Got my Revision date--May 12th (VBG - RNY) !!!

on 3/10/11 10:32 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Hi everyone,

My name is Coreena & I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.

I had VBG vertical banded gastroplasty (stomach stapling) in 1991.  All was good and initially lost 90lbs.  My start weight was 245lbs and got to 155lbs in 5 months.

Up until 5 yrs ago I managed to keep off most of the weight, but started to have food stuck issues and had no choice but to start eating "sliders".  Naturally I started to regain up to 235lbs last summer.  I finally took control of the situation and started losing weight again by following the 5-day pouch test and rules last September.  It was very helpful and I lost 47 lbs by Christmas.  But that's when it all fell apart.  I had a bad episode with food stuck again, and with excessive vomiting, it caused my staples to come undone.

I met with my original surgeon on Wednesday and he discussed how I will need the revision to RNY, and I am really looking forward to this.  The surgery is scheduled for May 12th!!!!!!  I am lucky I caught this early.  I have managed to keep my weight in check and not gain, but it will be tricky for the next 2 months.  I've done so well for so long, and especially this past year working at relosing some new gain, so I definitely want the revision to keep going.  I am hovering at the 199lb mark today so I don't have a lot left to lose, but with this revision, I will finally get back to my goal.  I realize it is slower 2nd time around, (but I can lose weight rather quickly with the tool), that was until it broke and I don't have any restriction now. 

My surgeon said he expects me to lose 40+ lbs (and the first 20lbs in 6 wks post op).  ---That sounds FANTASTIC!!!!

I'll keep posting with updates and how I'm managing to keep the weight off before & after surgery.  It's an uphill battle but luckily it will be a short trip!  Today, I lost 1.2lbs on my own.

Has anyone had revision from VBG or similar to RNY recently?  I would love to hear how it feels with the difference between the 2 procedures.  I have a little "freedom" that food doesn't get stuck anymore and no vomiting, which was 2-3 times/week and definitely don't ever want that again!!!

Thanks for reading!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 3/12/11 6:21 am - Lake Park, GA

I had VGB in '98, that was revised to RNY on 11/8/2010.  I had gained all my weight back and a little extra when I had the revision.  I then lost 60 lbs on the physician supervised diet that Medicare required and have lost 72 lbs since the revision.  My surgeon said I am doing much better than alot of people who had a revision.

I have to remember to cut my food up into tiny pieces and to chew-chew-chew, or I may lose the food.  Since I've worked on that I don't really have any problems, unless I "forget".

The first surgery was done by a general surgeon who only did weight loss surgery every once in a while and I did not really have any education about the procedure and I did no research on it.  This time I went to a surgeon that does nothing but bariatric surgery and was given alot of education and I also done a lot of research on it myself.

I don't know if this reply helps any or not, but I do not regret having the revision from VBG to RNY at all.

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