OK, I've been doing research, i live in Mi and don't want to travel...

on 1/9/11 3:30 am - Mexico
On January 9, 2011 at 10:48 AM Pacific Time, Seeking Healthy wrote:
I have had some experience with one of Husted's offices in the past and that is ALL I am going to say about that other then it was not in his favor.  

I did not mean to imply that Husted did not inform his patients what they were getting.  Only that he may recommend leaving the pouch intact and converting the intestinal portion.  To me this is the BPD or ERNY but either way similar outcome and dangerous.  I wish I would have saved the threads… where there have been patients who posted on the DS forum about getting exactly that out of Husted and being discouraged about not getting the DS.    AGAIN…  I am not suggesting that he is NOT SKILLED.

Without betraying confidences I also know of a person who was contacted by said doctor asking her to be his advocate on these forums.  Of course I question that type of behavior from any doctor just like you did with your "ms bubbly person who no longer posts".  Now if he was your surgeon and you have a high respect for him and can speak of your experience with him  as a surgeon that is one thing.  But I do question anyone who comes on here and advocates for a specific surgeon without having personal experience with him while very seldom recommending or at least putting out there all possible potentially skilled surgeons.  

Regardless of which surgeon can "do more types" is irrelevant in my case.  I only was looking for a surgeon who specialized in RNY to DS revisions period.  Having more knowledge in different types of procedures does not necessarily make you a better cutter.  Hence why there are many surgical professions that only perform one type of procedure.  They don't need to be the best at all types but have a established skill set in a focused area.

Why are you always so defensive about Husted and only Husted?  And this is just a question out of curiosity rather then judgment as I don't believe he was your surgeon was he? 

I am getting to the point that I am defensive about Husted and only on this board.  I have written all four doctors names to people hundreds of times and again just in email to someone this morning. I am going to go to bat for ANY surgeon that is skilled, capable, and being lied about to sway people to another doctor.

You have to admit, you did write this:

~~Dr. K does these routinely and will never recommend revising to a Distal/ERNY as Dr. Husted has been doing more and more.~~

And it's flat out not true.  He doesn't suggest this and hasn't done one in over 10 years.  If he hasn't done one in over 10 years, why are you posting that he's doing more and more?  Where are you getting your information?

If I had bypass (and I wouldn't) and wanted to revise to DS there isn't a chance in the world I would dream of keeping a pouch and stoma.  It wouldn't happen and if I went to any surgeon that insisted on keeping a pouch/stoma, I wouldn't go to that doctor.  I've only (personally) seen one person posting that went to Husted and left her pouch/stoma intact and that is the way she wanted it, she had no problem with it.  Everyone else on the boards had a problem with it but the patient didn't so who cares what she had done?  If someone doesn't want the added risk of taking it down, they have the right.  It wouldn't be my cup of tea but I don't have a say in that, it's her body and she can take the risks she wants and leave the rest.

I agree with you about Husted's staff.  I was totally not impressed and told him so.  Those people are apparently not there anymore.

I don't know about someone being contacted to pose as an advocate but you know what?  Even if he did who could blame him?  I too, would want someone correcting the misinformation and flat out lies in some cases.  The revision boards are full of wrong information about him and Ms. Annoyingly Perky was one of the biggest offenders of wrong information and swaying people to Dr. K.  That's not right to attempt to harm a person's rep for the almighty dollar.  I totally admit, I question why the majority of inaccurate info comes from one doctor's patients.  It does seem a little weird.  I don't see a lot of Greenbaum's patients posting inaccurate info about other doctors and encouraging everyone to go to Greenbaum.  I see it rarely from Rabkins patients.  I see it repeatedly from Dr. K patients.  After time it starts to make you scratch your head and read posts with a raised eyebrow wondering what the heck is going on.

Look, I'm the queen of standing up from the rooftops and encouraging everyone to post good and bad about their experiences.  I beg people to research their doctors, I even have a blog to show newbies what to do and how to do it.  But I don't agree with inferring someone does harmful things to patients (ERNY) when it's just darn well not true.  He most certainly is not doing ERNY and hasn't in over 10 years.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/11 4:00 am
on 1/9/11 4:25 am - Mexico
On January 9, 2011 at 12:00 PM Pacific Time, Seeking Healthy wrote:
 I will admit I am a fan of Dr. K….  this stemmed from him being my surgeon and "fixing" the mess I was in as well as him continuing to support me thru my issues.  He is an awesome doctor and a very skilled surgeon.  This is the only place it stemmed from and I will support and recommend him if asked.  I recommend other doctors as well but of course I am a little impartial to Keshishian.

