Band Issues, Health Issues....Praying To The Revision Gods!!!!

Nikki C.
on 3/8/11 4:30 am - Gaithersburg, MD
I haven't been on these boards for close to a year.  I've struggled since day one with my WLS well. my band!!!  While I don't consider myself as having failed at this point, I do feel that I will NEVER EVER get between mine and my doctors goal weight of 140(his)-185(mine) with this band!!!!! 

Looking back I feel I had entirely too much weight to lose to be super successful with the band.  From my my start weight to my Drs goal weight  I was looking at a loss of 57% of my start weight.

I feel super dissapointed that I should have been advised to have a different surgery with that much weight to lose. 

I lost most of my weight in the first 6 months...I'm 18months out now and just fluctuate between a few lbs here and there. 

I've had horrible horrific reflux for the past 6 months.  I had it checked in September and all was fine no slips but the symptoms are worse and worse.  Due to job change and insurance  although I love my previous surgeron I cannot go back to him as he is out of network and I can't self pay.

I wanted to first consult with a new doctor about a possible revision either to VSG or RNY, depending on his assessment and my insurance but after about a week of unbearable burning reflux feeling like I've  needed a fire extinguisher for my esophagus and no amount of zantac or tums has really helped,  I've decided to make an appointment right away to find out what is going on. and I'm able to get in already on Thursday afternoon. 

I guess we'll tackle my problematic symptoms first before discussing any type of revision but I'm pretty sure I'll be on my way for a Fluroscopy or some kind of barium swallow to see what if anything is going on. 

I'm very nervous that he will take one look at me and want to keep pressing on managing this band (even if I do have a slip) instead of revising.  And then of course very worried I won't be approved insurance wise for a revision.  I'm more open to the sleeve than RNY but at this point I need the doctors to tell me what will best get me to goal or close to it.  I still have 100lbs to lose by the Drs goal and 55lbs on my end. 

I'm better off than where I was when I started - down from a size 26 to a 16.  I can wear xl tops and not 3x  & 4x.  I don't stick out like a big sore thumb and I am capable of doing normal everyday things much easier now but in light of all that, I am still discouraged and disappointed.

Those who will remember me from either the Band board or the MD board will most likely remember the struggles I have had along the way.  In addition to my band issues I also had a string of gall bladder issues and ER visits for months before they would take it out because I had no visible stones - instead it was filled with sludge that does not show up on one single test.

I am really hoping I have the opportunity to get on the right track and that I will find a Dr. willing to go to bat for a revision for me considering the amount of weight I still need to lose, the medical issues that still persist particulary major GERD issues.  And the fact that generally with my band I'm either too tight or just not at enough restriction. There has been ZERO conistency in how I can eat in 1.5 years.

I really do not know what I am up against here.  I've seen people get revisions so easily like it was nothing.  I can only hope to be so lucky!  Not sure what to expect but I know I will be getting nervous on my way over there.  I will post an update when I find out what the heck is happening!  Need to hope for the best outcome here all the way around!  



Gidget C.
on 3/8/11 8:58 am - Zebulon, NC

Sorry you are having so much trouble. I too had trouble with my band. I am in the process of revising to RNY now. Back in the program with my original surgeon. Unlike you my surgeon tried to get me to consider or reconsider going with RNY instead of the band but I thought I could do it on my own. I only have about 75 pounds to lose now but i am on an upward trend so I'm catching it before I get back to my high weight. My band hasn't worked at all for me because it is interacting with my vagas nerve and I can't get any adjustments without syncopy or passing out. I hope that everything works out for you. If you still have that much to lose you should be a good candidate for a revision. Don't let the doctor push you around when it comes to your own health. If you feel that a revision to a different surgery is right for you find a surgeon that will follow your lead.

Just don't give up. It is all possible if you keep moving forward.

on 3/8/11 1:37 pm - evans, GA
 My doctor advised me from the get go that he recommended for me to have the the bypass because I had 200 lbs to lose at the the time, but I was too scared at that time, and he told me it was my decision, so I went with the lap band, I lost the first 5 or 6 months and dropped 86lbs, then after that it became real slow and I never got in the green zone.  I'm glad i had the band I went from a size 34 to a 24 and dropped 10 sizes. But still had over a 100 lbs I still wanted to lose. In septemeber of 2010 I started staying sick, and finally my doctor took almost all my fluid out. I finally got approved on Feb 16, and was revised to the bypass on Feb 28, 2011. I'm about a week and a day out and doing good, and lost 12 lbs already. Just make sure you have the right protein ordered before you have your surgery lol. My friends that had this already were a lifesaver giving me samples and stuff, and finally my unjury came in yesterday lol. I hope everything goes well for you Thursday and you get to feeling better!!
on 3/8/11 10:42 pm - Seacoast, NH
I suffered and struggled for two years with my lapband.  It ended up giving me horrible reflux after a year.  My surgeon offered me a revision to RNY and I took him him up on his offer.  Best  thing I ever did!  I can now eat like a normal person...meats, salads, veggies, etc.  When I had the lapband I was existing on yogurt, ice cream, shakes, and cereal.  I couldn't eat meat at all as it always got stuck no matter how much I chewed.
Good Luck!




