Revision Scheduled for 7/13

on 6/30/10 10:42 am - Ft. Wainwright, AK
So I have my revision scheduled for 7/13. It will be a ERNY and it will be done in Anchorage, AK. I haven't posted in a long time, but I have been reading everyone and researching what is the best option for me. This is the best option for me.
However, I am still a little scared. Did anyone else feel this way? 5 years ago, I went into this process blindly and with no children! I now know what I am doing, what I need to do to suceed, and I have a beautiful 3 1/2 year old. I have confidence in my surgeon, but I am scared to death that I lack the confidence to beat this addiction to food and god forbid something should happen to me in surgery! I see a therapist and I see a nutrionist (I have been for almost a year) and I know I have the support, but yet I am still scared! I am not jumping around saying, I can't wait till my surgery like I did last time, but I am much more reserved and perhaps focused on doing what is right.

I got the call yesterday that the surgery would be the 13th. Immediately I had to start my preop diet and I am surprised that I am not upset that the holiday weekend is coming, and i won't be able to eat all the good stuff that isn't so good for me. I am fine with it. Has anyone else felt different the second time around??
on 6/30/10 11:48 am

I just wamt to tell you good luck,  I trust you know all the stats of the surgery, and that you will need to really really pay attention to your vitamins and supplements,  Do you have problems with your pouch at all> Will they be addressed?

I wish you the best!

LiFeLoNg hEaLtH imY GoAl
RNY 5-11-04 280
Lowest weight 174
Highest re-gain 238

erny 3-23-09 (120 common channel

low post revision 190
Current Weight  204

Height 5'6"

GOAL 154 Normal BMI

on 6/30/10 6:32 pm - Ft. Wainwright, AK
Thank  you very much for the well wishes!!! I do have a problem. I have a fistula that has to be repaired. This fistula, and the surprise pregnancy 15 month out is what aided me in my weight gain. I don't have much to loose, but it  has been so hard trying for so long to try and get it off plus deal with the vomitng from the fistula. I feel confident that in a few weeks, things will be better for me. Thanks again!!! :)
on 6/30/10 12:07 pm - Layton, UT
On June 30, 2010 at 5:42 PM Pacific Time, brandlin23 wrote:
So I have my revision scheduled for 7/13. It will be a ERNY and it will be done in Anchorage, AK. I haven't posted in a long time, but I have been reading everyone and researching what is the best option for me. This is the best option for me.
However, I am still a little scared. Did anyone else feel this way? 5 years ago, I went into this process blindly and with no children! I now know what I am doing, what I need to do to suceed, and I have a beautiful 3 1/2 year old. I have confidence in my surgeon, but I am scared to death that I lack the confidence to beat this addiction to food and god forbid something should happen to me in surgery! I see a therapist and I see a nutrionist (I have been for almost a year) and I know I have the support, but yet I am still scared! I am not jumping around saying, I can't wait till my surgery like I did last time, but I am much more reserved and perhaps focused on doing what is right.

I got the call yesterday that the surgery would be the 13th. Immediately I had to start my preop diet and I am surprised that I am not upset that the holiday weekend is coming, and i won't be able to eat all the good stuff that isn't so good for me. I am fine with it. Has anyone else felt different the second time around??
I wish i could congratulate you but unfortunately I am just sad.  Stats for successful ERny's haven't been very good as of late. 

I barely survived mine and ended up needing  a THIRD revision to survive.

I sincerely wish you all the best and hope it works for you.  .....  It's not too late to change to a DS!!!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 6/30/10 1:29 pm - Ft. Wainwright, AK
I am sad that no matter what anyone has to say on the boards if it has to do remotely with ERNY people feel the need to put down a choice a person has made. This is why do not post. I don't know what I could of said to make it clear on where I stood, and that I did not want comments about my choice of surgery but on how a person FEELS the second time around. I have read enough on this board that makes me feel so uncomfortable posting my decision, but it is my decision. I get that certain people feel very strongly about DS however please respect the choices of others and try to support them. I say this in the most respectful way that I can, but please stop pushing DS on someone who has already stated the did their research and this is their choice. We need to respect eachother and support everyone here whether we agree with them or not.
Road Less Travelled
on 6/30/10 3:08 pm
VSG on 12/13/10 with
I hear you - on so many levels

Yes - I too am very scared now -- even with my first WLS (lap band) I had kids but now there is the additional complication factor of a revision.  But I am putting my faith in god and trusting that all will be OK.  (also I just looked at one of the you-tube videos and she has a ton of scar tissue with the band to rny revision and it took only 70 mins to revise.)

But I do agree it's a completely different feeling the 2nd time -- part fear, but also the 1st time we had so much hope and promise and for what ever reason - the WLS failed us, so to get all that hope back take alot of emotion.  And like you with a 3 yr old your day is max'd out - so I am sure you don't give yourself time to even think about yourself, needs, feelings, etc.

My 73 yr old mom lives with us and is going to have surgery next week (3 herniated disks that will be fused) so once she's back on her feet and mended - then it's my turn.  But I have a 8 yr old boy and 6 yr old twin girls - and while the loves of my life, they can suck the life force out of you :-) so I hope to have my revision after they have gone back to school so I can mend when they are not in the house.

