revision, Endogastric surgery
And Stomaphyx doesn't work - other that to transfer money from your pocket to that of your surgeon. After you stop the required 2 week liquid diet, the weight comes back.
How Sclerotherapy Works:
Sclerotherapy, in general terms, is a procedure that treats issues associated with blood vessels. It is an outpatient procedure available for gastric bypass patients who have a dilated (enlarged) opening in their pouch. The procedure may be helpful in preventing additional surgery and may assist the patient with continued optimal weight loss. It involves injecting an irritant around the opening from the pouch to the intestines. The body then reacts to the irritant by constricting (decreasing) the opening.
I have had the proceedure once already and need it again until the stoma has the correct restriction. For me, my pouch has stretched, so I am not sure how well this proceedure will work for me. I am not fat enough anymore to qualify for any other kind of revision... Terry