What were your reasons for revision from LB to RNY?

on 11/19/10 11:42 pm
So how are you supposed to have documentation of compliance with prescribed nutrition and exercise program.  hhmmm. 

Because of the GERD and pain I was having mine was approved in days


on 11/23/10 4:52 am - West Deptford, NJ
Revision on 05/19/09 with

After having the band for just over 2 years, I started getting terrible reflux.  Started regurgitating in the middle of the night.  I'd wake up choking and gasping for breath.  I never had more than 1.5cc fluid in my 4cc band.  Finally, I couldn't even tolerate that.  Aetna approved my revision immediately. 

I was terrified about having the RNY, too - which is why I went with the band.  Now, I could kick myself for not having the RNY done first.  I feel great, I haven't puked, slimed, or got "stuck" since the revision.  Malabsorption and vitamin deficiencies can be dealt with and have not been an issue for me.  I make sure I take in enough protein and take my vitamins religiously. 

I'm not a band-basher - it's a good option as long as it works for you.  But if you're not a happy camper, then you need to give serious thought to a revision.  I'm happy with my RNY!!

Debbie Joy

on 11/23/10 12:46 pm
When I was 3-4 months out the ARNP in my doctor's office punctured my port.  I was just told the other day that there were 15 holes in my tubing when they removed it.  Of course the doctor didn't tell me this but one of the nurses from the OR.  The doctor also talked crap to me the day he replaced my port and tubing and I swore I would go to my follow up visit and then find me a new doctor.  I did and I am happy with him.  But they let it go leaking for 7 months and kept telling me I was not eating right.  For about 18 months I did everything right, then I got tired, I also started throwing up a lot, now my esophagus is messed up, not bad, but it is and it is from the band.  I lost about 60 lbs with the band, but not near enough and had to have an unfill and low and behold I have had problems ever since. 

I, too, will not bash the band, but I will never recommend it again.  I hope to have mine out and revise to a RNY on Jan. 5, 2011.  I can't wait. 

Maria, I do not think that Jean had to have a second surgery but could be wrong on that.  I do know she had a slip but unfilling it helped.  If I remember correctly she blamed it on taking too large of a pill, I think it was an antibiotic. 

 RNY 1/24/11

on 11/24/10 10:46 am - Mexico
On November 23, 2010 at 8:46 PM Pacific Time, Jacqueline C. wrote:
When I was 3-4 months out the ARNP in my doctor's office punctured my port.  I was just told the other day that there were 15 holes in my tubing when they removed it.  Of course the doctor didn't tell me this but one of the nurses from the OR.  The doctor also talked crap to me the day he replaced my port and tubing and I swore I would go to my follow up visit and then find me a new doctor.  I did and I am happy with him.  But they let it go leaking for 7 months and kept telling me I was not eating right.  For about 18 months I did everything right, then I got tired, I also started throwing up a lot, now my esophagus is messed up, not bad, but it is and it is from the band.  I lost about 60 lbs with the band, but not near enough and had to have an unfill and low and behold I have had problems ever since. 

I, too, will not bash the band, but I will never recommend it again.  I hope to have mine out and revise to a RNY on Jan. 5, 2011.  I can't wait. 

Maria, I do not think that Jean had to have a second surgery but could be wrong on that.  I do know she had a slip but unfilling it helped.  If I remember correctly she blamed it on taking too large of a pill, I think it was an antibiotic. 

Jean did have a 2nd surgery, I"m pretty sure because all the old timer vets have had a 2nd surgery.  Slips, leaks, etc.

I will bash the band but keep in mind, bandsters believe that posting stats, facts, and studies is bashing the band. LOL

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 11/24/10 10:51 am
On November 24, 2010 at 6:46 PM Pacific Time, WASaBubbleButt wrote:
On November 23, 2010 at 8:46 PM Pacific Time, Jacqueline C. wrote:
When I was 3-4 months out the ARNP in my doctor's office punctured my port.  I was just told the other day that there were 15 holes in my tubing when they removed it.  Of course the doctor didn't tell me this but one of the nurses from the OR.  The doctor also talked crap to me the day he replaced my port and tubing and I swore I would go to my follow up visit and then find me a new doctor.  I did and I am happy with him.  But they let it go leaking for 7 months and kept telling me I was not eating right.  For about 18 months I did everything right, then I got tired, I also started throwing up a lot, now my esophagus is messed up, not bad, but it is and it is from the band.  I lost about 60 lbs with the band, but not near enough and had to have an unfill and low and behold I have had problems ever since. 

I, too, will not bash the band, but I will never recommend it again.  I hope to have mine out and revise to a RNY on Jan. 5, 2011.  I can't wait. 

Maria, I do not think that Jean had to have a second surgery but could be wrong on that.  I do know she had a slip but unfilling it helped.  If I remember correctly she blamed it on taking too large of a pill, I think it was an antibiotic. 

Jean did have a 2nd surgery, I"m pretty sure because all the old timer vets have had a 2nd surgery.  Slips, leaks, etc.

I will bash the band but keep in mind, bandsters believe that posting stats, facts, and studies is bashing the band. LOL

I don't recall the second surgery just the slip. 

I will ba**** to some degree too and yes I  know how the old timers feel.  I am glad that it has "worked" for them. 

