Lap Band revison needed.

(deactivated member)
on 12/26/10 9:51 am
Hi I currently have the lap band since 2007. In the beginnig all seemed well. I was losing weight and then about one year out I just stopped losing weight. I was still eating correctly and exercising as normal and added more exercise routines. No weight lost. This is my second year of no weight loss. I keep getting my band fills but everytime I did I would become too restrictive and had to have the fill removed. I have had vmoiting, reflux tightning you name it. I never did have any thing get stuck. I have had numerious UGI's done to where I have lost count and one trip to the ER to have the fill removed due to being in the middle of the night. I amnow 20 pounds up in my weight and I just don't get it. I am doing exactly the same my only change is more exercise. I see the Dr. this week and will be askig for a revision. My Insurance carier will cover the Sleeve and the bypass I was told to read up on which one I would like to have done.

I was wondering if it is common for people like me t have to start all over with the Dr. visits, the Physcolgy evualation etc. I don't know what wuld be instore for me just trying to figure things out. I am hoping that I will not have too for I did not fail the band the band is failing me.
on 12/26/10 10:07 am - St Peters, MO
I had 2 bands and both slipped.  I got approved to have the second band removed and revise to the sleeve, which I had done in August.  I did not have to start over.  Once I was approved, I got my surgery date for revision.  I think it just depends on what your insurance company requires.  I have United Healthcare.  
Michelle F.
on 12/26/10 12:11 pm
I had to have a nutrition and psych appointment but only because I changed surgeons.  I had 2 slips also but with the same band, so I'm revising to the sleeve.
Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

on 12/26/10 1:03 pm
I just revised to the sleeve also - BIG change! and hopefully lots of changes to come!  Best of luck to you - I had to jump through all the hoops again too and it was the SAME surgeon.  I guess they want to make sure we're sane! 

(deactivated member)
on 12/26/10 1:19 pm
Hello and thank yonfor getting back with me abiout this. I will have the same Surgeon that did the original Lap band on me. He is a great Dr. and I am not just saying that. I ahve no idea what is going on withme and the Band all i know is that it just does not seem to work anymore. I am so hungry while writing this to you. I keep busy trying to pass the time. I see my Dr. this week and see what he will say about this. I hope he does not shoot me down. His Nurse told me that he does revisons all the time and that my Health Plan will cover the revision, now in order for her to know that she must have already inquired you think? I sure hope so. I know I will not reverto to overeating because I can't get what I now eat to go down or if it does then to stay down and I know I am not too tight for the nurse removed 1/4 cc already and I am still having the same issue. I will post again after my Dr. visit and give you the low down. Thanks for coming to my frantic aid

on 12/26/10 3:42 pm - Athens, GA
As far as the insurance qualifications for revision, I really wouldn't know. I have no insurance. From what u have said though, it seems like u would have plenty of documentation to prove that the band is not working, so as long as they do cover revisions, u should be fine in that regard.

What I did want to point out to u though is that your story is NOT uncommon! This happens to soooooooooo many ppl!

Some ppl NEVER reach their "sweet spot"! Either too loose or too tight. NO happy medium! I am unfortunately one of these ppl. So not only do I have a band that is completely useless...........but I paid around $15,000 for this non-working piece of ****!

Good luck with your revision!
on 12/27/10 5:44 am - Mexico
If you really are doing everything right, keeping calories low, exercise, etc., maybe you do need malabsorption. Perhaps you are metabolically challenged. Might be time to look into DS. I realize your ins may not cover but that's why God made appeals. ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
(deactivated member)
on 12/27/10 5:57 am
I cannot speak for others but I can speak for myself and others can vouge for me, when I tell someone that I am doing everything that I can the right way then they know it is the truth for these people have seen me doing what ever it takes to be true to to the Lap Band and they have seen me struggle with going hungry, with the weight gain, they ahve seen my frustrations and my tears but one thing no one will ever see me do is give up on myself. There has to be a logical reason for this to be happening. I eat the right amount of protein and still drink the protein shakes as directed. I watch my calories and I was eating at 800 per day but now I am at 1000 and only because I am really hungry and even at this I was still losing the weight and now it is all back firing on me. My Insurance will cover a revision from the Band to either the sleeve or the actual bypass surgery and even for the Band itself.
on 12/27/10 7:26 am - Mexico
On December 27, 2010 at 1:57 PM Pacific Time, Sharon S. wrote:
I cannot speak for others but I can speak for myself and others can vouge for me, when I tell someone that I am doing everything that I can the right way then they know it is the truth for these people have seen me doing what ever it takes to be true to to the Lap Band and they have seen me struggle with going hungry, with the weight gain, they ahve seen my frustrations and my tears but one thing no one will ever see me do is give up on myself. There has to be a logical reason for this to be happening. I eat the right amount of protein and still drink the protein shakes as directed. I watch my calories and I was eating at 800 per day but now I am at 1000 and only because I am really hungry and even at this I was still losing the weight and now it is all back firing on me. My Insurance will cover a revision from the Band to either the sleeve or the actual bypass surgery and even for the Band itself.
Oh, I wasn't doubting you.  I have a friend (EastCoastGal) that was in the same boat.  She started out with a band and due to horrific reflux and no restriction she got a sleeve.  Between the band and dieting she went from 440 to something like 300??  My numbers might be off.  But then due to reflux she opted for the sleeve and got down to 235.  She was working with a personal trainer busting her butt and keeping calories at 600 and she could not get below 235.  The scale would not budge and she really was doing everything right.

She finally got DS.  I haven't talked to her in a couple of months but last time I talked to her she was doing GREAT!  She was metabolically challenged and just plain needed malabsorption.

The reason I suggested appealing if need be for DS is because RNY has a lot of issues and complications.  Bowel obstructions, reactive hypoglycemia, very high failure rate, dumping on good foods as well as bad, all kinds of things.  DS has a better track record, a healthier way to eat, and just many good things about the surgery.  Check out these very boards.  49% are unhappy banded people, 49% are unhappy RNY people, 1% are unhappy sleeve people, and 1% are unhappy DS people.  That is telling right there.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
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