Band revision to Bypass... And I'm nervous!

on 4/20/11 3:07 am - Austin, TX

I've been away from the boards for awhile, but am back because I need the support.  I had a lapband in 2006, and a revision in 2008 to an AP band and had a hernia repaired.  My band was a Godsend for the first year, and I lost pretty much all of my excess wait - I was a lightweight to begin with, but I still lost about 50 lbs.

Since then, my band has been nothing but trouble, and it's the same as the stories I read on here every day.  A couple times a week, I can eat okay and actually feel satisfied, but the rest of the time, I vomit almost everything that I eat, unless it's yogurt, oatmeal, or crackers.  Things are totally unpredictable, and I'm sick of living this way.  I want to have a baby, but there's no way I would do so with this band in my body.  I've also gained back about 30 or 35 lbs from my lowest weight, which is so maddening - how can I gain weight and be hungry all the time when I can hardly eat?!

I met with Dr. Erik Wilson in Houston this week and had my EGD done. He found some small ulcers, a recurrent hiatal hernia, and some mild gastritis - nothing that would compromise a revision. My insurance will not cover a revision surgery, especially since my BMI is under 30, so I am going to cash pay - Ugh!  I was leaning toward the sleeve for the past few months, but after doing more research and talking to a few doctors, I think the bypass is my best option, especially since I never want to have another surgery again.  

i'm completely anxious and nervous about having such a "drastic" procedure done, but the band wasn't drastic and I've been totally miserable for several years now- I can't imagine anything being any worse than what I go through day to day now.  I am dreading surgery and recovery, but I know that it is necessary for me to get healthy and to be able to have kids in the future.  My biggest sadness is that everyone says I need to wait a year after bypass to get pregnant.  At 32, that scares me, but I know many people have kids later in life with no problem, and I'd rather be thin and healthy when I have kids so I can have all the energy I need.

So, that's my rant and ramble- just looking for support and other people who have been through revision surgeries, especially from band to bypass.  I feel like I've read so much, yet I still feel so unprepared! Hoping to get scheduled for May 6 - the sooner the better to get this band out of me!  

Also if anyone has any advice about medical financing, I'd appreciate it. I've applied for a few med loan places online. 

on 4/20/11 5:45 am - OH
I soooo feel your pain with the band! My story is similar in that eating with the band is only a few times a week and not the best food choices because you just try to get something to go down and stay down! I had a slip about 7 mns after my band was placed in 2008 and have struggled since that time. I am now revising and had originally planned on RNY, but since doing some research, I am talking to my surgeon about VSG now. There is so much to consider and think about and I hope you can navigate all the choices out there and make a good decision for yourself. Good's tough! But everyone on this board has been most helpful to me! I wish you smooth sailing!!
Holly O.
on 4/20/11 6:19 am - FL
I hear you!!  I had the lapband done Nov. 2/06 and did great..........lost 30 lbs.  The last couple of years I have had nothing but problem.......fills, unfills, tweeking....never hit that sweet spot!!  I am attending a 2 hour seminar (manditory) by my surgeon.  Then after I attend I will get to schedule my 1st consult with my surgeon.  I want the lapband removed and the revision to the RNY.  My insurance back i 2006 did not cover the lapbnd so I paid cash.  Here I am 4 1/2 yrs. later...........up to 235 lbs.  When I had the lapband I weighed 220.  My insurance covers the RNY blessed for a 2nd chance.  The lapband was a nightmare.can't wait to get it out of me!!
Zee Starrlite
on 4/20/11 7:00 am, edited 4/20/11 7:01 am
I was leaning toward the sleeve for the past few months, but after doing more research and talking to a few doctors, I think the bypass is my best option, especially since I never want to have another surgery again.  

I am curious for myself as I am needing a revision too.  Why do you think the sleeve may require another surgery down the road?  Also, I am curious what  your Dad and Bro think.

I am sorry you've been through so much.  Truly it sucks big time.  And I so know the feeling about wanting a baby and having to wait some time after this revision .  I am older than you .

Oh, and if you are have a true complication with the Band, your insurance will cover a revision no matter what your BMI is right now- if you have the type of insurance that covers WLS in the first place.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 4/20/11 7:27 am - Austin, TX

My dad, brother, and new surgeon all have mentioned that there may be a risk for "more serious" complications with the sleeve, especially when it is a revision rather than an initial surgery.  The pressure inside the stomach when it is stapled can lead to a leak, and if there is damage on the stomach from the band then it seems like the incidence of leak is higher.  They all said that although there are risks with a bypass, they tend to be less severe.

