Indiana Revision...sorry so long....

on 7/25/10 7:14 pm - Anderson, IN
Okay, so I had RNY in 8/08.  I'm coming up on my 2 year mark.  I've lost about 155lbs.  I was down to around 225 but now am hovering around 230ish.  The regain is my fault.  I am not exercising and was eating a lot of CRAP.  So, this is not about weight.....

I take full responsibility for being my own health advocate. I do not remember anyone TELLING me that I could not take NSAIDS with a pouch. I didn't get on here until post-op.  This is also when I was advised I  could not have the NSAIDS.  I have LUPUS, FIBRO and have had two back surgeries---NSAIDS tended to be a part of my life.  But I'll take the blame for not doing my OWN research and trusting someone else to tell me the truth.  But then I was LIED to....

I have LUPUS.  At my pre-op class I gave them my list of meds INCLUDING my Lupus meds and they told me what I could and could not take post-op. They gave me the green light for all my LUPUS meds.  Dr.Cacucci was well aware of my LUPUS b/c we discussed it at length pre-op.  At my FIRST post-op visit I told her I was having some stomach problems with some of my pills.  She then informs me that they are commonly known to cause ulcerations in pouches and tells me it is best if I come off of one of them (most likely to cause the ulceration).  WHAT? ????  

Now we are 2 years down the road.  I've not taken the medicatin she told me not to.  I have not taken a single NSAID and I have suffered b/c of both.  I have a lot of physical pain and inflammation that was being controlled before by these medications.  My labs for my LUPUS are bad and my Rheumy wants me back on the meds...and I'm afraid to take them.  I would like to kick the surgeon in the head but find that probably would not help much.  So, I've seriously been considering a revision.  I just my "stomach" to be more normal.  I was thinking they might be able to undo the pouch and just give me the sleeve.  This way I could take my meds and regain my pyloric, I miss that thing.  

Does anyone know if Dr. Innman handles all the revisions.  I must be honest.  I've been having some complications lately and have found Dr. Cacucci's attitude to be just as LOVELY as always and frankly, I no longer trust her.  I trust her ability as a surgeon but not the information she gives me and I am tired of her damn attitude, frankly.  

I just had a scope and we had issues.  Then I asked her if my pouch was stretched out and she said "Yes."  Then I get home and look a the paper work and it says that my pouch looked normal and my capacity was 6-8oz which is what I thought we were suppose to be at at 2 years out?  

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.  Thanks!
"Life is hard.  Afterall, it kills you."- Katherine Hepburn
SW 387.1/ CW 229.1/ GW 190 (Updated 7/27/10)

on 7/26/10 8:16 am - Layton, UT
A revision to a DS will allow you to take your meds.  I hadn't taken any NSAIDS from 03 to May of 2010.  I took advil and other meds 2 weeks after my revision to a DS!!!  I have rheumatoid arthritis; not nearly as bad as your lupus sounds but I too wanted to be able to treat myself without causing ulcers in my Rny pouch.

Good luck!  BTW....only about 3 surgeons who are qualified in the U.S. to tackle the high risk surgery of taking down an Rny and then giving a sleeve or full DS.  I went with Dr. Keshishian in CA.

Good luck friend!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 7/26/10 9:35 am - Anderson, IN

I could live with the amount of weight loss I've experienced.  I just didn't know about the medicines that I would be restricted from taking. As far as my Lupus meds go...I was flat out lied to.  I want to kick myself in the head thinking about having to live through this again.  Frankly, I'm also VERY scared of the idea of revision.  That is a LOT of stuff to move around and a lot of healing. Then I have talked to people that have to have feeding tubes for a while.  AAAGGHH!  It's overwhelming and disappointing.

"Life is hard.  Afterall, it kills you."- Katherine Hepburn
SW 387.1/ CW 229.1/ GW 190 (Updated 7/27/10)

on 7/26/10 9:53 am - Layton, UT
It is overwhelming and the fact that you are hesitant and doing research is fabulous!!!!  ....  Take your time and get the right thing for you!

Revision surgery is huge.  That's why you need the right who does many of them and can do them easily like other surgeon's perform virgin surgeries.  The recovery is a bear for some of us.  I'm just now feeling really good and I'm 2 months post-op.... but compared to how I felt BEFORE my revision; I felt great almost immediately!!!

I had the feeding tubes in for 6 weeks.  I won't lie.  I didn't like them.  But, they didn't really hurt until the end when they got kind of "soured"....they were more of a hassle than anything.  The noursihment you get by having them in totally rocks.  My finger nails and hair got better post-op instead of vice versa!  LOL!

It's trade offs.  Many of us have co-morbidities going into our first WLS.  We are willing to turn those over for the hassle of taking vitamins and slurping protein drinks and possibly having loosey goosey saggy baggy skin!  .....  It sounds to me like you'll have a win/win situation though if you were to revise to a DS.  You could take all your medications again.  Lose more weight and possibly feel stronger to battle your medical issues.

The DS forum has a bunch of folks who have auto immune issues as well as other med problems.  I'd suggest going over there with your questions.  They are a very helpful bunch and a great source of info!

I hope all works out for you.  It sounds like you have been miserable
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 8/4/10 12:56 pm - Hustonville, KY
I called Dr. Inman's office today and was advised that she will only do a revision if you were her original patient. Also, if you were an original patient she has a back-log apparently until at least the first of the year.

Highest Weight:  564 /  Post Band Pre DS Weight:  508 / Surgey Date Weight:  449
Current Weight:  209 / Goal Weight:  150 (BMI of 25).

on 8/5/10 10:34 am - Anderson, IN
Hey, thanks for the info.  I wasn't going to use her any way.  If I do this I am going to travel to someone with more experience with revisions. I hope you find someone!
"Life is hard.  Afterall, it kills you."- Katherine Hepburn
SW 387.1/ CW 229.1/ GW 190 (Updated 7/27/10)

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