Another RNY patient in despair

on 11/19/10 12:27 pm - IL
Hello everyone.  I'm new to this site.  I had RNY in June 2002.  My starting weight was 279 and I ended at 132 within 14 months.  I began gaining weight back almost as soon as I stopped losing.  I certainly do not regret having the surgery as it has offered me the most permanancy (I hope that's a real word) with weight loss altogether.  I very slowly gained weight back over the last 7 years.  I recently tipped the scale at 204, but I have managed to get down to 186 through hard work.  I guess I had finally woke up (duh!) to the fact that I am ruining my blessing of a surgery (or is the surgery failing me?) hmm....  I went into panic mode and I have been going nuts ever since.   

Although you would think that I would be somewhat happy to be losing, I am actually very miserable, depressed, extremely anxious (trying to control with meds).  I truly understand what others are going through.  Please don't think that I believe that my problem is unique or the most severe.  My biggest fear is that I will never make it back to a healthy weight or that my weight will begin to soar in the other direction. I am experiencing such a loss of control.  I have absolutely no one to talk to and have no support system from anyone who would understand what I am experiencing.  I am sitting here typing with tears rolling down my face because I am so anxious and afraid of what is to come.  I hate to sound like a crybaby, so please excuse me at least for today. :)  This is a very emotional situation for me

I've been doing a lot of research regarding revisional surgery, as I have also read many posts on this site, and it appears that none of them are successful.  I'm not sure my insurance would cover revisions anyway, but it was something I was pondering.  I already saw my surgeon back in Feb of this year and he mentioned the stomaphyx and lap band.  I suppose I should not pursue these and the DS sounds very scary to me (but I am a chicken about everything anyway :))  Does anyone know if the bariatric community is making any advancements for revisions?  I couldn't find any info.  I feel hopeless although I am aware that I have a responsibility to be compliant.  I am reallllllllyyyy trying and am having a hard time doing it.  Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.  
on 11/19/10 3:30 pm - Athens, GA
Not sure why u would say none are successfull. There are a lot of successfull revisions!

Stomaphyx is a horrible procedure! Does NOT work!!!

Band.......well I have a CRAP BAND............that should give u an indication there! Lol.

Your best bet would be VSG or DS. The DS does have the highest success rate, but u should do well with either one of those procedures.
on 11/19/10 10:31 pm - IL
Thanks Maria.  I was just seeing so many posts in a lot of sites that revisions were generally unsuccessful.  I've read about the DS procedure, it just seems scarier to me than the RNY for some reason.  I would be looking into something thst may keep my pouch to a permanent size and not stretch again.  To anyone....who has had a successful revision and which procedure did you have?  Thanks for your time.  ~Michelle
on 11/19/10 10:32 pm - IL
Oh, I forgot to say that I'm sorry about your band issue.  Are you planning on a revision or did you already have one?  ~Michelle
on 11/20/10 3:03 pm - Athens, GA
On November 20, 2010 at 6:32 AM Pacific Time, HamsterLuv wrote:
Oh, I forgot to say that I'm sorry about your band issue.  Are you planning on a revision or did you already have one?  ~Michelle

I have been researching revisions. I would like to get the VSG. I don't have insurance though and can't afford a revision at this time. :-(


on 11/19/10 10:35 pm - Milton, FL
No one tells you RNY reverses its self after a couple of years if you don't keep an eye on what you eat and the calories too.
Revision will reduce your body size, but won't fix the problem with food, so be careful and choose a good option with lots of support and after care.
Good luck and best wishes.


on 11/19/10 10:45 pm - IL
Thanks.  I will check into it.  ~Michelle DiAngelis
on 11/20/10 10:33 am
There is no surgery that will help if you continue to overeat or eat a lot of refined carbs. I finally figured that out. I thought WLS was a magic bullet. I finally realized that I would have to do the same thing no matter what surgery I had or even if I didn't have surgery, eat less and move more. The surgery is only a tool to help use to reduce portions and not absorp as many calories, although in the RNY that part usually ends after about a year. The DS will help you malabsorb permanently but there is a price to pay in having to heavily supplement for life and if you eat the wrong foods you may suffer from bad, smelly gas and diarrhea. And since refined carbs are not malabsorbed you will regain weight if you overeat those, so you need to be on a high protein, low carb diet to be successful.
If your pouch is still small and you are having restriction you may be able to use that tool to help you eat right. Have you had it checked?
on 11/20/10 12:10 pm - IL

I agree with everything you just said.  I actually didn't realize that the pouch would get to a point where it doesn't stay full for long.  I believe I still have some restriction.....or so it feels.  The biggest problem is that the pouch doesn't stay full for more than 90 minutes or so.  I have not had it checked, but as soon as my new insurance kicks in (Jan 2011), I am going back to my surgeon to request an endoscopy.  I have actually lost 19 pounds since I am trying to change my eating and I am excercising 6 days a week.  I just freaked out when I saw that I had crept up to 204 pounds....and even more scared that I will stop losing or begin to gain for unexplained reasons. What a reality check!  Anyway, thanks for your response.  I will keep on working at getting back to a healthy weight in the meantime.  ~Michelle 

on 11/20/10 2:13 pm - TX

I am not really sure if I am what you were looking for but I had a revision from a band which I got in 2003 that did nothing well I did gain 30 lbs to RNY in 2008 where I have lost 170 lbs and it has now been 2 years. I did gain a little back and my weight goes up and down a little.
I have found that I am successful when I weigh myself every day (I know they say not to) when I go up a pound or 2 I don't get discouraged but I actually decide to eat less or exercise more just for that day. that way I don't feel like I am fighting such a battle. I only need to get through a day.
I hope this helps even if just a little bit
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