My dr not ready to discuss revision...

Mary B.
on 5/10/10 11:28 pm - Southern, MD

A little background...

I went to see my dr about 3 weeks ago because I have had enough of this band with the stuck episodes...can eat one day then not the next and not losing the weight. I told him that I really wanted a revision cause Im just so sick and tired of this and I had surgery to HELP me lose weight.

I know the band works great for some people, just not for me. I agree the band is a tool that you have to work with, but I feel that the RNY would work with me...make sense?

Anyway, at the first appt, he says...whoa! how about we start with a UGI and blood work and go from there. I go for that and the report says possible slip and hiatial hernai. I go meet with my dr yesterday to discuss results. He says its not slipped and he feels Im too open. I feel Im at perfect restriction since I can eat one day and not the next. He gave me a FILL! Huh?? I told him last time I was at 8cc I couldnt even keep down a shake. Well, Ive had 2 shakes since then, so I guess I'll see what happens. He said liquids for 2 full days then mushies for a couple days. Come back in 4 weeks.

Maybe this will work? I dunno. I just want this to come off. Im so sick and tired of trying and failing. I just dont know what to do anymore. I'll work with him, but If I dont lose something these next 4 weeks...I just dont know. Im at the end of my rope. I so afraid I'll be fat forever.

    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
Michelle H.
on 5/11/10 2:02 am - Canada
I know very little about the band however one thing I do know is that your Dr is not the only Dr out there. If you want to revise from your Band to another surgery, find a different surgeon who will work with you. This is your body do what you feel is best for YOU!
My is Debbie M.......I am to lo24 (Louisa)
RNY 338- 185.  Regain to SW260 CW 236 GW 150ish?

on 5/11/10 3:49 am - Alvarado, TX
I am so sorry you are going through all of this.  I have had the band for 2 years and am going through the exact same things.  The band does work for some people but there are a WHOLE lot of people that it doesn't work for and I am one of them also.  I am band intolerant with a slip so my doctor now wants to do a revision to a sleeve so I am waiting from an answer from insurance.  You know your body and what is right for you or not.  I am no longer with my original surgeon from 2 years ago because I was getting no where with him.  Good luck to you and working through all of this.  I know how exhausting it can be! 
Caleña M.
on 5/13/10 12:29 pm
Hi Mary
I was banded 2 years ago and never really lost more than 20 lbs.  When I finally got the courage to confront the surgeon's office, they did not offer to do any testing on me.  Instead, he insisted that I continue my monthly visits to his office for 6 months, see his nutritionist for another 6 months, and then maybe he would consider discussing a revision.  They felt I had not given this surgery 100%.

Guess what? I fired them.  I took the time to do more research and I am going through a revision.  I sought other surgeons, consulted 5 and narrowed it down to my choice.  I am undergoing pre op testing and hopefully getting this band out soon.

If you don't loose in the 4 next weeks....then what? Nothing, stop blaming yourself.  You probably already know you are trying your best to be compliant and the weight is not coming off.  I hated getting fills, I felt very ashamed every appointment I had and knew stepping on the scale was netting zero results.   And guess what? your surgeon knows this already too.  I don't understand why they insist continuing to "mentally" torture their patients.  I needed more than restriction.  It was obvious from my history and even with surgery.    I was very glad I looked into OH for information, and armed with such, decided no longer was going to feel ashamed and guilty.

Continue reading the failed surgery forum and you will get enough courage to confront and replace your surgeon.  Also, if you have insurance, find out your revision options, and take if from there.

I wish you lots of success.  You already have the upper GI test and blood work which is needed for a revision.  Get copies of all your records from your surgeons office if you decide to consult a different surgeon. 

Wish you the best.

DS SW - 201 4/21/11; GW 130
on 5/14/10 3:47 am
I went through the same thing... for 3 years. I finally took matters into my own hands and went to Dr. Aceves in Mexico to get the band out and revise to a sleeve. While I've lost a significant amount of weight with VSG, I need malabsorption to get to a goal weight. I'm revising to DS in a little over a week.

Lapband is a fast and easy surgery. The problem is it doesn't work for everyone and we're hearing more and more patients giving it a thumbs down. The other forms of WLS require greater surgical skills and a lot of WL surgeons don't have them.

It's your body and your life so don't let them be ruled by your surgeon. Do what is best for you.
Mary B.
on 5/14/10 4:31 am - Southern, MD
Thank you all so much for your input. It helps me so much to feel like Im not alone here. Im looking for a 'bakup' doctor right now. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Thanks again. You all are wonderful!
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 5/14/10 12:41 pm
I had my band 6 months ago, no weight loss, daily vomiting, abdominal pain.....I completely understand how you feel. My dr is wonderful, he unfilled me and gave me a few weeks to feel a little better. We talked about revision to rny, i decided that is the right move for me. he put in my ins claim last friday to cigna, i was denied yesterday. he was so outraged he called the medical director of cigna and had a phone conference. they called today and I was approved. my dr is also the chief of bariatric surgery at the hospital. he was in ny previously, a lot of his patients still travel from ny and nj to ri to see him....he is wonderful and his staff is like no other. i broke down in his office, embarrassed, his np consoled my and he grabbed me some tissue and told me we will figure this out do not worry. if you do not mind traveling i high suggest him and miriam hospital the staff there is awesome too.
Mary B.
on 5/16/10 11:31 pm - Southern, MD
Erika, that is amazing!! What a wonderful doctor!!

Im waiting for a call back from a group at Johns Hopkins to get a second opinion and discuss my options. Im a little nervous about changing doctors but it cant hurt to talk to someone else. I'll let you know.
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 5/22/10 12:58 pm
Did you hear back yet?
A second or even third opinion is a good thing. So many dr do thing differently and have different outlooks, its kind of like dating, you need to test the waters to see who is a right match for you. Keep me posted, I have been thinking about you.:)
Mary B.
on 5/23/10 11:06 pm - Southern, MD
Hey Erika,
Nope, I havent heard back yet. I sent in all my paperwork and jumped thru all the hoops required just to get an appt. I understand the doc will be in the office today to review the paperwork, so hopefully I'll hear something soon.

Keeping my fingers crossed...
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
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