Looking into a revision...

on 12/29/10 12:51 pm
Hello.  So, here I am.  Almost three years out from RNY and nearly at my preop weight.  I am so frustrated.  I have the surgery in May of 08.  That summer was hell.  I basically was starving myself, as I couldn't eat or drink.  I have to beg and plead for my surgeon to let me have an endoscopy.  In Aug 08 my endoscopy showed I had a stricture that was smaller than a pencil eraser.  Two dialations and I was finally able to eat ad drink without pain.  By Dec of 08 I was at what would be my lowest weight (192).  It has been a struggle and uphill battle ever since.  I never experieced dumping and have never been able to handle meat.  To this day, meat causes me pain and 9 times out of 10 I end up throwing up.  I resort to carbs and such, cause they don't cause me pain.  I'm so down about it all and am looking into a revision.  Can anyone steer me in the direction of a surgeon in the Twin Cities that does RNY to DS revisions?  Has anyone had this done?  What was your experience with insurance, post op?  Any thought?  Thanks.

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

(deactivated member)
on 12/29/10 1:27 pm
Just read your post..you sound like me. I had the same problems. How I suffered off and on again. I was banded about 39 months ago. I had vomiting, reflux, dilated esophagus on several occassions. Too tight or not tight enough. For the past 6 months I have been like a hungry animal and even though I was taking in about 800 calories perday I managed to gain almost 20 pounds back. Well I seen my Dr. today and we talked and discussed a revision and I ahve decided to have the gastric bypass done, we talked in great detail about the gastric sleeve and it has not been out tehre all that long and the effects of it are not that well known as of yet. He said that that procedure would work for about 5 years and the bypass will take you to 10-20 years before any weight gain if you do it right. My information was to be submitted to my health pal today so now another waiting game will begin. I am 57 years old, but I am very active in my exercise. Originally I lost 100 pounds, gained 20 back, I don't have a lot of satty skin as most would only because of my past witht he band and exercise routine, I wil ahve some but not that great, but enough for the tummy tuck, for me legs I will run that fat off and tone it up as I ahve been doing. So al in all I am feeling good about this.

I wish you the best of luck and hope that your Dr. will be able to help you with revision surgery but chose the one that you feel is best for you.
on 12/30/10 12:01 pm - Mexico
On December 29, 2010 at 9:27 PM Pacific Time, Sharon S. wrote:
Just read your post..you sound like me. I had the same problems. How I suffered off and on again. I was banded about 39 months ago. I had vomiting, reflux, dilated esophagus on several occassions. Too tight or not tight enough. For the past 6 months I have been like a hungry animal and even though I was taking in about 800 calories perday I managed to gain almost 20 pounds back. Well I seen my Dr. today and we talked and discussed a revision and I ahve decided to have the gastric bypass done, we talked in great detail about the gastric sleeve and it has not been out tehre all that long and the effects of it are not that well known as of yet. He said that that procedure would work for about 5 years and the bypass will take you to 10-20 years before any weight gain if you do it right. My information was to be submitted to my health pal today so now another waiting game will begin. I am 57 years old, but I am very active in my exercise. Originally I lost 100 pounds, gained 20 back, I don't have a lot of satty skin as most would only because of my past witht he band and exercise routine, I wil ahve some but not that great, but enough for the tummy tuck, for me legs I will run that fat off and tone it up as I ahve been doing. So al in all I am feeling good about this.

I wish you the best of luck and hope that your Dr. will be able to help you with revision surgery but chose the one that you feel is best for you.
With all due respect to your surgeon, he's full of ****

Are you aware that the sleeve has been around for 100 years?  They used it to treat stomach cancer and ulcers.  Starting in the 70s it was used for weight loss.  And your surgeon doesn't know this?

Bypass, he's full of **** there too.  Bypass usually starts the regain at year three.  10 - 20 years is an absolute load.  Read the revision boards for yourself, see with your own eyes when people are regaining.

With bypass you will only malabsorb calories for about 6-24 months.  After that point you will malabsorb nutrition forever but you will absorb all the calories you eat.  Well, you might malabsorb a bit of fat but not much.