 RNY 1/24/11

on 11/24/10 4:06 pm - Mexico
On November 24, 2010 at 6:51 PM Pacific Time, Jacqueline C. wrote:
On November 24, 2010 at 6:46 PM Pacific Time, WASaBubbleButt wrote:
On November 23, 2010 at 8:46 PM Pacific Time, Jacqueline C. wrote:
When I was 3-4 months out the ARNP in my doctor's office punctured my port.  I was just told the other day that there were 15 holes in my tubing when they removed it.  Of course the doctor didn't tell me this but one of the nurses from the OR.  The doctor also talked crap to me the day he replaced my port and tubing and I swore I would go to my follow up visit and then find me a new doctor.  I did and I am happy with him.  But they let it go leaking for 7 months and kept telling me I was not eating right.  For about 18 months I did everything right, then I got tired, I also started throwing up a lot, now my esophagus is messed up, not bad, but it is and it is from the band.  I lost about 60 lbs with the band, but not near enough and had to have an unfill and low and behold I have had problems ever since. 

I, too, will not bash the band, but I will never recommend it again.  I hope to have mine out and revise to a RNY on Jan. 5, 2011.  I can't wait. 

Maria, I do not think that Jean had to have a second surgery but could be wrong on that.  I do know she had a slip but unfilling it helped.  If I remember correctly she blamed it on taking too large of a pill, I think it was an antibiotic. 

Jean did have a 2nd surgery, I"m pretty sure because all the old timer vets have had a 2nd surgery.  Slips, leaks, etc.

I will bash the band but keep in mind, bandsters believe that posting stats, facts, and studies is bashing the band. LOL

I don't recall the second surgery just the slip. 

I will ba**** to some degree too and yes I  know how the old timers feel.  I am glad that it has "worked" for them. 

I will continue posting on the band boards warning noobs about banding.  It's NOT a safe surgery and it just doesn't work for the majority of people.  With ins co's changing policies to one WLS per lifetime and all these people self paying for bands just to have it not work... I can't sit back and let people believe this nonsense about least invasive being safer long term.  It is not.

I know posting facts about the band feels like bashing the band to some people but that's just not my problem. ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
Michelle F.
on 11/25/10 2:38 am
I'm not a band basher but I do think that people who are thinking of having the band do need to know the risks and need to hear from people like us who have had complications from the band and have made the choice to revise to other surgeries after having way too many problems.  The people who want to hear only the good are not doing themselves any favors.  Even when my band was working well I still wanted to hear everything because I knew that if and when I did have a problem, I needed to know everything there was to know.  And anyone who doesn't want to hear it can just ignore it and be ignorant!

I was good for 2 years with my band and then the fill/unfills and 2 slips started.  My surgeon STILL thinks I should have surgery to reposition my band and I said NO.  After doing extensive homework I decided that enough is enough, I want it out and want the sleeve.  He has done over 500 sleeves but he has a band and he is a band guy so I take what he says with that in mind.  He said he will do whatever I feel is right for me, but he thinks the band will work for me if I reposition it.  Again...NO!  So January 12, here I come!
Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

on 11/30/10 6:10 am, edited 11/30/10 6:10 am - CA
Ok so I am a newbie and will have the lapband done Dec 15th.

Of course all the risks are put out there and i signed at least 30 docs saying i understand the risks, but reading about it and getting it 1st hand is totially different. Do you think there are things newbies can do to improve their chances for success with the band? what happens to bandsters after 5, 10, 15 years???

on 11/30/10 10:33 am - Athens, GA
On November 30, 2010 at 2:10 PM Pacific Time, jackie008 wrote:
Ok so I am a newbie and will have the lapband done Dec 15th.

Of course all the risks are put out there and i signed at least 30 docs saying i understand the risks, but reading about it and getting it 1st hand is totially different. Do you think there are things newbies can do to improve their chances for success with the band? what happens to bandsters after 5, 10, 15 years???


Yes and no. Of course your chance are higher of being successfull with the band if u follow the band rules. However..........I know tons of ppl that have followed the band rules.............only to have the band fail.  The band is the LEAST effective WLS! That isn't b/c most bandsters are not following the band rules and causing it. It's b/c the band is just NOT that good!

And u may never even have a chance to be successful with the band. One lady posted on the forum about a wk. ago that she has an errosion. Know how long she's had her band??? 4 mos.! One lady in my support group never even got to get fill. At 4 wsk. she developed esophageal dysmotility and had to have her band removed! I have known of slips as early as 2 mos. It's a crap shoot! Well u could say any WLS is.........but why would u want to gamble on the LEAST effective one?

Also.............one thing they NEVER tell u BEFORE surgery............is that some ppl NEVER reach that "sweet spot"! Kind of an important detail don't u think??? I have had 14 fills at just over 1 yr. I am NOT alone! Lots of others like me! And essentially..........if u never hit the sweet spot............it's just like trying to lose weight before u had WLS!

Choose your WLS wisely!!!!!!!!




on 11/30/10 10:40 am - Athens, GA
Oh I missed your last question.

"So what happens to bandsters after 5, 10,15 yrs.?"

What bandsters? Lol. U don't see many that far out. Most have complications and have to have their band removed, or they get tired of having the band and not losing weight so they revise to a different WLS. I know of just a handfull of ppl that have had it 5 yrs. or more.

Also...........do NOT beleive that B.S. they they sometimes try to tell u about the new bands are better so u seldome see complications like with the old bands! That's what they told me, and imagine my surprise when after I got the band............I start seeing all these ppl posting on the forum that got their band just a few mos. before me AND SOME THAT EVEN GOT IT AFTER ME!)..........about all their slips/port problems/leaks/etc.!!!




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