Excited About Dr. Husted

on 8/25/10 7:41 am - St. George, UT
Well...Hello there Stacy's Mom...

Been a while since I've conversed with you here on the boards...I actually don't get on here much anymore...Seems like when I do it's just a crap slinging contest between posters...I hate that...It's not what gives me meaning or makes me feel good...

But...hey...Thanks for articulating what I meant by my post...You are exactly right I wasn't bashing Dr. Husted, Nor did I mention my Surgeon's name...I figure if someone wants to know who he is or my experience with him, they will email me privately and I will be happy to tell them what's going on with me...

What I do want to say though...Is Dr. S never fished for me as a patient...I searched him out more for the Stomphyx than for ERNY....and he never told me that the ERNY was a substitute or a DS Revision...Never did he say this to me...Can't speak for anyone else though...But if anyone is interested in my experience with him...Feel free to contact me and I will be happy to discuss all my experiences with him...To date...I consider myself fortunate as I think I am doing well...But it's a crapshoot everytime you go to get your labs done...and what I mean by that is you worry until your results come back...

I appreciate hearing and reading your posts...I know you mean well... and want everyone to know the good and the bad...

Thanks again,

on 8/25/10 7:23 am - St. George, UT
Yes....Stillhopeful I do remember this post...And it sounds quite negative but honestly this was posted more as a question not as a statement...I knew nothing of this incident but what I read about it elsewhere and after some investigating myself I found it to be a little blown out of proportion...But I haven't read the surgery reports so honestly couldn't tell you for a fact what happened...If you read my prior posts and answers you will see I have always been on the Husted bandwagon...I have conversed with him many times by email and he always answers and always returns calls...

I posted the above email more as a question for response from those who might know something about that story than as a negative against him...I am sorry I did so as too many people take these things out of context without research and it gets blown way out of proportion and a persons professional career can be ruined because of it...I think we all need to be more careful about this kind of thing wihtout true knowledge....I also state to be leary of a surgeon who moves a lot...But that certainly doesn't mean he isn't a gifted surgeon, but it could mean you may have a hard time getting followups or answers to problems so do your research, make sure you know about their professional background...This is all I was trying to relay in that email... End of story...

And am I still a Husted fan...Yes, I am...regardless of what you or anyone else might think...I do believe he is a gifted surgeon and is very skilled in the different WLS procedures...But hey, maybe you know a lot more than I do...

on 8/25/10 8:27 am - St. George, UT
Thank you Joyce...You described it right, perfect, exactly...I did "weigh in" with stillhopeful further in the thread...(No pun intended )

By the way...When were you coming to UTAH? I'm really going to be hurt if you came and went! I've been wanting to talk to you about your experience with the DS Revision and I would just really love to see you again sweet girl!

You are absolutely correct when you say "I'm sure she'll continue to research him and others though before she decides"...You know me, and you right about that...We will do much research and he will have to decide who he is most comfortable with...Of course I'm partial to Dr. K but again it's that money, insurance thing...But we'll see....

Love you,


on 8/25/10 7:10 am - St. George, UT
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/10 11:48 pm
I had the ERNY June of 09. I've lost about 90 lbs. and continue to lose weight. My common channel is 100cc.

My iron is low, Calcium, Vit D, Magnesium, Zinc. Albumim, my triglycerides are low, and just about everything to be totally honest.

My main issues are that I feel like crap. I have terrible muscles aches, fatigue, I've been passing out, I have many hypoglycemic attacks if I don't eat like every few hours. I have major swelling in my legs, and I've ended up in the ER a few times. The dr's just look at me and take a step back. It's like I'm a foreign alien to them. No one wants to touch me. I also plan my days out by where a bathroom is going to be and such. I have about 10-15 bowel movements a day. I'm OVER IT.

After meeting with the surgeon he wants to lengthen my common channel to 200.  He put me pancrease and trying to get me into a hematologist before he'll cut me open. So now it's the waiting game.

The weight loss has been awesome but it's now to the point where I want to be normal again. I've suffered long enough.

I don't mean to scare anyone with my info but it's true for me.
on 8/13/10 4:43 pm
You pretty much told my story except that after a great weight loss I started regaining, gradually, 10 to 15 lbs a year until I had regained about 100 lbs.  My labs have been fine, nothing stood out but I felt like crap.  No energy at all for the last 2 years, going to the bathroom at least 10 or more times a day.  I went to my surgeon and he agreed to lengthen my common channel.  I think it's 200 now.  Also made my stomach a pouch.  I wasn't jumping up and down with joy over that but I was afraid that with my common channel lengthened I would gain even more.  I am learning to live with the pouch.  I had the sleeve and apparently that stretched out to where I could as as much as I could pre op.  I know that I will have to watch what I eat now and I know that I am perfectly capable of out eating surgery since I have done it before.
Good luck on whatever you decide to do.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 8/15/10 5:35 am
Tazz, did you and Dr. Deveney discuss reducing your sleeve rather than turning it into a pouch? What sort of vitamins were you taking? I knwo you say youor labs were 'fine', but are you certain that everything that needed to be checked was actually getting checked? I ask because over time I've learned that that's not always the case. A really thorough workup requires about 18-20 vials of blood. And you need to keep a history of your labs, in order to spot any trends---if your D was 80, then 60, then 40---you see where I'm going with this.

And---the so-called 'normal' range isn't always good enough. D for instance---the 'range' is 32-100, but on my last lab results, it states that new info indicates that 32 is the "threshold for optimum health", implying that even if 32 is 'normal', it's not really 'good'.
on 8/25/10 8:16 am - St. George, UT
Hi Tazz:

So did you have an ERNY? Was that with a sleeze? Can you tell me how your weight loss journey went...i.e. what surgery first, second, third?

Thank you...

on 8/15/10 5:29 am
Tara, what is your vitamin routine? Have you talked with Vitalady about maybe changing things up? I honestly think she knows more about the sort of supplements we need than most surgeons do. She's 16+ years out from an ERNY herself.
on 8/17/10 2:47 am
Hi there
I had a lot of the same issues you are having. I had the erny as a revision because ds couldn't be done at the time.  (scarr tissue etc...) anyway, because of lots if problems... I ended up having my common channel lengthed to 200cm also. Things are going really well for me. I feel good and the bathroom issues resolved also. what a relief! I also went 15 times a day. I don't do that anymore. My labs are good and I have maintained my weight loss.  please consider getting the ds or getting your common channel lengthend, It does wonders!!! any questions, feel free to pm me. I will answer anything I can for you. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!

Take Care
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