Anybody revised from band to sleeve or bypass?

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/11 10:26 am
Hi there,

I just found out today that I *might* be able to get the revision to bypass or sleeve at the WC Bariatric Centre (near Vancouver BC)!  I am so excited! 

I just need to get a referral from my GP.  

For those of you who don't know, I had the realize band implanted back in 2007, start weight 282, got down to 248, then back up to 293 today. :(

My major problem, at all fill levels, has been the uncomfortable sensation of food being in my throat, and having to vomit quite frequently.  When I try to eat a protein (eggs, fish, meat, poultry) the first few bites just sit in my throat although i chew, chew, chew.  It's a frustrating process and I never have that sensation of being 'full' or 'satisfied' until I eat something that will slip through the band, like cereal, etc.  Hence the weight gain.

Everything hurts on me, my joints are horrible, I take painkillers and other meds just to deal with the pain of walking everyday.  

I have two small children to chase after daily and I'm just exhausted.

ANYWAYS, I was wondering if there are people here that have revised, and what was it like for you.  What are your long-term results?  Were you happy with your decision?  Can you eat properly and food does not get stuck?

Did any of you have any damage caused by the band?

Do you have reflux or any other problems associated with your surgery?

I'm thinking I have to have the sleeve as I have to take a ton of pills daily to treat depression.  Is this a correct assumption, or have people still been able to properly absorb their medications with a bypass?

Thank you ever so much for any information you can offer.

:) Robby

on 4/28/11 11:12 am
VSG on 04/04/12
Hi Robby...I'm in the same situation as you!  I'm working with my surgeon on revision and the process.  I get to a certain fill level and then I can't eat right...he said I may have something called disphasia (sp??) which is a narrow esophogus.  I'm having an endoscopy on Wednesday and we'll see what the reflux and vomitting have done over the months...I'm really hoping for some relief--from the weight to the throwing up.  I've never been perfect but I've followed the rules and I've done right and it just didn't work for me.  I hope to revise to the sleeve or bypass but like you, I'm undecided.  I just don't want to fail again!!  :(


Karin @)-;-'--
on 4/28/11 10:27 pm - Melbourne, Australia


I was originally Lapbanded back in 2001 and had a second band only 18 months after the first band due to a slip.  I then got through until 2007 after many years of vomiting and severe reflux so the surgeon revised me to a sleeve.  I was hopeful this would eliminate all the reflux & vomiting but alas it hasn't so here I am now after 4 years and now I am to have a bypass.  The biggest problem I am facing is that I have very high pressure in the gastric sleeve and this is what is causing all the vomiting & reflux.  I take so many reflux drugs it's not funny.  I'm terrified to say the least about having a bypass but now I'm left with very little option.  I wish I could just stay with my sleeve as it has allowed me to live a relatively normal life but I cannot continue with the high pressure that is the problem with my sleeve.  I have had every test conceivable to man to make sure there is nothing else that can be done.

I live in Australia so I'm not sure how different things are over here to you guys in the USA.


Cheers from Karin (in Oz)

LilySlim - (qEqi)

on 4/29/11 2:01 pm - Vancouver, WA
This is getting to be pretty common as 20% of bandsters are just like you. I haven't had a revision myself but many, many have revised from bands to sleeves and are very happy with them. They seem to work the way the band is supposed to but doesn't. You might visit the sleeve forum, they are very nice and will gladly answer any questions for you. Good luck to you!
Jody W.
on 4/30/11 5:09 am - Windsor, CT
Good Afternoon...
I also had a LapBand placed on 07/26/06 and I lost 95 pounds in the beginning and then ups and downs with fills and vomitting....
I went to see another surgeon because my original one seems to be 'band' friendly...
I went to see another surgeon that has given me the four options that he has...
*Remove the band- and try to lose the weight on my own ...YEAH NO WAY!!
*Remove the band and put in another ... Nope as I did not want the band in the first place
*Remove the band and do a sleeve ....
*Remove the band and do a bypass...

 I had a endoscopy last week ... he wanted to make sure that my stomach tissue was not damaged.....
Everything looks good... he says there is nothing wrong with the band....

I have a informational meeting on the DS tuesday night in NYC and I have a folllow-up with the new surgeon on wednesday... at this point it is my choice....

But I know one thing....

This BAND is coming OUT ASAP!!!

Good Luck... and make room because there is more of us that are going to be getting in that boat!!

Original LapBand Surgery - 07/26/06- DS Surgery - 08/16/2011

on 4/30/11 1:30 pm
Is the DS an option for you? Given that you have joint pain and take a lot of painkillers---what about anti-inflammatories/NSAIDs?---you might wantto re-think the RNY/gastric bypass. Because of the remnant stomach, NSAIDs are considered big no-nos with the RNY.

I hear that people with the RNY do sometimes have issues with food getting 'stuck'. This doesn't happen with the Sleeve or the DS, because those surgeries preserve the pylorus and all normal stomach function.

I had reflux problems prior to my DS, but I've had none in the seven+ years since surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 4/30/11 1:41 pm
Thanks all for your wonderful replies.

I think I am going to go with the sleeve due to medication issues.

Hopefully I won't have to take arthritis meds and painkillers after I lose some of this weight! It definitely did not hurt as much when I was down in the 240's.

Thanks again! Robby
Holly O.
on 5/1/11 7:41 am - FL
Hi!!  I am in the process of having a revision from the band that was put in 2006.........lost 30 lbs. gained it all back plus.  Iam going with the gastric bypass.  Everyone is different so please talk with your surgeon.  The best of luck to you!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/1/11 8:05 am
Thanks Holly! Best of luck to you!
Holly O.
on 5/1/11 12:30 pm - FL
Your welcome...........I learned a lot from my new surgeon.  Don't be afraid to ask questions .............if you don't understand ask again!!  In 2004 all Iknew about was the lapband............thereis more out there available to us.  One size does not fit all!! I know that now!!  Looking forward to having the RNY.  Take care
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