Had my sleeve surgery Monday

Monday when I woke up there was more a feeling of having to hiccup and throw up which they said is normal.. I was very naucous all day I usually don't have any problem with anesthesia but I'll take it as a trade off for no gas pain...to me thats the worst because I cannot get comfortable...I really don't have any desire to eat but im missing my coffee....im doing as im told cause I want this to work but it will be a long 10 days cause I need 1/2 and 1/2...anyway I had some of my protien shake yesterday and I'll try more today I know I never get it all in even with the band you just do the best you can and listen to your body..I am going to get some bariatric vitamins this time I feel alot better so far with the sleeve then I did with the band ... Im so thankful I was given this opportunity and I know I will do much better then I did with the band ...Hope everyone has a great day :)