 Be careful that you are not just transferring "Ms Perky's" practices to all of Dr. K's patients and think we practice the same.  The people I have seen posting about Dr. K seemed to have been genuinely doing it from their own experiences with him rather then selling him so to say.  I also see it in Rabkins, Gagners, Greenbaums, Elariny, Kemmeter, smith  patients etc…  I think you get my drift.  If a person has a good experience of course they are going to recommend said doctor. 

Yes, I admit I wrote that…..  that stemmed from other posts where I have read that he (as well as greenbaum now) had been suggesting that more.  While it should be an option and everyone has their right to choose….but because of MY EXPERIENCE with it I cringe when I see it….  I would not want my worse enemy to be exposed to this.  I see people post that say well I have the DS but the surgeon left my RNY pouch intact…  This is not the "true" DS and why are the posters not aware of this?  Why are they thinking they have the DS?  Irregardless if it is medically necessary or not.  I get it that sometimes a pouch can't be taken down for medical reasons but the patient should be informed of their anatomical make up and what it really means.  BPD or ERNY so perhaps I worded that wrong but statistics say both can be troublesome.

I asked you about your defense for Husted as I have seen posts on the "complications" or was it the "regrets" forum where you have been recommending Husted so it just made me question that's all.   "The scratching the head type thing…"  So I am sure you can see where if I have a piece of info on advocates and then I see posts recommending only him and hear  "I called him on a sunday morning…"  well.. you know sometimes 2 + 2 does not = 4.   Seeing it in writing does not always capture all the cir****tances or details you are trying to relay and of course you are dealing with forums that are based off of peoples experiences.  Someone can write something and the reader often takes it a different way then what it was meant.   
If someone needs a mega skilled surgeon I absolutely do suggest Husted depending on their location.  If someone is in AZ and they need someone of his expertise, of course I will suggest him over traveling to another state which, btw... is exactly what Ms. Perky was suggesting people who live in Phoenix do for virgin DSes.

I clearly don't have a problem with someone telling of their own personal experiences, I do have a problem with people lying about Husted to sway someone to Dr. K.  That's just not right.  Do you know MsPerky actually told people Husted is not a revision surgeon and has never done a bypass to DS revision?  There was one person that she suggested they self pay to go to Dr. K when ins would have covered it locally with Husted.  Another it would have been out of network to go to Dr. K and a lot more money vs. having it done locally again... with Husted.  He's really the only revision and DS surgeon in AZ.  Well, the only one I would go to.

I do like Dr. Husted, I think he's a skilled surgeon, I believe he sincerely cares about his patients. He is very sweet and soooooo not arrogant.  As a nurse that is something that stands out to me. He will be operating on two of my friends.  A bypass to DS and a band to DS or possibly Vergito. I don't think she's decided yet.  If I still lived in the US and had major regain and wanted a revision, I'd likely go to him myself if it was a surgery type my own surgeon didn't do.

I just don't like the misinformation, inferring people get a hack job, or that he does dangerous procedures that he doesn't.  It's not right.  People deserve truthful info so they can make the right decision for them.

So no, it's not that people post about positive experiences I have a problem with.  It's posting untrue info about one surgeon to sway them to another.  It's just not ethical.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/11 4:38 am
on 1/9/11 5:11 am - Mexico
On January 9, 2011 at 12:38 PM Pacific Time, Seeking Healthy wrote:
What's vergito?  I have heard a little about it, but very little.  Is it practiced much or just really new to the market?  Seems I heard of it a year or two ago but not much since.
It's a very interesting option.  It is something that if I ever did want to go through another surgery and needed another surgery, I might go for this one.  I believe there are only two doctors performing it, Husted and a guy in Brazil that I do not recall his name.


Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/7/11 2:13 pm - Taylor , MI
Hi, Carly, I live in Michigan and I had a revision from a RNY to BPD/DS, this is where I still have my pouch, but my intestines were re-routed to the DS; I had the option to do the full DS switch but my pouch and stoma were not damaged and still supplying good restriction, so I decided to keep my pouch. But Dr. Lutrzkowski did my surgery he is WONDERFUL...His office is in Bloomfield Hills, Mi. I had my surgery Feb. 2, 2010, and I have loss 110 pounds, if you need more information I will be glad to talk with you more. I will send you my phone number via PM(private message), call me if you want. Oh and Dr. K was one of his students, so he is more than qualified. God Bless..
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/11 6:06 am - San Jose, CA
Sorry, but you do NOT have a "BPD/DS" -- you either have some weird version of a BPD (assuming your pouch stretched to the size of a BPD, but it would still not be made of the same portions of the stomach as a true BPD), or more likely a distal RNY or ERNY.  Please don't say you have a DS or BPD/DS -- you don't.
(deactivated member)
on 1/8/11 11:48 pm
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/11 6:46 am, edited 1/15/11 6:36 am - San Jose, CA
BubbleButt has her head up her bubblebutt if she thinks Husted is not recommending the ERNY in some cases (do I need to say "apparently" here? I think he says so explicitly in the linked threads).  I guess (i.e., this is my OPINION) he has managed to find himself another nursie/groupie like he always attracts (in my opinion, of course - and there are many people who've come to the same opinion about certain female co-workers and patients who have posted here on OH touting his practice -- many of those posts have been deleted, but some live on in archives).
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/4098880/BPD-DS-ER NY-Confusion/
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/4194663/Rabkin-Keshishi an-Husted-Greenbaun-LONG/

Greenbaum has had problems with his revisions lately -- he too is pushing the ERNY:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/4240909/Dr-Greenbaum-no -longer-doing-open-DS-revisions/
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/4245661/dr-greenb aum-will-not-do-my-revision-to-ds/

As far as I'm concerned (do I really need to state that this means IN MY OPINION, OF COURSE?), the ONLY RNY to DS revision surgeons I would use (i.e., MY OPINION, OF COURSE) for now are Rabkin and Keshishian.  Maybe Gagner in Montreal, but he has been pretty unstable in his location and accessiblity for several years now as well. 

BB said "It is Rabkin that I'm seeing that people are posting he wants them to have ERNY.  I can only assume there is a reason due to surgical anatomy?  I don't know."  Damned straight she doesn't know -- once again, she doesn't know WTF she's talking about.  Rabkin is not recommending ERNY!  BB -- you're either an idiot, an asshole or an out-and-out liar, and Husted promoter as well.  How much is he paying you?  Or is his employer paying you?  Or what other remuneration are you getting from his office to promote him and denigrate the TRUE RNY to DS surgeons? [These are QUESTIONS, and legitimate ones at that -- and have not been answered.  They express my OPINION about why this person is suddenly, and out of the blue, making posts directing people to Husted's -- and thus Gitt's -- practice, when she is not a patient of his.  Unless of course, she is now contemplating yet another revision, perhaps to a DS??]

Edited to add clarification about information that I have been told by others and statements that are my opinion, and that any prospective patient should check this out for themselves.  I assume this satisfies any issue that Gitt/Husted might have with this posting. 

on 1/10/11 11:09 am - Mexico
On January 9, 2011 at 2:46 PM Pacific Time, DianaCox wrote:
BubbleButt has her head up her bubblebutt if she thinks Husted is not recommending the ERNY in some cases.  I guess he has managed to find himself another nursie/groupie like he always attracts.
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/4098880/BPD-DS-ER NY-Confusion/
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/4194663/Rabkin-Keshishi an-Husted-Greenbaun-LONG/

Greenbaum has had problems with his revisions lately -- he too is pushing the ERNY:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/4240909/Dr-Greenbaum-no -longer-doing-open-DS-revisions/
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/4245661/dr-greenb aum-will-not-do-my-revision-to-ds/

As far as I'm concerned, the ONLY RNY to DS revision surgeons I would use for now are Rabkin and Keshishian.  Maybe Gagner in Montreal, but he has been pretty unstable in his location and accessiblity for several years now as well. 

BB said "It is Rabkin that I'm seeing that people are posting he wants them to have ERNY.  I can only assume there is a reason due to surgical anatomy?  I don't know."  Damned straight she doesn't know -- once again, she doesn't know WTF she's talking about.  Rabkin is not recommending ERNY!  BB -- you're either an idiot, an asshole or an out-and-out liar, and Husted promoter as well.  How much is he paying you?  Or is his employer paying you?  Or what other remuneration are you getting from his office to promote him and denigrate the TRUE RNY to DS surgeons?
No, Diana... you haven't proven a bloody thing.   You are just being a ***** again. :o/

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
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