I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming surgery - and may the WLS fairies sprinkle lots of WL dust on you :-)
on 6/30/10 6:37 pm - Ft. Wainwright, AK
Donna- Thank you so much for replying!! I am glad to know others are having different feelings! And your so right about kids taking up sooo much of our time! I work full time as a Child Protection Investigator and have my liitle one to take care of. My husband tries to help, but he is a Commander and is crazy busy all the time!! Your also right about trusting God!! My husband says it will all be ok, and I do believe him! I hope your mom's surgery goes well and then finally it is your turn!! Yea!!! I also hope you are able to get your surgery soon and all is well!!! Thanks again!
on 6/30/10 4:05 pm
 These people are not trying to "put down" your choice ... they are trying to help you.  Help you not make the same mistake that they did.   When I was warning these same people (2 years ago) about the ERNY, they all said that I was being "negative", etc.   Yet, if they had only listened and really done their research, it would have saved them from having a THIRD WLS to convert from ERNY to DS.  

If you have done your research as you say, it must not have been very thorough, because there is NO WAY you could do research and come to the conclusion that the ERNY is a better choice than the DS.  NO WAY!

I've been reading these boards for almost 3 years now and have seen the very same people who were all enthused about the Stomaphyx, go and get that surgery ... then a few months later THE SAME people were all enthused about the ERNY and they went and got THAT surgery ... then a year or two later, they were back looking to get the DS.  

If you only have 50 lbs or less to lose, the ERNY may be helpful for you.  If you either gained back a significant amount of weight from your RNY or never lost the appropriate amount in the first place, the surgeon will have to make your common channel dangerously short in order for you to have the result you are looking for.

Those who have had the best success with the longer channel ERNY are those who have been very diligent with their nutrition and diet and the long term results aren't even in yet.   The surgery has only been done for a few years.  I posted two bariatric studies around 2 years ago which covered this, and if you had really done research like you say, you would have found them, either online or on OH.

The people  on here who you are accusing of  "pushing" the DS surgery, are only trying to do their best to prevent seeing YOU back on here in a year or two ... looking to have yourself cut open again for yet another revision.   If this rubs you the wrong way ... so be it.  You'll probably be too embarrassed to come back on here again and admit that they were right and you (with all of your so-called "research") were wrong.    

on 6/30/10 6:27 pm - Ft. Wainwright, AK
I understand you feel a certain way, and I will let it go at that. Thank you for your input and I appreciate your time. You and others do not know the specifics of why I choose this surgery, and I am not going to go into specifics on what my problems are and how much I have to lose. If this were to fail in a few years, so be it. I am woman enough to come back and admit my mistakes. I am NEVER above that. Again, thank  you for your input.
on 7/1/10 6:37 pm
On July 1, 2010 at 1:27 AM Pacific Time, brandlin23 wrote:
I understand you feel a certain way, and I will let it go at that. Thank you for your input and I appreciate your time. You and others do not know the specifics of why I choose this surgery, and I am not going to go into specifics on what my problems are and how much I have to lose. If this were to fail in a few years, so be it. I am woman enough to come back and admit my mistakes. I am NEVER above that. Again, thank  you for your input.
 I apologize for the heavy-handedness of my post here.  I did not know that you had specific issues which were swaying you towards the ERNY.   

I will say, however, that many doctors manipulate patients into choosing a type of surgery that they perform and downplay the positive effects of those types that they don't.   Especially in this economy, most docs like to keep the business in THEIR office, rather than recommend a surgery which would be best for the PATIENT and then watch that patient leave their care to go to another surgeon who offers the other surgery.   IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY!   These WLS docs run what I call RNY/lapband "factories", where they shuttle patients in like cattle.  First with their free seminars and then they pray on the people who are the least "educated" in the types of surgery available.  Many people have never heard of anything other than the bypass or the lapband.   Those that are aware of the other types of surgeries as shuttled away or discouraged. 

Doctors tell patients that the sleeve surgery won't be successful for them -- that they need the pouch and malabsorption of the RNY.   (Of course, these docs haven't yet learned to do the sleeve.)  They tell patients that the DS is too "drastic" of a surgery and then scare them with stories of horrible diarrhea and body odor, etc.  (Guess what?  The doc doesn't know how to perform the DS either!)  

So the patient gets the RNY or the lapband, which isn't the right surgery for them, but is what the surgeon performs.  If the lapband fails (which they all eventually do ... try to find someone who has had their band in them for 10 years -- you won't!), they give the patient the RNY because that is the only other surgery they offer.  The surgeon then gets MORE business when the RNY fails (because it never should have been done in the first place).   The surgeon talks  the patient into  the ERNY which either doesn't work at all or is made so drastic that it has the same or WORSE issues than the DS, because the surgeon has to make the common channel dangerously short in order to have the same weight loss result as the DS.  It goes on and on.  

Many of the first ERNY patients 2-3 years ago were scared away from the DS by a surgeon who told them that it was too risky to reconnect the pouch back into their stomach, and that there could be horrible complications, etc.   Well, they wound up getting so sick from their ERNY's that they had to endure yet another surgery and be cut open and put under anesthesia again -- so what in the end is MORE dangerous here??  

I'm worried that your research consists of what some doctor told you - what he/she manipulated you into doing because he/she "is the doctor" and you're hanging on every word.   That this surgeon has told you that *his/her choice of surgery* is the best one for you because of "blah, blah, blah .... your symptoms .... blah ... blah ... blah"  and that you're just going on the one opinion of this one doctor (and/or his/her colleagues) who is basically in it for the $$$.  

If that is not the case, and you really do have a particular issue for which the ERNY would work better, I wish you an uneventful surgery and a fast and easy recovery.    I really don't want to see you on here a year or two from now, looking for a revision to the DS.   I REALLY don't!!

Best of luck to you.   I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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