How far out were you

on 2/28/11 2:02 am
From the original surgery when you began to pursue revision? I had a sleeve 3/10/10, haven't lost a thing since early October and am thinking I may need to move on to a DS to get to goal.
Just trying to get some information so I can decide when to start down that path.
on 2/28/11 10:13 am - GA
I am in the process of seeking a lapband to vsg revision. It is cases like yours that make me wonder if I should go rny. Could you please tell me why you think your weight loss has stalled out? I know with my band it was either too tight or too loose, no in between. When it is too loose I gain rapidly, too tight only constant throwing up. I've never had that feeling of being able to eat a good small protein meal and then feel restriction. ONly throwing up fairly quickly, more like obstruction with my band.

I'm so worried the vsg will do the same for me. Im at 224 and would like to be 150. Do you think your restriction is much less now or perhaps that you are eating around the sleeve with sweets and carbs the way alot of bandsters do that are too tight?

Any input would be appreciated and I wish you the very best in figuring it all out! I'm beginning to wonder what the best answer actually is for all us extremely metabolically resistant wls patients.

on 2/28/11 10:20 am
I don't know why, big mystery. I am not eating around my surgery, rarely cheat, eat 800 - 1,000 calories, eat only complex carbs, work out at least 3 days per week. I think it could be metabolic, I don't really know. I am going to do a Bod Pod session and see what that has to say. My personal trainer said maybe I need to eat more calories, around 1200. Get too much conflicting advice.
on 2/28/11 9:15 pm - GA
Yes, I agree. What is a Bod Pod session?

I think we are under estimate the power of our genetics and I also think that since WLS have gotten so popular doctors are now understanding more about the extreme power of combating genetics. Its like trying to change eye color, right?

I think there are 2 types of obese people in this world with 2 different sets of problems. Those that were obese for no apparant reason, example starting at age 3 and throughout childhood, and those they were skinny minnies and just gained loads after marriage, children, college, and adulthood through lifestyle changes and pigging out.

I happen to fall in category 1. I teach elementary school so I get to see all the little mirror image midgets running around with their parents in the hall.....genetics are a powerful thing. I do think that after understanding that I went 1.5 yrs on only 600 calories per day and still weighed around 200 lbs proves my genetic typing theory. If I increased my calories because of all the folks that want to claim the "starvation theory"...... I gained. Trust me the starvation theory does not apply to my body.

All that being said, we still have to play the hand of cards we are dealt in life so, I think your only choice is to stay the course with good protein choices and continue exercising. Do the very best you can and be happy with each little lb. that comes off!
on 3/5/11 4:07 am
Look into the DS. It really DOES deal with our genetic propensity for obesity---something in the way the gut is re-arranged changes our basic metabolism.
on 2/28/11 9:20 pm - GA
I also meant to ask if you know for sure that you are not getting in liquid calories or other sweet carbs...that really hurt me when I was starving with a too tight band.
on 3/1/11 9:24 pm - Morrisville, PA
I have my surgery date of April 12th from the band to VSG.  I'm also wondering if I should have RNY.  I keep going back and forth with everything.  My doctor said with the VSG I will lose about 70 pounds...I'm 110 pounds overweight!  Also, he said that he will really make his decision when I'm on the table and the amount of scar tissue there is.  I have my preoperative appt on March 21 and I going seek help with this decision then.  The RNY has the highest regain rate which is not good too. I just don't know what to do. 
            No longer a slave to hunger!                        
on 3/2/11 10:54 am
I don't think the RNY has the highest regain, I think that is the band.  As far as the VSG there isn't enough long term data to know but at the moment it looks to be comparable to the RNY without the malabsorption.  If you are looking for the big guns as far as lowest incidence of regain then you should look into the DS.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 3/5/11 4:09 am
Your surgeon also does the DS, doesn't he? Have you researched it? You really should, before you go under the knife again. The DS has the very BEST long-term, maintained weight loss, AND preserves the pylorus and all normal stomach function.
on 3/1/11 12:16 am, edited 3/1/11 12:17 am
No, I only drink water, decaf coffee and zero calorie flavored drinks like Sobe and vitamin water.
The only carbs are complex carbs from oatmeal, fruits and veggies and occasionally whole grain bread. No added sugar to anything.
The Bodpod uses Air Displacement Plethysmography for determining percent fat and fat-free mass in adults and children. The simple, 5-minute test consists of measuring the subject's mass (weight) using a very accurate electronic scale, and volume, which is determined by sitting inside the BOD POD chamber. From these two measurements, the subject's body composition is calculated. Once the subject's mass and volume are determined, body density is calculated and the relative proportions of fat and fat-free mass are determined.
Basically a more accurate way of determining exactly what my base metabolic rate is and base caloric needs to just exist so you then know how to adjust diet rather than stabbing in the dark. I will also know how much muscle mass vs fat I have in my body.

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