Help; had rny in 2005; have gained some weight back......

Angela B.
on 6/21/10 1:51 am - Atlantic, IA
Ladies, it sounds like we are in the same boat.  We need to keep each other posted and see what we all find out, maybe it will help.  I was on my way to the hospital to have the bariatric test done this morning (we live 75 miles away, and were half way there) and they called my cell phone to reschedule, the didn't have some of the pharmacutials they needed to perform part of the test.  This is now scheduled for Wednesday.  So off to work I went for the day.  Take care ladies and will post more as I learn more. 
on 6/21/10 4:12 am - richmond, VA

I will be goin to my pcp wed.; so hopefully we will both have some answers soon.  I will say a prayer for u; take care.

Spacely StarKiller
on 6/21/10 4:47 am - Montreal, Canada
I feel so relieved finding this string. I had surgery in 2006 and went from 360lbs+ to 235lbs. A year out, I stopped losing weight and I got extremely sick. I had extremely heavy periods, anemia, nausea,migraines, etc. I was forced to stay off school and work twice for a year. I have recently been told I have a thyroid problem -which my doctor says is now under control, this makes no sense to me because when she perscribed the synthroid- I began gaining weight. I went from 245-260lbs and I'm so depressed.

With my health issues and vitamin deficiencies I hardly have any energy and exercising only occurs when I have the energy. on the 28th I'm seeing my doctor about a revision or possible surgery (douendal switch,lap band) over my rny.

Any recommendations? I'm really scared.

I wish all you ladies the best of luck.

Serena x 

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Kerry J.
on 6/21/10 9:41 pm, edited 6/21/10 9:52 pm - Santa Clara, UT

You're in luck; one of the best surgeons there is just moved to Montreal; Dr. Michel Gagner. He's one of the most talented surgeons you could find worldwide.

The surgeon you have listed in your profile is not a vetted DS surgeon so it's doubtful you would get the straight scoop on the DS from him. 

I don't have Dr. Gagner's contact information at my fingertips, but there are a number of people over on the DS Forum who are seeing his, so if you want to see him, post about him over there and I'll bet you will get a number of responses with his contact info.

Edit to add: I found Dr. Gagners email: [email protected] I've heard he's very good at answering email, so give it a try.


Angela B.
on 6/22/10 4:21 am - Atlantic, IA
Kerry: Thank you. I have a bariatric study done tomorrow, and then they will call me with the results, and the game plan.  I am going to speak to McBride about Anthone, maybe they can learn something from each other.  Like, as to what my problem is, or If nothing else maybe they can communicate about my case and Dr. McBride can have him do the surgery since she really doesn't want to re-operate anyways.  Which, if I decide to go to the DS I would rather not be the first guinea pig for someone to TRY their hand at with that operation.  Thank you for all your help, sounds like you'd been through all of this yourself.  After reading your page, I can see you've been down a few of these roads.  Have a great day and thanks again.  It's wonderful to have this board to come to for information and support.

Kbush:  I will keep you informed as to what I find out.  Look forward to hearing what you PCP says.  Keep in touch.
Angela B.
on 6/22/10 4:38 am - Atlantic, IA

Hello young lady!  Since having my RNY in 2005, I have had my gall bladder removed and have been having Iron IV's because I'm have terrible allergic reactions to the Iron shots.  I also get a B12 shot.  I have had an endometrial ablasion because of my horrific monthly cycle.  Which I will tell you is the best thing I ever did - it was a problem before the RNY, but a bigger problem after because of the extreme aniemia I developed.  I've always be anemic, but it just became a bigger problem after the RNY.  In 2007 I was hospitalized for an extremely low hematacrit.  They did the test three times, because I shouldn't have been walking around and the doctor said I wouldn't have made it through the night.  Thank god, my body was giving me signals and my husband listened, not me.  After 3 bags of blood, I was feeling much better.  That's when we started the iron IV's. 

So I am definately no stranger to problems.  Make sure you talk to your doctors and if they don't listen, find a new one.  Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing and what you find out.

I love this board, it's so nice to talk to people that are having similar problems and aren't like, well, don't you regret having that surgery now.  My answer to them is always no, I don't regret it one bit.  It has made a huge difference in my  life and without it I would have still been in the same place I was five years ago.  They'll never get it.  It's just time to figure out what is going on and what can be done to fix it and preferably make it better.
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