Then the stoma begins to dilate and that means that there is nothing holding food in your stomach. You don't get a full or satisfied feeling, food slides through your esophagus, through your pouch, and directly into your small intestine.  Since you aren't malabsorbing anymore but your hungry all the time the weight regain starts.   If that happens it happens in years 3-5.  Not 10-20.  He's full of crap.  Did you know that 1 in 5 fail bypass in the first five years?  1 in 4 fail banding in the first 5 years.

Please get a 2nd opinion by someone who will be a little more honest with you and provide you with more up to date information.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
(deactivated member)
on 12/31/10 8:13 am
I should have you reported for the comment you made about my Dr. I have had this Dr. for several years and well he is not just my Bariatric Dr. he is also the same surgeon that performed another non bariatric surgery one me and I trust hm and his judgement and yes I know how long the sleeve has been in play sort to speak but having a sleeve. I am not malasorbant never was I am hungry becasue I need a band adjustment fill) but do the fact that I develope severe reflux, vomiting and an enlarged esophagus due to complications for the band. I was todl that the band and the sleeve can cause weight gain after ROUND THE FIVE YEAR TIME FRAME AND THE BY Pass WITHIN 10-20 Years and I too have done a lot of research on this subjuect that way i can talk to my Dr. and know more about what is being said and what will happen down the road. So if you cannot keep a your non professional feelings to yourself when it pertains a professional and my Dr. is very professional, then do n ot respond to my comments and keep your comments to yourself. Everyone is different and eveyone experiences things differently for we are not all made alike as you should know of by now. Your case is unique and well so is mine. And no I will not be looking for another Dr. I am very happy with mine and so is a lot of other people.
Amanda S.
on 12/29/10 10:30 pm - Fairfield, OH
I'm sorry to hear about the issues you've had with the bypass. What a shame to have a major surgery and then have it not do what was promised.
I had failed lap-band surgery and was looking into my options. DS seems like such a great option to have for so many reasons it's unbelievable. It's stories like yours that made me realize that RNY is simply too iffy for me. Thank you for sharing.
If someone doesn't recommend a DS surgeon to you, you can go up to the "find a surgeon" button up above. If you don't want to go through all of the names you can press CTRL+F and search by city, state, or area code. I personally think that area code is the best way to search.
Good luck to you!
on 12/31/10 8:24 am - Mexico
I should have you reported for the comment you made about my Dr. I have had this Dr. for several years and well he is not just my Bariatric Dr. he is also the same surgeon that performed another non bariatric surgery one me and I trust hm and his judgement and yes I know how long the sleeve has been in play sort to speak but having a sleeve. I am not malasorbant never was I am hungry becasue I need a band adjustment fill) but do the fact that I develope severe reflux, vomiting and an enlarged esophagus due to complications for the band. I was todl that the band and the sleeve can cause weight gain after ROUND THE FIVE YEAR TIME FRAME AND THE BY Pass WITHIN 10-20 Years and I too have done a lot of research on this subjuect that way i can talk to my Dr. and know more about what is being said and what will happen down the road. So if you cannot keep a your non professional feelings to yourself when it pertains a professional and my Dr. is very professional, then do n ot respond to my comments and keep your comments to yourself. Everyone is different and eveyone experiences things differently for we are not all made alike as you should know of by now. Your case is unique and well so is mine. And no I will not be looking for another Dr. I am very happy with mine and so is a lot of other people. 

To Sharon S....

Don't 'have' me reported, report me.  Amazingly OH allows members to offer facts, stats, as well as opinions even if it disagrees with your doctor.  You know, the guy that gave you wrong information.  I can defend my comments with stats, facts, and peer reviewed studies.  Your doctor cannot do the same.

Actually, my opinions are on a professional level. ;o)

Hopefully your doctor can read up on the latest and he won't give you wrong info in the future. Sleeves are not new and Bypass regain does not wait for 10-20 years.  Ask those who live it daily.

It's kinda lame to write a pissy and an attempt at a threatening post and then block me so I am unable to respond.  I feel very comfortable that you will be reading this anyway.

I hope you get that pesky revision taken care of with ... you know, a doctor that is more up to date on our issues.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
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