They also say that the bypass is "tried and true" - they have been doing them for so many years, with so much success, and the surgery has basically been "perfected" - it seems less risky.  The sleeve doesn't have many long term studies, so if for some reason it didn't work well in 10 years, I'd end up needing another surgery, like a bypass.   Because I'm young, my dad said he thought that the bypass would be a better option because they know it will last.  That being said, my dad does not want me to have the revision - he thinks I should have the band taken out and see what happens - but I am not willing to do that at all - I refuse to let my BMI go any higher than it is, and I know if i have the band removed, that is exactly what will happen.  It's just not worth it for my health.

My insurance company does cover WLS, but my BMI was not high enough during the first surgery for insurance to cover - only 32 - so I self paid for that.  Insurance will pay for band removal, but nothing else.

If anyone is looking into financing, I have been working with today and have really liked them - they are super informative and will basically apply for a credit card for you that has one year no interest.  It was a super easy process. 


Zee Starrlite
on 4/20/11 8:07 am
Thanks.  FYI, I've had my band out for 4mos. today (12/20/10) and unfilled since May 2010.  I have gained, gained, and gained some more despite trying not to.  It is wicked what happens when the Band is removed.  I swear, some of the weight gain just seems automatic.  For me, it seemed like I didn't even have a chance.  There is no way I could stay on a very low caloried diet and not get super hungry.  I've tried filling myself up on fruits and veggies and still try to and I still get hungry.  I exercise and seem only to get fatter.  It is devastating, really it is.  I hide from people now ... serious.

Hey, I am scared but I don't want this to be my life. 

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 4/21/11 6:07 am - Lake, MS
I will be having my revision from band to bypass Monday morning.  Soooo nervous but excited.  My insurance is covering it because I've had so much trouble with my band it has to go!  I feel your pain with the band.  Never know if my food is going to stay down or come back up!
HW: 274  PreOp Diet: 271  Surgery: APRIL 25, 2011   
LilySlim - (6Jve)
I love my new life!!!
on 4/23/11 8:14 am
I know just what you're going through. I've had the band for 2 years now, down 50lbs. For a year and a half I've been unfilled. They can't figure out why I still have SO much restriction with NO fill. I vomit all day everyday. I follow the rules to a "T". Somedays I can't even keep a few bites of scrambled eggs or yogert down. I'm so sick of living like this. I'm in the process of getting RNY approved. I'm scared of  a drastic surgery as well. I originally wanted RNY but changed my mind at last minute. (I'm a nurse and got too caught up with possible complications etc) Now I realize that ANY thing is better than living this way. My husband and I want to start trying for a baby (I'll be 30 in a few months) but I can't possibly get pregnant while I'm this sick with the band. But I also know if I have RNY done, I'll have to wait a year or so afterwards to get pregnant. So much to think about. I just want this band out of me!! I wish you the best of luck. Keep me posted! We'll get our bands out sooner or later and be healthier for it (and eventually pregnant =)
on 4/26/11 9:26 am - Austin, TX
Jaysgurl, you and i have a lot in common!  
My surgery is a week from Thursday - I can't believe it. I don't know why I am so worried - for some reason, the lifestyle changes with RNY seem huge, but the silly thing is that my lifestyle right now involves vomiting at least once a day, which is totally horrible.  I know that my lifestyle will improve just by eliminating the fact that i have to throw up after almost every meal, but I am still just scared!   I am postponing pregnancy, too, which makes me sad but I know it is what i need to do. I don't want to go through this while having a kid to take care of, and I can't imagine getting pregnant with all the crazy issues I have with my band every day anyway.  I only have about 40 lbs to lose, so I am hoping that if I get to my goal weight pretty quickly, I can start trying soon after that.  I am hoping for 9 months from now to be stabilized and start trying to have a baby - I'm 32, and it's something I've wanted forever!  I just want to fast forward to next week and get it over with so I can start on my new road and be thin and HEALTHY again! 
on 4/27/11 9:50 am
 I'm going through looking into a revision to RNY now.  I just went back to my surgeon and had a complete unfil. I've had nothing but problems for months now... I haven't lost and have actually gained. can't get a good restriction.  always in pain or uncomfortable.  I go for a Barium swallow in a little over a week then back to my surgeon to discuss the revision.  The NP said it shouldn't be a problem since I've so many issues and I have good insurance.   
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


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