Lap band to RNY

Wendy A.
on 9/9/10 12:33 am - Evans, GA
Hello everyone. I had a Lap Band on 11/17/07. For the first year, everything was great. I lost 60 lbs and felt wonderful. Then, the complications began. I had a slip, GERD, reflux, aspiration at name it. I now have severe esophagitis and my miracle worker surgeon was able to get me approved quickly for revision to an RNY. I have surgery on Monday!!! I am nervous, scared, and excited. I was wondering if anyone would share their experiences of being revised from a band to a bypass? Any helpful hints or things to watch out for? Thank you!!
on 9/9/10 1:00 am
Good morning,

I am having revision surgery on Tuesday, September 14.  Like you I am scared, nervous and excited.  At the support group meeting on Saturday, I met someone who had revision surgery Lap to RNY.  They said that post surgery was not bad.  She looks and feels great!

I wish you the best.
on 9/9/10 10:21 am
I am having my revision on October 8th.  Jennifer on here had band taken out then a month later had bypass. 

I hope you do wonderful.  My psychiatrist that is affiliated with my program says that I need to really work the program during the honeymoon period. She says my honeymoon period may be only 6 to 8 months and that I will need to work the program and try to lose as much weight as I can during this period. 

It is exciting. I am counting down the days. I have had pain, spasms heart burn and reflux on a daily basis.  I hate the spasms!!



on 9/9/10 12:45 pm - Friendswood, TX

Hi Ladies, I had lapband to RNY last Nov. My only regret, I didn't do RNY first. Like you I was scared but everything is soooo much better!  The surgery was alot easier than the band. No real pain just pulling at the site where the port was removed. There are some adjustments as with any surgery. You have to make sure you take your vitamins and wait to drink so things can be digested and absorbed. if you can put candy in your mouth you can handle taking vitamins and supplements throughout the day. Sometimes it;s hard to get in enough protein and fluids. I have become very sensitive to caffiene. Even decaff keeps me awake if I drink it after noon. Also you will learn what carbs affect you with Dumping ( sweats heart palpatations and shaking). Make sure you eat more protein than carbs with your meals and snacks. Eat every 2 -3 you keep your metabolism stoked. I've been amazed how I have adjusted. I eat a wide variety of foods just in more normal portions and no longer have sugar cravings In 10 mo. sz.26 down to 12/14 and 96lb.s off reflux gone arthritis better lymphedema under control and no more high blood pressure.. We are here for you anytime. Good Luck with your journeys. We will warm a spot on the Losers Bench for you. 2010 is Our Year!! 

  Miss  Jean   
on 9/13/10 3:00 am - Spring, TX
I'm having my lap band to RNY revision surgery on Thursday, 9-16 and very nervous about the pain post op, so glad to see to it's not any worse than the band.  I'm planning on going back to work in two weeks.  I've heard that some people take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks.  How long before you felt good enough to return to work?
on 9/13/10 3:20 am - Friendswood, TX
I took off 4 weeks bur could have gone back in 3 weeks. I am a nurse so wanted to be strong enough  to go long(12) hr. shifts. I went home with a Q pain pump that didn't help the left side  where the port was removed It stayed in for 3 days then my daughter remoed it.. Make sure you only take wi your pin medicine with a couple sips of fluid.  started out taking too many sips and not waiting so the medicine made me too sleepy and didn't lat the 4 hr.s after I figured that out things went much better. Get Crystal Light hydration for your water. That really helped me in  the beginning feel better because of the electrolytes. Also you can ge tBeneprotein packe st for your water to give you a little boost.  It mixes clear so is okay on the liquid diet phase.  A Heating pad is also a comfort for the port site. The Dr. finally told m about it at my 1 week visit. Remember to put a pair of your biggest pants up in theclset so when you think things aren't mmoving fast enough you can take them out and put them on ad say " WOW"  and get refocuesed.
  Miss  Jean   
Wendy A.
on 9/9/10 9:17 pm - Evans, GA
Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I will keep you all poste on my results!
on 9/10/10 12:53 am
Hi Ladies:

       I was banded 1/2004.  Band slipped 2 years later, causing reflux and heartburn.  A  couple months ago it slipped again.  This time causing severe reflux and even aspiration.  I had revision (RNY) 8/4/10.  I'm glad I was banded first, this way I know it wasn't for me.  This being said, I love my RNY.  The surgery for me, was LESS painful than lapband (that port site hurt for a long time). Back to work in 2 weeks.  I'm 5 weeks out and feel fab.  The weight falling off is rather nice too!!  I went through the same gambit of emotions. I look at this as a second chance.  Good luck !!!
on 9/10/10 1:14 am
Hi everyone. I have had a Lap Band since 2002. I have had horrible problems with GERD, etc. I now have Barrett's esophogus. I have gained all the weight back. I am definately having the band removed, but am trying to decide whether to have another WLS, maybe RNY or Vertical Sleeve. I DO NOT want to throw up anymore! Yeah, I know, if I was more compliant I wouldn't,but, history has shown I am not very good at that. However, my diabetes is out of control, I need help.
Kimberley H.
on 9/10/10 3:04 pm - Winston-Salem, NC
I was told the sleeve would cause heartburn and reflux too. If you had that problem with the band I would strongly advice against the sleeve.

I'm trying to get a revision to RNY, with no GERD.
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