Revision June 9, 2008
Lapband to RNY
117 lbs. lost as of 09-08-10
Dr. David B. Lautz~~~~~Simply the Best!
Brigham & Women's Hospital

Boston, Massachusetts




Nikki C.
on 3/8/11 11:44 pm - Gaithersburg, MD
We I hope my new Dr. is realistic.  I am very limited on things I can eat which I know isn't helping me with long term weight loss.  So I either eat sliders so I can actually eat or if I attempt things like meat and salad they have to be really wet in a dressing or sauce which isn't really a good alternative. 

I've jotted down a few notes to take with me to discuss. 

Those who have had the band removed and revised what tests did you have done inititally,  Fluro, barium swallow?  Other Xray?

I just don't know what to expect here and my anxiety is really starting to increase.  I don't want to get my hopes up is what it really comes down to!



on 3/8/11 6:12 am - Vancouver, WA
No great words of wisdom just a  and sorry you are having all this trouble. I constantly try to warn folks with a high BMI to avoid the band but the die hard supporters insist it will work if you follow the rules. Nope not true in most cases, now I have the utmost respect for the few vets that lost hundreds of pounds but most of the time it just doesn't work. Myself if I could revise I'd go for the sleeve but that's my choice. Just study all the other surgeries and pick what you know will work for you, don't let a surgeon push you into one you aren't comfy with. Best of luck to you!!
on 3/14/11 4:04 am - West Deptford, NJ
Revision on 05/19/09 with

I, too, had the exact same issues you are having with my band.  Got my band in Oct 2006 and did quite well - lost 70 lbs the first year.  By Jan 2009 my reflux was outta control!  I couldn't eat any solid proteins.  The only food that would go down was "crunchies" - chips, crackers, etc.  I was existing on peanut butter crackers and my weight started sliding up.  I would wake up in the middle of the night choking from regurgitation.  My doc sent me for an endoscopy - showed that the band was OK, but the reflux was definitely there and I had a small hiatal hernia.  I really tried to work the band - fills, unfills - but to no avail. 

The reason I got the band in the first place was because I was afraid of RNY - didn't want my "plumbing" messed with.  So, when my doc and I discussed my options, I wanted the sleeve.  My insurance company at the time wasn't covering the sleeve but my doc wrote a letter and we gave it a shot.  Aetna denied the sleeve, but said they would cover the band removal and a revision to RNY.  I went with it.  The approval didn't take long at all.  So, in May 2009 I had my band removed, hiatal hernia repaired, and a RNY done.  Now, in retrospect, I'm so sorry I didn't do it the first time around.  I love my RNY!!   My initial weight loss with the band was 70 lbs.  I gained back 20 while fighting with my band.  With RNY I lost those 20 plus an additional 20 for a total of 90 lbs. off and I am now in a normal BMI range (just barely, but I'm there).  I try not to be a band basher, it worked well for me for almost 2 years.  But when it starts becoming a problem, get it out.  It's not worth it and there are other options. 

Wishing you the best!

Nikki C.
on 3/14/11 4:45 am - Gaithersburg, MD
Wow Debbie,

when I read that chips and crackers and pretzels are sliders for many bandsters I just raise an eyebrow lol.  I cannot eat any of those things well with my band.  My only true sliders are liquids and any frozen that melts or anything that dissolves in the mouth like a cheese puff or something of that conisistency. 

They too are looking for a hernia, slip, erosion etc.  I should know in the next two weeks.

I'm already in the past few days since being unfilled last week not happy with my hunger and fullness (because I'm not).   ( I posted another thread about the outcome from my appointment).

Just wondering,  because your band was fine, on what grounds did they approve the revision?



on 3/14/11 6:20 am - PA

I just recently went thru the problems and complete unfill...up to my revision in december.  I got my band 9/11/08.  I initially lost 35lbs the first year-- having issues with thick saliva, pain in my left shoulder, and food not going down.  Then it just got worse around june 2010.  So I went in for an upper GI and that is when they seen what we thought was a slip... when I drank the liquid it looked like my stomach just flopped over the band... which is what was causing me all my pain.  We did a complete unfill and found out after more review that it was a hiatal hernia that had gotten larger and was flopping over the band.   We decided to wait two months and try to put fill back in but I was still having pains... so we decided to to a revision to the RNY... I scheduled an upper endoscopy for early october and the initial request for revision was sent to insurance and denied due to lack of proof of a problem with the band.  My endoscopy came back showing inflamation of the esophogus (esophagitis) so they re-submitted and I was approved (it took about a month for them to decide).  I had my band removed and a revision done all in one surgery and they re-used most of my band incisions so I wouldn't have 2x the scars.  Now that I am 3 months out and 35lbs down from surgery day I can tell you that it was the best decision I have ever made... I even wish that I had orginally done a RNY.  I have no more heartburn, no problems eating any foods, I have dumpped on a sugar+fat food, but I am ok with that because it keeps me from eating the wrong things.  I was in hospital for 2 nights and I was only out of work for 2 weeks.... and didn't even use 1/2 of my bottle of roxicet.  (i used it more to sleep then for pain).  

good luck with your journey and feel free to ask any questions... 
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