x-post - Dipping my toes - Band to Sleeve Revision

Lynn C
on 5/27/10 12:03 am
Hi all,

I'm currently banded but just received the news - circumferential dilation. My doc wants the band out but has unfilled me and is giving me 6 weeks to see if anything resolves but he isn't to optimistic. I know that without my band the weight will come back, he is willing to revise to sleeve or RNY. I'm will not do RNY but the sleeve is looking like a very good option (other than the fact I am petrified of the leak risk of such a long staple line, but I'll get over it)

My question is for those that have revised from band to sleeve how many have had leaks/complications and how bad were they? How long were you in the hospital? How was your recovery/out of work time (I sit at a desk for 8 hours).

Any other info you would like to share would be appreciated. (also posted on the revision board)


Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

on 5/27/10 4:31 am - Virginia Beach, VA
I think you will get a faster answer on the sleeve board or try verticalsleevetalkdotcom. There are many revisions over there too.
Lynn C
on 5/27/10 10:55 am
Thanks - I xposted there.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

on 5/27/10 11:09 pm - Livonia, MI
I had the band as well, and after a year of complications and a useless surgery, I had it unfilled and did gain back almost all my weight!  I had revision surgery on a Tuesday, and was home Wednesday.  The only complication I had was not getting enough fluids in the first few weeks and got deydrated.  I also had pretty bad reflux at night, but that was fixed with medication.

This has truly been the best choice I have made.  I can eat anything I choose unlike the band.  I just eat small amount.....Good Luck in whatever you choose!

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

Lynn C
on 5/28/10 8:36 am
Thank you

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

on 5/31/10 3:35 am - GA

5 year bandster to sleeve revision. I have had the sleeve for 2 years 4 months now. No complications surgically speaking but my revision was almost 5 hours due to massive scar tissue. I was in the hospital for 2 days. Recovery for me was several weeks. I was exhausted due to being under anesthesia a long time and having to travel to have my surgery in NY with the best revision surgeon. I couldnt find one in GA that I trusted or who had the level of experience as my surgeon did. PM me if you want more details. THe sleeve rocks!!!




Lynn C
on 5/31/10 4:38 am
Thanks - PMd you

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

gigi _
on 5/31/10 3:29 pm - Kitsap Peninsula, WA
For those who don't need malabsorption, the sleeve is supposed to be wonderful!  Good luck!
on 6/3/10 12:19 am - MA
Hi Lynn -  I totally remember you from the band board.  I think we were bande at about the same time.  I ended up switching doctors and getting a revision to the RnY almost two years ago.  It's been a huge relief getting the band out of my body.   If you are interested in a second opinion, you should speak with Dr Lautz at the Brigham.  He has done quite a few badn to something else revision surgeries and I think is one of the best surgeons in the area.  Good luck!  It's a scary time.   

Lynn C
on 6/3/10 1:13 am
Hi, yes I do remember you!  I've very happy and comfortable with my surgeon - his credentials are top notch (he is the Chief of Minimally Invasive Surgery @ Beth Israel in Boston) he is very familiar with my insides by now and I'm comfortable with him operating on me again. I haven't talked with him about his band to sleeve revisions yet but do know some of the band to RNY revisions he's done.

I loved my band but I am ready for it to go. I don't want to start a cycle of "issues" that could end badly - I'm also hoping that the sleeve will help me get closer to goal (or at least out of the obese category).


Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

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