Need advice on getting a DS revision to my RNY

on 12/30/10 10:20 am

In 2003 I flew to Palo Alto, CA and had the RNY procedure.  I was 236 lbs at the time.  My weight loss was gradual, but I eventually got down to 165 lbs.  I got pregnant in the Fall of 2005, and did great throughout my pregnancy, managing to keep my weight under control.  After having my son, I lost almost all baby weight within a few months.  I maintained at about 175 for a year, but slowly started to gain weigth back starting in 2007.  I am now 7 years out from my surgery and my weight is at 212 lbs.  I am frustrated beyond belief!  I have gone to the gym on a fairly regular basis, worked out on my eliptical at home, and I try very hard to watch what I eat.  Everytime I go to the doctor, she says that my back problems and knee and ankle issues would resolve themselves if I would just lose weight.  I am not going to even begin to say that I don't occasionally eat things that aren't the best, or that I exercise religiously 5 times a week.  As it stands now, I am so tired all the time, and my back hurts to the point that it's difficult to even walk, let alone work out.  I need help!  I know that and my husband has spent countless hours telling me that I did this to myself.  I understand how it must look to him, but it is extremely painful to be in my shoes and feel so hopeless.  I have recently read a lot about how this is unfortunately not uncommon.  I have also read a lot about the DS revision.  I don't know if this is even an option for me, as I don't think my original doctor in California, Dr. Bassem Safadi, does this type of revision surgery.  If anyone has any advise, please let me know.  Don't worry about hurting my feelings, feel free to scold me as I am use to it from my husband!  Thanks!

on 12/30/10 11:05 am - Concord, NC
No scolding here...I know how you feel. I was lucky enough to lose the baby weight before I left the hospital. Though I have gained back up to my full term weight again. I am still a good ways from the 254 I once was. I would still like to lose another 30 lbs and am working to up my protein and see if that will help.

I have back problems too and if I could get some weight off it would help.

I feel for you and wanted to let you know you are not alone. I will be 7 years post op on 2/17/11. The best thing I can think of is to try your post surgery diet again. Get back to basics, proteins first and foremost. Little to no carbs (hard for me to say as I am a pasta junkie!!), avoid sugars as much as possible.

BTW tell you husband to leave you alone...he isn't helping and only making it worse! Him scolding you will only depress you which will make you eat more!

Best wishes!!!
RNY: 2/17/2004
Initial weight: 254
Lowest weight: 134
Current weight: 170

Want to lose 30 lbs...AGAIN
on 1/1/11 6:48 am
Thank you so much for your encouraging words.  I can't tell you how much that means to me.  My husband is not a terrible guy or even mean, he just doens't understand what it is like to be overweight.  Even though his ignorance to this feeling makes it easier for him to criticize, I wouldn't ever wish this on him or anyone else.  I have to tell you, I don't believe I ever got a "post-surgery" diet plan.  I was told to start out with liquids for several weeks, and then go to soft foods, and then back to normal foods.  I know they probably told me more about not eating sugars, and eating higher protein and lower cards whenever possible, but I don't remember the specifics.  I will have to google it and see if I can find the info online.  I do appreciate your encouragement and I will keep my chin up and do what I can on my own to overcome this. 
on 12/30/10 11:35 am - Mexico
On December 30, 2010 at 6:20 PM Pacific Time, rrborger wrote:

