How are you handling Halloween this year?

Barbara C.
on 10/26/10 1:09 am - Raleigh, NC

Okay, now we all know that official start of the food laden holiday season is upon us as we approach Halloween. How are you handling the temptations that come with the inevitable bowls and goody bags brimming with goodies calling to us?

I have a list of things I'm doing to help me make sure to enjoy the holiday without running me off the road so that I can sustain my journey.

First, I'm starting each day with one item from each of the following buckets that I want to focus: health, quality of life, and appearance. Each of these things is just one of the many reasons I want to stay on track, but making the conscious effort to articulate these things helps make them more tangible for me and helps me focus on WHAT I want to do and WHY I want to do it. I then try to think of these things before I put anything in my mouth and determine if what I'm about to eat is going to help me fulfill these goals or short-change me.

Next, I've decided not to bring candy/contraband into the house until a few days before the holiday and have made sure to get things for the neighborhood kids that, to be honest, I don't really like. I'm not much of one for sweet tarts, gummy bears, etc. The kids will enjoy, but it won't be nearly as hard for me to resist as if I had a dish full of dark chocolates calling to me.

Finally, speaking of dark chocolates. I am able to eat it without getting sick, I opt to go get a piece of Godiva... that's just because See's isn't available on the east coast... but what I'm saying is I get a piece of REALLY GOOD dark chocolate and savor it. Really enjoy it. This allows me to not feel deprived, but not have a bunch stuff in the house that could undermine my goals of living a healthier, fuller life... and still fit into my closet of size 4/6 clothes ;-). Now that I'm at goal and maintaining my weight, it's important to have some balance. Enjoying some chocolate is fine, but I also need to know my limitations and not put myself in harms way, which is why I don't keep bags of Dove chocolates in the house as I did before.

Please share any tips to navigate what can be a SCARY side of Halloween so that it's not a frightful journey.



ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 10/26/10 1:43 am - Layton, UT
I'm starting a protein fast tomorrow so I bypass the entire Halloween junk!  .....   Historically, when my body is revved up with protein, then my cravings for sugar and crappy carbs is diminished!  .....  I'll fast through November 1st!!!

I know my triggers, and chocolate of any variety is a trigger for me!  So, the cute kiddos will get Dum Dum suckers from me this year and Skittles!  those are both candies that can sit on my shelf for a couple of decades and never get touched!  LOL!

My "celebration" is more about enjoying the cute costumes and the fun decorations and less about the treats! 

Witch             Happy Halloween!!!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 10/26/10 3:00 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Excellent ideas - I've been shoving too many mini bites in - bad me with sugar. It does start a bad cycle and my vigilance monitor is up.

Jill - revision - band to DS 3/10/05 Dr. Baltasar, Spain
440/140/149  hw/cw/gw - 5'5" -300lbs -- bmi 73.2 to 24.8 :) GOAL MET 10/26/10!!.... Even made 140 September 2012. Been ranging 4-6lbs from 144-146 since then. Back to 140 December 2012, hoping to see it again after I feel better and start working out. 

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