on 12/18/10 1:47 am, edited 12/31/10 11:21 pm - SC
Thanks to each and every one for the prayers and well wishes. The surgery went great. I didn't get the revision... I got a whole REVERSAL!! My surgery was only 3 hours long and most of that was removing the completely enclosed band and all the scar tissue and adhesions.
Got out of the hospital on the 26th for a late Christmas. Came home with lots of drainage tubes which were all removed yesterday (Friday, 31 Dec). Feeling absolutely awesome right now. Eating small light meals but have the go-ahead for a normal diet with cautions against over-eating, of course.
I'm not in the least concerned that I'm going to over-eat. For 10 years I've been used to two small bites of food per 30 minutes or so. I've learned to stop whenever the smallest feeling of being full hits and I've done that the past 2 weeks... just need to keep that up... always.
Cannot wait to have fresh fruit, baked chicken and a steak... not altogether, of course. LOL.
With all I've been through, I'm still not sorry in the least that I had my original surgery back in '99. I know how to eat healthy now and how to exercise.
OH... and what's more wonderful.... I haven't had a cigarette nor a soda (diet or otherwise) since my surgery. Ok... I had one... the day I came home... the cigarette choked me to death and the soda tasted like year-old cough syrup with the lid off. Enough to turn me off both of them. I'm drinking juice and juice drinks. Even craving them. I used to hate juice. LOL.
Hardest thing right now is to avoid the nicotine triggers... and my computer was (is) a big one. I won't be on here much at all. I won't even sit in my favorite easy chair. My other big trigger is riding in a car... that one I'll just have to live with and get over.
So... God Bless and be with everyone suffering with weight control issues pre- or post-op. And thanks again for all the encouragement. I'll be around. ~~Maggie

Just heard from my surgeon yesterday. I'm approved and am having my revision done this Monday, 12/20. My only concerns are that it is a expected to be a long surgery... open Vertical Banded Gastroplasty to Anastomosis... or possible RNY if that doesn't seem to work while I'm on the table.
The anastomosis is in a area of low blood supply. So I'm betting I walk out of the hospiatal with the RNY... which is fine with me. I just hope I don't have to go back a few years down the road with the same issues I'm having now. Frequent vomiting, no matter what I eat. I'm suffering keytosis right now because even my vitamins are keeping me healthy anymore and I do good to even fix a meal for my family before I collapse on my bed from the sweating shakes and what feels like pure exhaustion.
For all the praying people out there... please keep me in your prayers... and best wishes and healing vibes from everyone else would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all !!! ~~Maggie

Amanda S.
on 12/18/10 2:43 am - Fairfield, OH
Wow! That's great, Maggie. I'll say a prayer for you. Good luck!

on 12/18/10 5:07 am

Anastomosis: a cross-connection between two blood vessels; an interconnection between any two channels, passages or vessels; the surgical creation of a connecting passage between blood-vessels or other channels

So---what are you expecting them to do, if they DON'T do an RNY?
on 12/19/10 12:42 am - SC
Exactly... "the surgical creation of a connection" are the key words here.  The surgeon will try to make a large passage where the stapled area is.  It is essentially, a wall, right now.  He must open one side of the "wall" and then other... and then join them together.  It is what I would prefer vesus the RNY.  I, personally, am done with WLS's and would give my eye teeth for one more chance to just eat healthy and exercise.  I didn't do that before, and can't do it now... the exercise especially.  I can only pray that I'll have another opportunity after this surgery. I really don't want the RNY... it is a last result if the anastomosis doesn't take. 
on 12/19/10 5:21 am
Okay, I think I see now. I REALLY hope he can avoid the RNY---the whole pouch/stoma/remnant stomach thing creeps me out.
on 12/18/10 7:06 pm - Sacramento, CA
Congrads on you revision! Can you tell me what type of revision are you getting. It sounds to me like your very the RNY. If that is true you will get sick s lot.

on 12/19/10 1:51 am
Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 12/19/10 10:01 am - Bayonne, NJ
Best of luck to you for tomorrow's surgery. May you have the best possible outcome and quick, painless healing.
Sarah P.
on 12/20/10 9:00 am
Wow you have been through a lot! Good luck.

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on 12/20/10 10:25 am
Best of luck to you!!! I hope all goes well. At least you still have agood attitude. Now I wish you the good health to go along with it!
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