In 2003 I flew to Palo Alto, CA and had the RNY procedure.  I was 236 lbs at the time.  My weight loss was gradual, but I eventually got down to 165 lbs.  I got pregnant in the Fall of 2005, and did great throughout my pregnancy, managing to keep my weight under control.  After having my son, I lost almost all baby weight within a few months.  I maintained at about 175 for a year, but slowly started to gain weigth back starting in 2007.  I am now 7 years out from my surgery and my weight is at 212 lbs.  I am frustrated beyond belief!  I have gone to the gym on a fairly regular basis, worked out on my eliptical at home, and I try very hard to watch what I eat.  Everytime I go to the doctor, she says that my back problems and knee and ankle issues would resolve themselves if I would just lose weight.  I am not going to even begin to say that I don't occasionally eat things that aren't the best, or that I exercise religiously 5 times a week.  As it stands now, I am so tired all the time, and my back hurts to the point that it's difficult to even walk, let alone work out.  I need help!  I know that and my husband has spent countless hours telling me that I did this to myself.  I understand how it must look to him, but it is extremely painful to be in my shoes and feel so hopeless.  I have recently read a lot about how this is unfortunately not uncommon.  I have also read a lot about the DS revision.  I don't know if this is even an option for me, as I don't think my original doctor in California, Dr. Bassem Safadi, does this type of revision surgery.  If anyone has any advise, please let me know.  Don't worry about hurting my feelings, feel free to scold me as I am use to it from my husband!  Thanks!

Your options for surgeons are pretty limited.  You can contact Dr. Husted (my fav only because he's in Phoenix and I lived in Phx), Dr. Rabkin, Dr. Greenbaum, or Dr. K.

Tell your husband to buggar off, it's not his problem.  Send him here, we'll give him a dose of reality. First of all obesity is a disease, not a character flaw.  Now that you are a few years post op bypass you are metabolically challenged.  Losing a pound is not the same as losing a pound before bypass.

Two things, research RNY to DS revisions and secondly, please stop putting up with emotional abuse from your husband.  Really, there is no value in this.  He doesn't get it, he probably never will, and his nagging isn't helping the situation.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/1/11 6:54 am
I know that my surgeon options are not very plentiful!  I live in Montana and the only reason I went to California in the first place was because the VA was paying for my surgery and since they don't have a surgeon at the VA hospital that performs this type of surgery, they sent me to CA.  Dr. Safadi is surgeon from Standford Hospital and I have absolutely nothing negative to say about him!  He was wonderful, but I don't think he does revisions to a DS.  I will have to first see what the VA says, maybe they won't even let me have the revision.  But I will start out with the basics and see where it gets me.  My husband doesn't get it, lucky for him he has never been overweight.  But I do love him and for the most part, he is very supportive.  He has jus****ched me try so many different things, and has seen that nothing seems to work, so his only conclusion is that it is me.  I did talk to him the other day when I first posted my previous comment and I think he really listened and I am hopeful that he will be supportive, rather than a hinderance.  Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it so much!
Debbie M.
on 12/30/10 8:26 pm
I've been in your shoes and understand how you feel.  Check out my profile and read my story, I think you'll see many similarities.  I had an RNY to DS revision in February with Dr. Ara Keshishian and so far so good.  Started at 358 and am down to 203lbs in 10 months.  I feel so much better and look forward to getting 40more lbs off.
Also feel free to PM me with any questions you may have, happy to help any way possible.
Debbie M.

SW 358/CW 201/Goal - anything below 160
Angel to TEAZ (Michelle)

Monique H.
on 12/31/10 3:07 am
Debbie you really are my hero and I hope to be just like you when I grow up:)
WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 1/1/11 7:13 am

Your story is very inspiring and I do see quite a few similarities in our stories.  Sounds like Dr. Keshishian is amazing!  You look great, by the way.  145 lbs in 10 months is amazing!  I suppose I need to do more research on the DS, because I didn't realize there were so many differences between it and the RNY.  Thanks so much for your support and advice.  I will keep you posted.  Thanks!
Monique H.
on 12/31/10 3:06 am
I had my revision from rny to ds by Dr Rabkin in October. If you're looking for a surgeon in CA, as others have said Dr Keshishian and Dr Rabkin are the two that are skilled in doing it.
WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 1/1/11 7:14 am
Thanks Monique!  I have heard great things about both doctors.  I will definitely have to go out of state, as there are no doctors in MT who do revisions.  :0( 
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