Hello Fellow Sufferers...Revision In The Works Here

on 12/5/10 7:39 pm - SC
Hey All...

I made a post in the "general" forum but didn't get a lot of response.  Please allow me to introduce myself and serve a little Whine and Cheese here.
I had a Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (a surgery rarely done anymore) back in January '99 and started having problems from day one out of the hospital.  Immediately felt like a had lump in my throat.  Threw up even the smallest amounts of foods.  Immediately went to grazing on unhealthy foods because it was all I could get down.
Back in '99 there were no classes to tell you what to expect, how to eat, what to eat or even many followups.  I saw my GI specialist only twice post-op.. to remove the staples and for a 9-week check-up.  That was it.  And I suffered every day since.
I saw countless Gastointerologists, has so many endo's that I thought about buying my own equipment and had so many barium swallows that I added it to my diet... ok.. maybe that not bad... but close.  I was told everytime that I was "normal".. maybe had a small ulcer here and there.  I've eaten acid blockers like candy and learned to keep a plastic bag tucked away in my purse at all times in case I got sick when eating out. (I had a dropped bladder from childbirth and every time my stomach emptied itself, so did my bladder... so it was always a sit-and-puke ordeal.)
Just last week I saw my FIRST bariatric surgeon. WOW.  What a difference that made. I had gone to another gastro and had had yet another endo.  He found my esophagus full of lesions and immiately referred me to a BS (I won't throw a pun out for that one... although it's tempting.)
This was on Monday, Nov 29th.  One Friday, Dec 6th I had an Upper GI.  The "BS", hereafter called Doc *****ett just to keep me from making a lewd comment using "BS", was there himself with a radiologist to read the results real-time.  I was impressed!!  I had finally found someone to not only listen, but that took time out to see exactly what was going on.
I only took three small sips of barium before he and the radiologist saw exactly what was happening. Fist off, apparently my band was too tight right from the get-go.  You would think my first surgeron would have noticed this when I reported reflux and throwing up everything... well, not only him, but surely at least one of the many gastro's I've seen in the past 11 years. 
Anyhoo, he asked me to come back to his office and wait to see him after he did his rounds at the hospital.  At his office to explained to me and my hubby, whom I might add has been my hero through all of this. 
I have exactly one choice in the matter.  Surgery.  NOW.  The barium was barely dripping through the opening left for passage.  Either body tissue or scar tissue (or both) has completely engulfed my band and the passage is closing. 
Although Doc *****ett is not absolutely positive of what he can do until he gets in there and sees what he's working with, he is going to try to create an opening at the stapled area large enoug for food to pass.  If that does work... meaning if it can't seal it off or get through the scar tissue without cutting me up in pieces, he have no choice but to do a RNY Bypass.
I'm not happy with the choices... but it's better than starving to death... which is basically what I'm doing right now.  I've lost 26 lbs in less than a month.  Not that I couldn't stand to lose a few pounds.  I've mostly eaten nothing but junk food for the past 10 years.  But it would be nice to get off the acid blockers and actually have a puke-free day... or two.. or week... or life.
So... to make a long story short... way too late for that, right...I'm in line for basically a near-emergency procedure.  I should be hearing from his office sometime today.
I found this site while browsing for info on WLS revision / reversal.  It's nice to find people having troubles and ordeals that simulate mine or at least need some sort of revision.  I'm not as alone as I thought I was.
Thanks for letting me vent... again.  Hope to hear from some of you and hope none of you mind if I start chatting in your own posts. 
Amanda S.
on 12/7/10 11:51 am - Fairfield, OH
Wow! That sounds awful. I hope all goes well with your surgery to fix the issues. Keep us posted. : )
on 12/7/10 4:39 pm - Mexico
On December 6, 2010 at 3:39 AM Pacific Time, CatChick1964 wrote:
Hey All...

I made a post in the "general" forum but didn't get a lot of response.  Please allow me to introduce myself and serve a little Whine and Cheese here.
I had a Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (a surgery rarely done anymore) back in January '99 and started having problems from day one out of the hospital.  Immediately felt like a had lump in my throat.  Threw up even the smallest amounts of foods.  Immediately went to grazing on unhealthy foods because it was all I could get down.
Back in '99 there were no classes to tell you what to expect, how to eat, what to eat or even many followups.  I saw my GI specialist only twice post-op.. to remove the staples and for a 9-week check-up.  That was it.  And I suffered every day since.
I saw countless Gastointerologists, has so many endo's that I thought about buying my own equipment and had so many barium swallows that I added it to my diet... ok.. maybe that not bad... but close.  I was told everytime that I was "normal".. maybe had a small ulcer here and there.  I've eaten acid blockers like candy and learned to keep a plastic bag tucked away in my purse at all times in case I got sick when eating out. (I had a dropped bladder from childbirth and every time my stomach emptied itself, so did my bladder... so it was always a sit-and-puke ordeal.)
Just last week I saw my FIRST bariatric surgeon. WOW.  What a difference that made. I had gone to another gastro and had had yet another endo.  He found my esophagus full of lesions and immiately referred me to a BS (I won't throw a pun out for that one... although it's tempting.)
This was on Monday, Nov 29th.  One Friday, Dec 6th I had an Upper GI.  The "BS", hereafter called Doc *****ett just to keep me from making a lewd comment using "BS", was there himself with a radiologist to read the results real-time.  I was impressed!!  I had finally found someone to not only listen, but that took time out to see exactly what was going on.
I only took three small sips of barium before he and the radiologist saw exactly what was happening. Fist off, apparently my band was too tight right from the get-go.  You would think my first surgeron would have noticed this when I reported reflux and throwing up everything... well, not only him, but surely at least one of the many gastro's I've seen in the past 11 years. 
Anyhoo, he asked me to come back to his office and wait to see him after he did his rounds at the hospital.  At his office to explained to me and my hubby, whom I might add has been my hero through all of this. 
I have exactly one choice in the matter.  Surgery.  NOW.  The barium was barely dripping through the opening left for passage.  Either body tissue or scar tissue (or both) has completely engulfed my band and the passage is closing. 
Although Doc *****ett is not absolutely positive of what he can do until he gets in there and sees what he's working with, he is going to try to create an opening at the stapled area large enoug for food to pass.  If that does work... meaning if it can't seal it off or get through the scar tissue without cutting me up in pieces, he have no choice but to do a RNY Bypass.
I'm not happy with the choices... but it's better than starving to death... which is basically what I'm doing right now.  I've lost 26 lbs in less than a month.  Not that I couldn't stand to lose a few pounds.  I've mostly eaten nothing but junk food for the past 10 years.  But it would be nice to get off the acid blockers and actually have a puke-free day... or two.. or week... or life.
So... to make a long story short... way too late for that, right...I'm in line for basically a near-emergency procedure.  I should be hearing from his office sometime today.
I found this site while browsing for info on WLS revision / reversal.  It's nice to find people having troubles and ordeals that simulate mine or at least need some sort of revision.  I'm not as alone as I thought I was.
Thanks for letting me vent... again.  Hope to hear from some of you and hope none of you mind if I start chatting in your own posts. 
Wow... sounds very similar to my experience with a band.  Sorry you had to go through this.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
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