Going to see my original surgeon

Karen G.
on 7/5/10 1:35 pm
Hi everyone!  I had lap rny with Dr. Andrei in NJ back in April of 2000.  I lost 122 pounds and got to my goal weight and maintained it for 5 years and since then have put 70  pounds back on.  I have tried WW, Atkins, and quite a few other diets - just like before my surgery these diets work for a few weeks and then I fall off the wagon. My blood pressure is back up and I am again on medicine for that!  My knees are having some isses and my ortho doctor says that my weight is not helping it!   I am obsessed with food and I never addressed that issue when I originally had surgery.  I have an appointment with Dr. Andrei on 7/21 to talk about revision.  I have recently come back to this site to read and I think that DS might be the surgery for me.  I DO NOT want to have to do this again!!!  I'm not sure if Dr. Andrei does DS - does anybody have a surgeon in NJ that they could recommend if he doesn't?  A few people have told me about the ROSE procedure but from what I've researched it doesn't seem to have a good success rate.  Thanks for any help you can give me!

on 7/5/10 7:14 pm
 If your original doc doesn't do the DS as a revision from the RNY, he will most likely recommend Stomaphyx, ROSE, BOB (band over bypass) or ERNY -- NOT the DS.

If you want the DS and he doesn't do it as a revision, going to him is a waste of your time and money.  Go to the DS board and ask them who does the DS as a revision from the RNY closest to your location.   If a surgeon does the virgin DS  that doesn't mean that they can revise from the RNY to the DS and you don't want someone who doesn't have a lot of experience doing this procedure on you -- it is risky and there is a lot of potential for leaks and complications with even the most experienced of surgeons.

ROSE and Stomaphyx are both wastes of times and money.   The BOB has had mixed results and the ERNY has been problematic for some who needed to reverse or revise it because of malnutrition issues.  And, for some, the ERNY didn't affect much weight loss.

Since your underlying food obsession has never been addressed, it would be advisable to work on that, because it IS possible to eat your way though any WLS - even the DS (it's not as easy as with the other options, but it can happen).
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/10 7:30 am - Bayonne, NJ
I'm in NJ. Andrei doesn't do the DS, and even if he did, he's not a DS revision surgeon. There are only about 4 or 5 guys I would trust with a revision from RNY to DS. One is Greenbaum in NJ, but he's not taking patients until after January. He's backlogged. There are a couple out west, and Dr. Gagner is now in Montreal.

Rose & Stomaphyx don't work at all, and it's just a way for surgeons to make some quick extra cash. The ERNY can cause severe deficiencies. Someone who posts here frequently dropped below goal and revised to a DS from an ERNY to prevent the problems she was having.
Heather D.
on 7/12/10 11:17 am - New York, NY
Baileymouse, do you work for a DS surgeon? Did you have the Rose procedure done and have no success? To be honest, I am having a hard time researching the Rose procedure on this site because I keep coming to your extremely negative responses.You are stating your opinions, which are not based on your experience with having the Rose procedure or any medical expertise. Hopefully all of us trying to find useful information on the Rose procedure can do so without only finding your posts.
on 7/17/10 9:13 am
 Heather, whomever you are, you are wrong about this board being "negative" about the ROSE and Stomaphyx procedures.   IF you had bothered to research back through the posts here (Yup, all the way back to 2007), you would have found that many, many people were VERY excited and VERY positive about both of these procedures.   Until they had them done, that is ...

Not ONE person came back on the boards to say they were successful with either of these endoscopic procedures.   The results were ALWAYS the same.   They lost around 20 lbs due to the special pre and post op diet, then they gained it ALL back.  

The only person, a guy, who said he was successful with either of these procedures, was OUTED (by me, thank you) as a shill who worked for a doctor who performed them.   Yeah, he said he had had the Stomaphyx and was "oh so successful" with that, then came back onto the boards over a year later extolling the wonder of the ROSE procedure that he also said he had done to him.    There is a way to search back through a person's posts and I posted a link to everything this man said - then he "backpedaled" by saying that he had had BOTH procedures done.   Yeah, sure -- they are essentially the same procedure, using different methods to put pleats into the pouch.   NO ONE WOULD HAVE THEM BOTH -- ONE AFTER ANOTHER -- NO ONE!

Unless they are shilling for some doctor, the people on here usually tell the absolute truth!   If it's not what you want to hear, so be it.   Plus, if you would bother to do ANY research at all, you would already know that the DS is the WLS which has the ABSOLUTE BEST stats of any of the various procedures.   It is the best surgery for keeping off excess weight in the LONG term.   There are many, many scientific journal studies on this FACT.  Many.

And, FYI, you don't see anyone on either the revision forum or the DS forum looking to revise to something else, now do you?  Everyone is looking to revise to the DS, not away from it.   Maybe that is the biggest clue of all!
on 7/17/10 9:20 am
 Oh, and one more thing.   The reason the Baileymouse is still trying to help people and warn them about the ROSE and Stomaphyx is because everyone else who was posting about it (including those who actually had it done) is BORED with these STUPID questions about these procedures which keeping coming up on here.   This was all covered over and over again, ad nauseam two years ago!!  

Thank goodness Baileymouse is still interested in helping people.  You are LUCKY she even bothered to answer you!  I won't waste my time anymore.   The info is all in the back threads for anyone to read.   

Doctors are pushing it because they bought the equipment from the companies that manufacture it and they need to recruit SUCKERS to get back their many thousands of dollars investment in said equipment!   Go ahead and be a sucker - then you will know what "negativity" really is - especially if you put out the $$ from your pocket to pay for it OR if you get your insurance to pay and then find that they won't pay for a real revision after it fails.   Just wait!
on 7/17/10 10:40 am - mesa, AZ
       "AMEN" !
Love it when you tell it like it is !

people spending lots of big bucks for little if any results .

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 7/19/10 4:29 pm, edited 7/19/10 4:29 pm
 Why, Jeanna ... are you referring to me??  
on 7/19/10 4:41 pm - mesa, AZ
Yes I am !   I appreciate what you posted.  it's nice to see  the Support .

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 7/20/10 3:57 am
 Thank you, Jeanna!   I hardly post anymore.   Got sick & tired of being accused of being "negative" for telling the truth!   I still skim the boards, though.

The blatant stupidity of a lot of the people on here is appalling!  

They would rather be told "I'll pray for you" than be given any true, useful information which may contradict their previous beliefs about WLS!   And, their "so-called" research consists of only listening to those who tell them what they want to hear. 

I keep hoping to read that you've lost more weight with the ERNY you had done in 2008, but you haven't changed your ticker in a long time.   You may need to follow Joyce's lead (in revising to the DS) to achieve the WLS you deserve!

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