that the new band would work for me, as the original one had for awhile, but honestly things only got worse  My hiatal hernia returned.  I never had an actual slip, but had some prolapse (where my stomach came up over the band).  For the last 4 years, I have struggled endlessly with the band, vomiting daily, and gained back all but 15 lbs of my original loss - BMI back up to 29 or so. My brother and dad are bariatric surgeons (did you ever see Big Medicine?), and this was something we talked about over and over. Finally, I decided i needed to have that band taken out, but i refused to do it without an alternative.  So, here I am, 2 weeks post RNY.  Sometimes I feel like I might be the smallest person to ever have it, but I had the surgery to live a more "normal," healthy life, rather than lose 100 lbs.  I met with two surgeons (besides my family members), and both felt that it would be the best option for me.
I have to say, two weeks out, I feel pretty great!  It is awesome to not vomit every day, and to be losing weight, and not feel starving.  It was a long journey, and a ton of money (self-pay since insurance wouldn't cover since my BMI was too low), but now that I'm on the other side it is such a relief, and I can't wait for the future.   I am on mushy-foods now, and I ate some scrambled eggs - I could have NEVER had those with my finicky band! Anyway, just my two cents, I'd stay away from ANY band, especially if you've already had problems with one. My brother used to be a big lapband supporter, but now he does maybe 5% lapbands.
on 5/23/11 10:05 pm - TX
Hi Rani
I enjoyed Big Medicine and I wi**** was still on television. I had my Lap Band surgery in 2007 and like you things worked out very well for me, but after the first year it all stopped and went down hill for me. I maintained that weightloss from 2008 until June 2010 then weight gain started slowly. I lost 100 pounds and gained back 20 that I cannot lose. I developed more problems. 8 UGI's since 2009 till current. Band too tight band not tight enough. Reflux came back real bad, severe vomiting for weeks, the esophagus went from normal to mega sized. Pain when swallowing. I had my current UGI about a month ago, I seen my Dr. with x-rays in hand this time for seeing is believeing they say. He put the scans on the visual thing to read them and he jumped back and scared me and three other professionals that were in the same room. The esophagus was so large and reflux seen in it and it looked to be down lower but the seophagus narrowed out to 2-3mm not room for anything to go down. His office sent in the paperwork on May 11, 2011 and still waiting for an answer. It was coded as Mechanical failure of the band, and on last June 2010 UGI scan, it showed that I had a hiatle hernia,told this was the reason for all the problems, well if someone would ahve looked at the scans last year all of this could have been avoided through revision surgery. I have BC/BS Federal of Texas and so far it is going no place. They had the packet of information since May 11, and I was told it is still being reviewed, well I read that some people with the same insurance as I have and the same problems get approved a lot faster than I am. I have no fill in my Lap Band at all and been given a perscription of Phen what ever diet pills, well this is just not the way it is supposed to work. I am seeking revision to RNY and pray that it happens for me. I really wish I had the Davis team on my side, I really do.
Band to DS
on 5/20/11 1:35 pm, edited 2/4/12 3:13 am

Unfortunately, I had to delete this post due to privacy concerns.

Got a lap band in 2008. Tried hard, but didn't lose much weight & developed swallowing problems. Fought my insurance company for almost a year & finally had a band to DS revision on 5/11/12. Have now lost 125 pounds. Yay!

(deactivated member)
on 5/20/11 8:50 pm
RNY on 04/23/13
Thanks Shelli,

Yes you are right.  I suppose I am hoping to hear some positive stories.  My only real choice (due to my location and lack of surgeon options) is to keep my existing lap band or try a new band and I feel like I have nothing to lose.  I would ultimately like to have the vertical sleeve but for me it seems like a major option for a 'light weight'.  
Thanks for the tip regarding research...I use it often as I am a perpetual degree collector (and love uni) but I had never thought to actually look at real research. 

I am off to Cinahl now!

on 5/21/11 2:13 am
I personally wouldn't go with another band. There are a couple of VSG "lightweights" that revised at or close to goal on the VSG forum because another band wasn't worth the money, energy or time.

I can only comment on VSG after my revision, and can tell you that it's the best thing I ever did.

I whole-heartedly agree with Shelli to do independent research away from personal experiences, and to really think about doing another band regardless of the manufacturers. For me, I wasn't willing to risk another band failing on me, or struggling for the rest of my life with a band, fills/unfills, slips/more erosion etc. I just wanted it "fixed" and permanent. My 8 months with the lapband was enough for me. Best wishes in your research.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

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