Just got home from the hospital after 11/29/10

Lisa N.
on 12/6/10 5:57 am - Williston Park, NY
 I just got home from the hospital this afternoon. I am so happy to be home and in my own bed. Hospital beds suck.  Surgery lasted 7 hours instead of 3 to 4.  I had some other medical issues that kept me longer in the hospital ( which I will explain when I am able to sit for a longer period of time)
on 12/6/10 7:32 am - SC
Welcome home, Lisa.  So glad you're doing well... they wouldn't have sent you otherwise, huh?  Feel better soon !!!!
on 12/6/10 8:43 pm - Dallas, TX
I am so glad you are home and doing well. I have my revision next week so if you could provide any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it.

Get well soon!
Candice :)
Lisa N.
on 12/7/10 6:39 am - Williston Park, NY

What are you revising too? I can tell you it has not been a walk in the park.  I think it was more painful the 2nd time around, b/c my surgeon was doing so much work. I figured it would be lap, it would be much less painful than the open procedure that I had the first time.

I would bring, chap stick ( your lips are going to get very dry)
Make sure you use your breathing spirometer
I brought diet iced tea for my clear liquids.
I also brought my protein shakes for the full liquids ( didn't get a chance to drink it, b/c I was on clear liquids for at least 4 days.

on 12/7/10 10:52 am - Dallas, TX
Thanks for the suggestions! I hope you are feeling better. I am getting a revised gastric bypass. I have a hernia on my esopagus that he's going to remove and he said my pouch was larger than it should be so he was going to tweak that also. My 1st one was 1/2008 and it was a lap RNY and Im expecting the reision to be the same.
Lisa N.
on 12/7/10 1:59 pm - Williston Park, NY
 I was revised back to a gastric bypass.  My pouch had stretched back into an original stomach, and the stoma stretched.  In this surgery, my surgeon, made me a new pouch, removed part of the intestine, created a new connection and removed the other portion of my stomach.  
on 12/8/10 10:39 am
Glad to hear you are OK.  I'm going in tomorrow for some of the same.  I am not looking forward to this, but have to do something.   Looks like you were in for a week.  Sorry about the complications!! What were they?  I'm supposed to be in the hopsital 4-5 days. 
Amyiable ----  Revised again on 12/9/10 
My 16 oz pouch was VSG'd & stoma narrowed to1.2 cm diameter.  Slight changes to limb lengths, to align with DS  (Total sm bowel = 700 cm, alimentary limb = 275 cm, and common channel set at 75cm)  

Highest 325/Weight at revision 241/Current ???/Goal 150

Lisa N.
on 12/8/10 11:51 am - Williston Park, NY
 Thank you. My complications were, my lung partially collasped again. (same thing happened, when I had my RNY in 2003) the pulmonologist said that I am prone to it.  I have been having issues with swelling  and numbness in my legs and thighs, I think b/c that my surgery took 7 hrs and I was lying in one position for so long and it was very hard to get into a comfortable position, in the hospital bed.  I was on antibiotics in the hospital b/c they either thought it was a lung collaspe, or pneumonia and once I was taken off it, I developed thrush in my mouth.  So I was at my doctors office getting medicine for the thrush and she sent me off  for a sono of legs to make sure that I didn't have a blood clot.  According to their scale I have lost 15 pounds since having surgery.  

Good luck tomorrow, I hope everything goes well.  Please keep me updated as to how you are doing.
on 12/8/10 6:26 pm
I won't be able to read your reply until I get home next week.  But did the swelling and numbness get better?  Definitely lying in one position can do that. 

Sorry to hear about the lung!  I imagine that must be frightening.  Glad that is fixed.

One thing that seemed to happen with me is that my thyroid hormone levels went down, and I suspect anethesia as the cause.  The thyroid itself was functioning fine, but the pituitary stopped giving signals that tells the thyroid to pump out more thyroid hormones.  Anyway, I got to find out all the many symptoms of not having enough thyroid hormones, whi*****ludes swelling - but mine wasn't just in my legs.  So if you are getting tested, ask doc to please get ft3 tested, and not rely on TSH test.  TSH is a pituitary hormone and mine was not elevated, which is should be when ft3 is low.

Congrats on the 15 lbs - I imagine you weren't getting much food in the hospital.   

Thanks for good wishes.  I'll keep in touch.  

Amyiable ----  Revised again on 12/9/10 
My 16 oz pouch was VSG'd & stoma narrowed to1.2 cm diameter.  Slight changes to limb lengths, to align with DS  (Total sm bowel = 700 cm, alimentary limb = 275 cm, and common channel set at 75cm)  

Highest 325/Weight at revision 241/Current ???/Goal 150

Lisa N.
on 12/8/10 10:55 pm - Williston Park, NY
Today is the first day that I am actually noticing that my legs and thighs don't feel as numb and the swelling isn't that bad,

I actually gained 10 pounds when I was in the hospital.  They pumped me up with so much fluid.  I lost 10 pounds during the 1st two days I was home.

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