on 7/6/10 6:07 am - CA
Hi! I am new to the forum and excited that I found it... I had an open gastric bypass back in 1999, the surgery was a success and I lost over 100 lbs. I have since regained all my weight plus some and I am looking for other surgical options that are the safest AND MOST successfull . My insurance company WILL NOT pay for a revision, I have exhausted all legal avenues with my insurance, so I am on my own to pay out of pocket for this. As far as I can tell my only options are a lapband (Mexican surgeon Dr. Ortiz) or the ROSE procedure here in the states. Both cost about the same but from what I am reading on the message boards here the ROSE procedure is not a good choice. Is there anyone who has gone through a revison on thier bypass that can recommend the best surgery options for me? I am reading a lot about the DS on here but is that an option for someone like me and where does one go to have it done? If I am paying out of pocket is it somewhat affordable? Any information or help will be greatly appriciated!! I would love to hear about any stories of revision and how your doing now...
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/10 7:50 am - Bayonne, NJ
Cross the ROSE off your list. It doesn't work.

Study after study, patient after patient, has shown that it doesn't work. You lose weight (20-25 lbs) with the liquid diet, and as soon as you start to eat again you gain the weight back. This board was full of posts from people who didn't do well with ROSE. The only "positive" stories were from a doctor's shill, and she was quickly outed.

Your body, after RNY, decides that it needs to store things even more. Some people are successful with a band over bypass, but not many. There's no malabsorption, so your body is still getting as much as possible out of the small amount of foods you eat.

The DS is a definite option. There are people who have had a self-pay DS revision, and it's expensive, but so worth it.  Talk to Kerry on the DS board, he did it self-pay and he's great. I was lucky because my insurance did cover the revision from RNY to DS.

I had RNY in 2003, went from 328 to about 170, regained to 221. I had my revision in December and I am down to 166, and still losing. I don't dump anymore, I feel good, I don't barf or foam, and I am able to lose weight by following a low-carb diet. I'm amazed.
on 7/6/10 6:39 pm - CA
Wow!! Thank you so much for responding to my post... Thank God I found this before I went ahead and got this surgery. You have saved me thousands of dollars, not to mention more heartache... When I had my surgery (back in the day in 1999) there was really no support, and no where to go to find others who have gone through this struggle. Thank you again baileymouse for your help!! God bless.. Jules777
on 7/11/10 6:38 am, edited 7/11/10 7:13 am
You should check with your insurer, but most will not pay for the Stomaphyx or the ROSE procedure. I was a distal RNY to DS revision. I did have a lot of complications after surgery, and still am struggling with a gastric leak and fistula that I have been dealing with for nearly a year. I've been on nutritional support for a total of 6 months since my revision. The other five months I have mostly been on soft foods or full liquids. I have a lot of food intolerances and throw up often. Having said all that I have lost 115 pounds, mostly in those 5 months that I have not been on nutritional support (TPN or Enteral Feeding (Osmolite)). I don't tell you this to scare you, but to educate you that a revision is a very tough surgery. I love when people have no complications and sail right through it. I was not one of them, but I am not bitter about it, but I don't know if I would do it again knowing all that would happen to me, but it's hard to not love the 115 pound loss. Right now I'm not really loving my DS, but there are days when I do like it. Mostly we are learning to co-exist. Princess (my stomach) runs the show and I have little to say about it. Revisions have a higher rate (20-30%) of complications. You need to be aware of this. It doesn't mean it will happen to you, but it could.

As for the complications my heart rate and BP were through the roof after surgery. It took a couple of days and a lot of medication to get it under control. My pain was very high following surgery. My stomach organ got swollen and the contrast from the Upper GI would not go into my stomach. It stayed in my esophagus. I had to have a second surgery just 2 days after my first surgery to remove some sutures in my stomach organ, had to have the area stretched with an endoscope and had to have my atrophied pylorus stretched as well to get it to work. It does work, albeit quite slowly and sluggishly.  My incision got a build up of serosanquenous fluid and had to be opened in two places. I was in CCU for nine days and in the hospital for 17 days the first time. I was sent home and 3 days later had to return as I got a subclavian blood clot in my arm from the PICC line I was sent home with. I was back in the hospital for one week, discharged and returned home for four more days when I had to return due to a gastric leak and fisula  that had formed.  I've been in and out of the hospital three more times. A couple times for an abcess that formed, then the gastic leak had some sort of fit and whenever I drank anything the fluid just poured right out of my fistula. I got septicima from a tunneled PICC line in my jugular vein and had to spend a 9 days in the hospital for that.  Right now I am on TPN and have been for three months. No clue when I can get off of this. Again, please note that I tell you these things to educate you. Revisions are tough. Not everyone goes through what I've been through, but it can happen. Have a back up plan. Make sure you have a doctor who will follow your progress after your surgery should you have any complications.  

I was 430 pounds when I had my RNY. I lost to 210. Maintained for about 4 years and then started gaining weight. Gained to 302 pounds during years 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, then I revised because I was gaining weight and no matter what I did I just could not seem to lose the weight. Right now I'm at 190 and not losing due to being on TPN (IV nutrition). Hopefully, when I get off of TPN I will lose the last 40/50 pounds in short order.

If you can go self pay, I would recommend do that. You could go to Mexico, but PLEASE make sure you talk to those on the DS board so that you don't wind up with some incompetent , butchering surgeon. I understand that Dr. Ungson in Mexico is a great surgeon too. I think, though you would have to contact him, that the cost of a revision is between $10-$12K for Mexico. It is much higher in the U.S. Kerry on the boards was self pay. You might want to reach out to him.

All the best,

                   HW (pre RNY) 430 HW (pre DS) 302 / SW 288 /
                          Lowest weight 157 / CW 161
GW 150
                "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight"
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