From Band to Bypass???

on 1/24/11 2:35 pm - Bridgeport, TX
I am currently waiting approval from my insurance company to have this revision done but I am like everyone else scared it wont work because the band did me no justice at all except make me vomit all the time.. Can anyone share there stories with me on this type of revision. The doc I am using does do this laprospically, So I want to know what is the big difference in this then the lapband procedure? Is the pain relaticley the same just a bit more intense or what?


on 1/24/11 6:35 pm

I had lap band to RNY revision on October 8,2010.  So glad I did the revision.  The reason the bypass works is that you have restriction from the beginning and you have the malabsorption of calories.

I eat small meals and feel satisfied.  Did not feel satisfied very much with the band.  As far as the surgery goes. Mine was probable a little over 2 hours.  I woke up in the recovery room telling the nurses if they would give me duct tape I would tape the woman's mouth up.  Needless to say i went to my  room pretty quick.  Was wide awake most of day of surgery. Morphine keeps me awake.  I walked as soon as I could and walked the halls a lot.  Pain was probable a little worse than lap band but not much.  My dr only cut me one time so he had to maneuver a lot of muscles.  Most surgeons I think may cut 1 time to remove the band and port and another time to do the bypass



Charlene B.
on 1/25/11 2:17 am - PA
Hi Tamara,
I hope all is well. I am having my lapband removed and going to have RNY done at the same time. If you do not mind me asking how long did you have y ou lapband for?  I worry about the scar tissue from the band and if that will cause an issue with my having RNY sone.
on 1/25/11 2:41 am
I had my lap band on 1/22/2009.  So almost 2 years.  I had minimal scar tissue.  Does your insurance cover the sleeve??  Sometimes if there is too much scar tissue they will do the sleeve.



Charlene B.
on 1/26/11 12:25 am - PA
I would say yes about the insurance and the sleeve. But my doctor is the one that feels RYN would be the best for me. Maybe he will change his mind once he is in there working. thanks for the info.
on 1/25/11 7:48 am
I am currently debating a revision from band to bypass. I have had my band for 3 years as of 3/19. I lost and have kept off 45lbs. I am currently 212lbs and 5'3"... far from where I wished I would be 3 years ago when I got the band:( I have has problems with being "stuck" way too often.. I keep getting unfilled a little at a time, but that just increases my hunger issues that I've always struggled with and hoped would go away with the band and eating less. I am sad, mad, frustrated, and ready move on.
I'm curious about a couple things... Why do people throw up after bypass?? I understand it with the band, things get "stuck" because of the restriction, but a few people I know with gb say they will throw up if they eat certain things? I am OVER throwing up!.. I've heard that hunger goes away? I am SERIOUSLY over being hungry.. Do you feel satisfied between meals? Also, how long do you need to be out of work after the revision?
I have another follow up with the surgeon in 3 weeks. I am going to tell him that I want to try something different. I have had quite a go around with this band, and I am so ready to get the show on the road!
Thanks in advance for hearing me out and for your replies!
on 1/25/11 9:10 am
The main reason I think that people with the bypass throw up is they eat too fast, they eat too much.  I do feel satisfied with my meals. Most of the time I eat small 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup food and am satisfied, sometimes full which hurts. 

I was out of work for 2 weeks with my revision.


on 1/25/11 12:33 pm
I chose the sleeve since the pouch with the band pretty much sucked the life out of me. Having a normal, fully-functioning stomach really made a huge difference. I've never puked with the sleeve except once or twice and it's never been puking like what I had with the band. It was that "one last bite" and that's all that came up was that one last bite.

I lost 138lbs in 10.5 months with VSG and haven't had any of the complications that I had with the band.

My revision with the sleeve was less painful than my band surgery with the exception of pretty severe tenderness and pain where they removed my port.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 1/25/11 3:04 pm - Bridgeport, TX
Thanks everyone so much for all your imput its really appreciated.. Can anyone tell me exactly what does the sleeve do rather than just make ur stomach smaller? The reason I was so dead set on GB is because of the way it bypasses most of your calories? I am jsut so afraid that something else wont work since I had no luck with the lap-band.
on 1/25/11 9:16 pm
Totally off-topic, but I just noticed you were from Bridgeport, I grew up in Poolville, and my family still lives there ! ! !  So, hiya neighbor ;)

The sleeve is purely restrictive. The lack of hunger really did help me succeed and continue to maintain.

For me, the adaptation process of bypass, really was a big negative. I kept thinking what will I do once my body adjusts and starts absorbing calories and fat again? For me, yes, 2 years of malabsorption is a huge plus, but I was going to have to rely on restriction after that, so why go through the malabsorption of vitamins/nutrients, and other complications that I read on here from RNY long term.  Why not just go with a restrictive procedure from the beginning, and not worry about the other stuff I had read and witnessed time after time.

I'm not sure if it was a coincidence, or just timing, but when I was researching revisions. There was post after post about RNY patients seeking revisions to DS or ERNY, or pouch/stoma repair from their 3-8 year old RNY. I had already had one WLS fail, and I worked the **** out of my band. I did everything you are supposed to do. I could not blame myself for my band issues. It caused more damage to my stomach than I care to really acknowledge. Not to mention all the food restrictions, and sliming, puking on water some days, and not being able to eat a decent diet because of pain.

VSG worked just like the band is marketed to work. I just wasn't willing to live with a pouch again. I wanted normalcy, and I found it with VSG.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

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