8 yrs post op from Gastric Bypass: Considering a Lap Band?

Matata 2
on 7/1/10 7:42 am - Minneapolis, MN
I had RNY Sept 04' and BOB Oct 07'. I have lost the 40 pounds I had gained plus an additional 25, to be @ my lowest weight since I was a child (150#).

I had 2 fills. The first fill was done at 4 wks post-op to allow for healing. The second fill was done under fluroscope 2 weeks later. For the second fill I was AGRESSIVELY filled to 10cc in my 10cc band - this is where it is different from having lap-band as the primary surgery.

I did not have to return for any fills until 1.5 years later, when I needed a slight unfill - went from 10 to 9cc (of all things)!  I just recently, at almost another year later, had a second unfill from 9 to 7cc.
It is VERY unlikely that you will ever have a slipped band or issues of reflux due to the RNY replumbing. As I have found out, the BOB is not as forgiving as the RNY stoma. I had many more issues with sliming than from my 1st surgery. I do NOT rely on a feeling of fullness and still (at almost 6 yrs post-op) measure my food. I am very glad I revised with BOB as I already have some malabsorption issues I have to deal with (anemia despite 3 iron pills a day).  Good luck with whatever you choose.
Matata 2  Pre-op 320/Current 152/Goal 132  
on 7/1/10 10:39 am - New York, NY

Thank you for replying.  How different areyour eating and drinking habits now.  I can eat anything and everything and never dumped other than from alchol.  Do you feel this BOB is much more restrictive?

Matata 2
on 7/2/10 2:26 am - Minneapolis, MN
BOB restricts volume only. As for dumping that would be the same. I used to take sips of water with eating, and I CAN NOT DO THIS ANYMORE!!! Which is a good thing .  I find that I have more difficulty with things that I shouldn't eat. I can not eat french fries, bread, noodles, cake, pita...basically white starchy foods. I have to be very careful about how small of a bite I take and how fast I eat. BOB seems to have less forgiveness -or 'give' when it comes to how I eat. This made me really return to the basics.

I have to control the rest! I have to make good food choices and do the exercize. There is no magic, but this feels a bit closer to having better control. When the choice is getting sick or NOT eating the bad food, it get easier to make the right choices.
Matata 2  Pre-op 320/Current 152/Goal 132  
on 7/5/10 8:11 am - New York, NY
Im thrilled to here in restricts volume.  I can eat sooooo much!  Im also glad to hear you cannot eat & drink the same time.  I called Aetna on Friday and I have a bariatric rider on my insurance.  It also allows for revisions.  Everything you are describing with eating, I never had. I never had had that even post-RNY early on.  I always joked with my surgery that I had the "placebo" surgery bc I was the same before and after just lost 140 lbs.
on 7/1/10 11:05 am - Indianapolis, IN
Good luck on your lapband surgery.  I had lapband done 3 years ago and I am having a revision done on August 11 to RNY.  My band was great in the beginning, but in the last year I have had alot of trouble.  I haven't had any saline in my band for over a year.  For the past several months I have done nothing but throw up at night.  My stomach has gotten so it doesn't want to empty.

I wish you the best of luck.  Keep us posted.

  Starting 237.5/Surgery day 218.8/Goal 141

Lap Band Tracking

on 7/5/10 9:17 am
Hey Heather!

I just wanted to check in with you.  I got my BOB on 6/29 and things have been going well.  When they did the barium swallow prior to surgery to see the pouch, it was in fact dilated, but not badly. Like you, my stoma was HUGE. So of course, I proceeded with the surgery.  It took a little over 2 hours. My original RNY was in 2000 and the scar tissue was horrible to get through. The doctors took their time though and spared me from having to be cut open again (Thank God).  The recovery in comparison to the RNY is a breeze. I'm down 25 pounds (mostly from the liquid diet, but I'll take it) and besides a little soreness, I'm great. I spent 48 hours in the hospital. Any other questions, please let me know!

on 7/5/10 11:15 am - New York, NY
Hey Kel.  THATS AWESOME!  Im glad you're doing so well.  You have got me excited and wanting to do this more and more.  Youa re down 25lbs since when?  How long where you on the liquid diet?

Im glad you didnt have to get cut open.  So, you are like almost a week post op, how long will you be on a liquid diet?
on 7/5/10 1:22 pm

Hey Heather,

   I have to say, I was re-reading some of your posts on this topic and remind me so much of me. I NEVER had a problem with any food and my surgeon was conservative as well, because of my age. Plus, I could eat and eat and eat. It seemed I would digest within minutes and I was back it...

Anyway! I did my liquid pre-op diet for 10 days prior to surgery. So 6/18 I started on clear liquids. I weighed in at 320 at that point. As of today, I'm 295.  Remember, the higher the BMI, the quicker it initially comes off.  I am on a diet now that consists mainly of Protein Shakes with skim, yogurt (no chunks of fruit), chicken broth, sugar free jello, etc. I can also eat but highly dislike Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rice, and cottage cheese (gag). So I'll just stick with the regular stuff and a ton of sugar free crystal light. When I see my doctor on 7/12, I should be given the all clear to start the puree stage. I got my band in Mexico (with a doc that teaches American doctors how to do the BOB), but I do have all of my aftercare/nutrition care lined up with a local surgeon here. Here is a link to the diet phases after surgery. http://www.massweightloss.com/patient_area/files/Post_Op_Die t_1-4.pdf

I honestly think having the bypass pouch is the only thing that saved me from not eating for 10 days prior to surgery. After day 3, I didn't even feel hungry anymore.

Hope this helps!


on 7/6/10 9:34 am
What a good girl, I crawled through the required 3 day diet..
on 7/11/10 7:06 am - New York, NY

I am going to a seminar with Dr Kurian tomorrow night (as I cannot get an appt without attending, HELLO, I've already had the frickin surgery) and I have an appt with a different doctor on Wed after work.  I chose 2 doctors in NYC (Kurian and Roslin) who were once in the same practice as my dr (Leitman).  They have all since parted ways, except my dtr doesnt do the band or the BOB or the rose. 

I also spoke with my ins company and its all covered.  Ill keep you in the loop. I hope all is well and your still progessing nicely.
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