How long before you can consider Revision Surgery?

on 11/11/10 3:14 am
I had Lap-Band Surgery on April 21st of this year (7 months ago).  I have only lost 26lbs.  I have had numerous fills.  The sliming and vomiting are not fun and I exercise religously.  I am so disappointed in the results of my surgery and you can not help but feel like another situation where I was not able to be successful with weight loss.  I spent 10 months appealing my insurance to have the surgery and originally I wanted RNY but my surgeon suggested the band was the best starting point...since my surgery several people I know have had the Gastric Sleeve and done remarkably well.  I am feeling very lost and confused and disappointed. 
on 11/11/10 4:54 am
Every surgeon is different.  In November of last year my surgeon wanted to take the band out because of how bad the heart burn was.  It took me until this year to finally agree to do the revision.  I had lap band to RNY on October 8th.

First I would call your insurance company and ask if they cover revisions.  Some insurance companies will not.  Then have a heart to heart with the doctor and see what he suggest. 

My insurance requires that for a revision it has to be medically necessary.

Good luck.  Get a appt and see what surgeon says


on 11/14/10 8:35 am

i am considering lap band to ryn revision (meet w/the surgeon wednesday) - do you have any regrets?

on 11/11/10 5:12 am
Thank you for responding and for your advice, I will contact my surgeon and insurance company.  Again thank you!

on 11/11/10 12:43 pm - Vancouver, WA
Actually you are right on track altho on the low side of weight loss with the band. An average loss is 1-2 lbs a week. I do understand your frustration tho cause I've only lost about 25 lbs. in 3 years so I understand the situation very well. Please don't think of yourself as a failure because the band is the slowest, most difficult of all the WLS. I really don't understand why docs pu**** so much. If you are vomiting and sliming daily or even weekly you may be too tight or not chewing enough or not slow enough. If you seriously want a different surgery I'd do as th OP said and contact your insurance, I think most of them want you to wait at least a year before revising but in the mean time document all your issues with the band so you have ammunition for a revision when the time comes. Best of luck to you!
on 11/11/10 7:17 pm
Thank you for your kind words, it si appreciated.  How do you feel about the band, are you satisfied, has it been wothwhile?  Again thank you for responding and for being so gracious!
on 11/12/10 6:42 am - Vancouver, WA
My personal opinion  is that the band isn't terribly effective. It is the slowest and most difficult WLS, it takes a long time to get good restriction (if you ever do) and you basically are just doing old fashioned dieting most of the time. My doc said it would help me feel full sooner but that has never happened and I know many who are always just as hungry as before banding. I've only lost 25-30 lbs with the band and I had lost that much the year before just dieting so it really hasn't been effective for me. If I had the choice I would go for the sleeve because you automatically get restriction and there are no fills to mess with, once the initial healing period is over you're done and can get on with your life. No suffering from stucks, or vomiting, just small amounts of food the rest of your life. I think any other type of surgery is more effective than the band tho some have done well with it. I think it is helpful if you are a volume eater but only then, Good luck to you and feel free to PM me if you want more info.
on 11/11/10 8:58 pm - MA
I had my second lapband surgery this past February, 2010. I had such major issues with both bands and just had a revision to a RYN last week. My surgeon's only concern was two surgeries in a one year period but I'm in pretty good health so he didn't think there were any additional risks.

Have you talk to your surgeon about a revision? I would start there. Hang in there, things have a way of working out in the long run.

Good luck!
on 11/12/10 1:42 pm - Athens, GA

I have the CRAP BAND and honestly do NOT understand why they still have these on the market?! For me this has been a complet waste of time and money. It was 1 yr. on the 3rd.........13 fills~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still no restriction/sweet spot at that point.

I have lost weight but ONLY b/c of dieting!!!

If u are considering a revision I would suggest getting it done as soon as possible b/c a lot of insurance companies are starting to add a "one WLS per lifetime" stipulation in their policies!!!


on 11/12/10 1:50 pm - Mexico
The band has the slowest weight loss, the least weight loss, the highest regain, and the most mechanical problems. If you are making better food choices then the sleeve might be good. If you are still making poor food choices then perhaps DS?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

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