Revision from Lap Band to RNY

on 11/2/10 12:29 am - Friendswood, TX
I had the band removed and revised to RNY all in the same surgery. The sire where the port was removed on my left waist area was the most uncomfortable. It wasn;t real shooting pain but a pulling burning that lasted for 3 weeks once the sutures dissolved it was gone. Once I started using a heating pad to the area it was greatly more comfortable and I could sleep in the bed. When you take your pain medicine take it regularly for a few days only with a sip or two of fluid then wait 30 minutes . If you don't wait the medicine makes you too sleepy and the pain comes back on only 2 hr.s because the medicine washes into the intestines too quickly. This week Nov. 5 is my surgiversary down 100lb.s and 26 down to sz. 12. My only regret is I didn't do this 3 yr.s ago. I look 10 yr.s younger and wear more stylish clothes (love the cleavage) have no more knee pain skin is soft and more pink and have lost just a few strands of hair It's fun shopping in the closet of resale clothes I've collected. Everyday I see more ripples and wrinkles  and a New Person in the mirror.  Scales are slow so don't focus on i****ch your body changes and health changes. This has been a great ride even with a few bumps well worth the pain Excite to see what the next year will bring. I LOVE MY LIFE!
  Miss  Jean   
Heidi S.
on 11/2/10 1:38 am - leesburg, FL
So how long did it take you to loss the 100 pounds! Thats great... Did you loss any with the band? I had no luck with that thing at all. It was nothing but problems for me. The port area still bothers me 5 years later with that pulling burning feeling, I will be glad when its gone! I am looking so foward to regaing my life back. My back and knee pain is unbearable at times. I can't do a whole lot of anything at this weight. I an thankful for my upcoming surgery!
on 11/2/10 8:27 am - Friendswood, TX
It took me 51 weeks. I had my RNY 11/5/09. This is my surgiversary week and  I am soooo happy! I have osteoarthritis ,lymphedema, had high blood pressure, sleep apnea and a congential heart condition call obstructive hypotropic cardiomyopathy. I had the band for 22 mo. and never lost a pound. We know now it may have worsened my lymphedema. I always had a pain at the port site and had several fills andkept to my diet faithfully. After a 18 mo. my Dr. suggested  the RNY. I went to another Dr. who was in network and we proceeded. I didnot have the RNY first because I was scared I had a friend who almost died years ago. I started with te OH conference in Galvestion last year and met wonderful supportive people who showed me how much better my life would be.  I kept up with my diet and my vitamins and  during the process I was diagnoised with lymphedema. During my recovery for RNY surgery I was being wrapped and massaged and compressed.  My process of wt. loss has been slower than most because I have to work an have energy to last a 12 hr. shift. I do not regret one day as I see my body change. I liken my self to a rose opening and becoming more beautiful as each layer of petals unfurls. Emotions are being released old habits and memories are being left by the wayside and new experiences are mine for the taking. My knees don;t hurt when I walk anymore, I can sleep longer at night and my legs and arms though looking like raisins are much smaller. My top today is a medium and it is big. I feel a collarbone hip bones and a small ribcage that I have never felt before in my adult life. This weekend at the OH conference here  n Houston I will be celebrating my New Life with my friends and coming out in the Fashion Show. Never did I imagine last year that my life would be this good. The best advise I can give is don't hesitate DO IT! Don't waste another Year! 
  Miss  Jean   
Heidi S.
on 11/2/10 8:54 am - leesburg, FL
WOW you have been through a lot! I can't wait to feel good! Its been so long! When I got the band I was also afraid to get the RNY because it was a big surgery and I had a two year old that I did not want to leave, Now I have a seven year old and I am in worse shape! I can't even be a good mother to her in the shape that I am in! My surgery date is Dec 1st I am ready!  but nervous

on 11/4/10 7:39 am - indianapolis, IN
Im in the same boat.  I have children and it would be a devastating situation for me to leave them.  I've had the band for 4yrs and just got my approval for RNY yesterday.  Im not as excited as I probably should be because I have so many emotions running through me right now.
(deactivated member)
on 11/2/10 10:00 am
on 11/2/10 6:23 am
Heidi, have you considered the DS rather than the RNY? The DS has the very BEST long-term, maintained weight loss, ESPECIALLY for those of us with a starting BMI greater than 50. And having had failure with the Band, it's even MORE likely that you need the dramatic metabolic change the DS causes (and the RNY doesn't.)
Heidi S.
on 11/2/10 8:46 am - leesburg, FL
I have but my surgeon wants to to the RNY.... My date is Dec 1st So I guess I will go with what he wants he is supposed to be the best in central Fl. I just want to be able to walk and get out of the chair and get off some of these meds that I am on. My life right now could not be more miserable. I am nervous but EXCITED!

(deactivated member)
on 11/2/10 9:57 am
on 11/3/10 8:30 am
Well of course he does---he doesn't DO the DS, and he knows that if he tells you that the DS is your best choice, you're going to spend your money with a surgeon who does it.

Don't you deserve the best? Aren't you worth whatever time and trouble it takes to GET the best? We have more than one poster on here who's now has two or more revisions. Don't be one of them! As we say over on the DS board, "Think twice, cut once."
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