Gastric Bypass and Revision left me near death

(deactivated member)
on 12/13/10 11:56 pm - NV
Gastric Bypass, and the surgeons who perform it, have left me near death, with a feeding tube, living off disability and uninsurable. That's why I need to share my story to explain some of the common, yet avoidable, complications of Bariatric Surgery. This surgery is becoming too commercialized and routine, and many times it's being performed without the patient being educated of the life-long changes they need to make in order to be successful and healthy long-term.

I had Bariatric Surgery, or Open Gastric Bypass, in December 2002. I was 33 years old and had been overweight and/or obese the majority of those years. I did a ton of research for nearly two years and was extremely excited for what was to come. Within the first two weeks I lost 18 pounds. Wow! Then it stopped. I was eating tiny, well-balanced meals but the weight would not budge. I did not touch sugar, fat or anything with high calories. I only drank water. I followed the doctors orders to the letter. But I was not exercising.

I started exercising and the weight started coming off. I exercised for 90 minutes, 6 days a week. If I stopped exercising for a week, it would take me a month to lose another pound. I fought for every pound I lost. It took two years, but at 5 feet, 3 inches tall, I went from 275 pounds to 160 pounds and was on top of the world, still exercising and eating right.

In March of 2008 I had some dental work done. I was put on 1600mg of ibuprofen a day for 2 months. Roughly 2 months after I discontinued the use of ibuprofen I started vomiting. It quickly became a daily occurrence. One day after eating my small breakfast and lunch, around 2:00 PM I had to vomit again, but this time I realized it included dinner from the previous night.

Scared, I ended up at a gastroenterologist who ran a camera scope down my throat and said that the opening from my stomach to my intestines had closed down to the size of a pinhole due to scar tissue. I was told that scar tissue is considered a common complication for Gastric Bypass patients. After reviewing my medical history he asked if I use ibuprofen, and I was then told that Gastric Bypass patients should not take ibuprofen or any NSAIDS, as it causes scar tissue. For 6 years I had been taking a few NSAIDS for aches and pains here and there. None of my doctors had said anything.

I wish my story ended there. To make this short, my gastroenterologist did a scope with balloon dilation to open up the scar tissue, a procedure that works on all but 2% of bypass patients. I am part of that 2%. After having 2 scopes with balloon dilation, I was told I needed Gastric Revision surgery.

On January 29, 2009 my new bariatric surgeon performed an Open Gastric Revision surgery, which split me from the tip of my chest-bone down to my belly button. He was well-known, recommended and even had a commercial on television about gastric bypass. However, right after surgery I was still vomiting. Not even two weeks after surgery they performed another scope down my throat and my gastroenterologist wrote in my record that the bariatric surgeon had sewn my stomach shut. Now, instead of a stricture from my stomach to my intestines, I had a stricture from my esophagus to my stomach. The surgeon denied it, saying that I had rebuilt scar tissue within those two weeks. But after 5 months, 7 additional scopes with balloon dilation and 59 days in the hospital, I was forced to get a feeding tube, fired from my job, left with no insurance, and had to go on disability. I am now down to 121 pounds. I've lost all muscle mass, fat, menstruation, and nearly all of my teeth due to malnutrition. My nutrients are fed to me 12-16 hours a day through a tube in my chest that sits right on my bra line.

There is more to my story, but I tried to condense it as best as I could. I am trying to get my story out there, through talk shows, magazines, online, etc., in hopes that by hearing my story I can help people realize that gastric bypass is not a quick fix. It's a tool, which if used correctly, takes effort, changes in diet, changes in medication and supplements, amount of food eaten and exercise. Things that can also be done without the surgery and some of the common complications that come with it. I'm hoping that patients and their doctors research and educate all facets of this procedure, short and long-term. I would not be where I am today if I had known NSAIDS caused scar tissue, and I had researched this surgery for nearly two years beforehand. I'm also hoping that by getting my story publicized, I might find a doctor who specializes in this field as I'm told I need additional surgery to make a new stomach out of my remaining intestines. Until then, I will survive on my feeding tube and disability.

I appreciate you reading my story. I hope this is not the end of my story, but just a positive beginning. Thank you so much for your time.

Reno, Nevada
(deactivated member)
on 12/14/10 2:51 am
Leslee, thank you for sharing your story.  I am sorry for all you have been and are going through. 
May God continue to use you to share with those who need to know the whole story.

on 12/14/10 4:22 am - College Station, TX
I am about to have RNY. I glad you posted this information to help. Thanks.
If you want to be happy for life, love what you do.
Mary Higgins Clark

Kimberley H.
on 12/14/10 3:04 pm - Winston-Salem, NC

Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you find an excellent surgeon and you can get some relief. I am so sorry you for what you have went through.



(deactivated member)
on 12/15/10 8:08 am - NV
In response to several people ...

I put my story on on Tuesday, December 14th, 2010. Within 5 hours I had over 600 views and numerous responses. The responses were incredibly helpful and insightful. I learned a lot from so many people in such a short time. I'm grateful, because of them, I think my story is now better and I know it has a POWERFUL audience. 

I'm more ready now than ever. In the span of just 5 hours I found 50 people that knew that NSAIDS were dangerous to gastric bypass patients, but I also found 5 people who didn't know the dangers and complications. These 5 people now have a lesser chance of scar tissue, a common complication for bariatric patients. 

I've changed my story slightly, and will post it soon. I am just so thankful to everyone for taking time out of their day to read, listen, share, and inspire. Thank you.
LisaK/ UnstapledLisa
on 12/19/10 2:41 am - plymouth, MN
I am sorry to hear that, I just had a reversal 3 months ago and it hasn't appeared to help, although it might be the solution for you. I can relate unfortunately to a lot of things you said. If you ever need someone to vent to, feel free to send me a message or email. Hugs, Lisa..
Mark G.
on 12/28/10 3:07 am
I'm actually fighting the urge to cry after reading your story.  I won't lie, I'm aware that there can be complications with any surgery but, issues like this one is why I chose to have the Duodenal Switch, instead of the RnY.  I hope the best for you and strongly recommend to any pre-ops, do your homework and know your options.  This is your life and health and you want the best opportunity to not just lose weight but, to keep it off.  Measure twice and get cut only once, right?  Good luck to you all.
Please visit my DS blog! HW:427/SW:381/GW:215

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 12/28/10 10:12 am

sorry for the hijack, but I just want to say I'm excited for you that you get to go to dr S for your DS - I wish I could have gone to him when I had mine. He has more and more happy patients around here, and is developing quite a reputation. Good luck with your surgery!

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 12/28/10 10:17 am
there are a handful of surgeons that specialize in revisions, and many on the DS board have used them. You may not be looking to revise to the DS, but those surgeons are skilled at repairing the stomach cut up into the pouch, and taking down RNYs, so they should have no problem altering your stomach or intestines. I hope you find help soon, because you shouldn't have to live like that.
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