Strategies for Success

Barbara C.
on 11/9/10 10:14 pm - Raleigh, NC
No matter where you are in your journey, pre-op, post-op or maintenance, it's important to have some goals in mind and strategies in place to help you achieve those goals. As the holiday season approaches and so many of the festivities are surrounded by food, I though that this might be a good time to identify a few goals and some of the strategies we plan to employ to ensure success. I think that what works for one may or may not work for another, but I'm hoping that we'll be able to share and leverage some of each others ideas. With this in mind, please share some of your goals and your Strategies for Success.

ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

Barbara C.
on 11/9/10 10:40 pm - Raleigh, NC

During this upcoming holiday season, I am looking forward to maintaining my weight which in turn allows me to maintain my health, quality of life and yes, even the smile I see reflected when I recognize that the petite woman looking back in the mirror is actually me! To do this, I've decided that I plan to enjoy some of the special foods that the holidays bring, but that I'll be sure to 

*  load with protein first

*  modify a few of my favorites so that I can enjoy them even more... I thought I'd have to give up some of my favorites, but have found some wonderful ways to enjoy them as much or more now than I did before... and without the guilt or excess 'baggage they used to bring. 

*  freeze some of the delectable leftovers in portions that support my long term goals of maintaining my weight so that I don't keep going back to the fridge for 'a little morsel' now and then

These are the things I have done for the past couple of years for the holidays and other special occasions and it has allowed to have my proverbial cake, or in my world, pumpkin pie and still be happy with myself when it's all said and done. 


ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

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