1 year anniversary- revision band over RNY update

on 5/6/10 1:16 pm
Hello Everyone...

It has been 1 year as of April 30th since I had my Band over RNY revision surgery.. Here is my story and my update.

In 1993 I had a RNY done... I was 280lbs and lost down to 165 lbs.  I managed to keep it off for 13 years.. Slowly I started gaining it back.  260 lbs to be exact.

my pouch had stretched and so did my stoma.  I started looking into revision surgery bu****ing dead ends every which way as there was not many post about revision surgery and most Dr.s had not done a lot of them in my area. 

I researched and found that many people was signing up for the Rose Procedure.  I was approved for the surgery and a week before I was suppose to have it done I found out I was pregnant.  (thank GOD!!)  As the Rose procedure was complete flop and St. Mary's Hospital in Richmond Virginia stopped doing them.

After I had my baby in Nov 08, I scheduled my surgery for April 30th and hand the band over RNY.  My Dr. did not give me a lot of hope as for the success of the weight loss.  He said if I was lucky I would probably drop 30-40 lbs total. 

However,  I'm happy to report that as of my 1 year anniversary date (April 30th)I  have lost **81lbs**
I have 9 lbs to go to hit the goal of 170lbs that I set for myself.  I'm 5'8 and this is a good weight for me.

So..  If you have a band over RNY.... Just make sure you go back for regular band fills when you find that your able to eat more..  You need that restriction to be successful with your band.  Also try and eat the right kind of foods.

Good luck everyone,

on 5/6/10 11:30 pm

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting this!!!  I am having a band over RNY on 6/29/10 and it's so difficult to find information and of course, people that have already had it done.  You've given me enough inspiration to last me until June when I go in for surgery.  You REALLY have made my day.  Congrats on your weight loss!

Quick question, was your RNY an open procedure? Mine was, so I'm just wondering how the pain with the band surgey is in comparison. Do you feel you have the same kind of restriction ou did when you first had your RNY?  Looking forward to hearing back from you! 
on 5/7/10 7:04 am
My RNY was open... and on a scale of 1-10.. my open rny was a 10...  I would give the band about a 4 or 5 on pain level... I think it was more of an uncomfortable feeling rather then pain.

As for the restriction..... the RNY was a more tolerable restriction.   The restriction with the band can actually hurt at times.... Now a lot of people will write back and say it should not hurt and that the band is probably too tight...  However, I think you need this type of restriction for the band to be successful.

I will tell you not to get discouraged with your first 5-6 fills... I really didn't feel a lot of restriction and was not losing much..  Just stick with it.... if you are still able to eat more then 5 oz after two weeks of getting a band fill... go back and get another... you will hit a point where you find a 'sweet" spot.  That is where the band gives you the restriction your looking for and your losing at least 2+ lbs week.  The band is a slower weight loss then the rny was...The rny was a rapid weight loss for me.

Good luck...

on 5/8/10 12:27 am

   Sorry for all the questions here....just wondering though. Why do you think your doctor told you that you would only lose 30 or 40 pounds if you were lucky?? Is it because not many people revised to the band after bypass or was he speaking about your personally? What do you think?
on 5/8/10 4:25 am
You are welcome to ask as many questions as you would like..

I think he was referring to the results from previous revision surgeries.  However he did tell me there had not been many at that point.  The Dr that told me that was my lap band Dr.  Before I had my band done... I had also gone back to my original RNY surgeon who also said that revision patients does not do as well as someone that was having it done for the first time.

Both Dr.s said that one of the reason is because as a veteran bypass patient..  you have learned how to 'trick the system".  You've learned how to eat things like chips and other unhealthy foods because they digest easier...  However.. in my experience... if your band is tight like it should be, you are still only going to be able to consume a small amount of food regardless of what it is.  I also know for me... quantity and small amounts is the success to my new weight loss.  They recommend that you go on a low carb, high protein diet... However that diet did not do as well for me as the low fat diet.  I lost more weight doing low fat. 

I do take my vitamins daily and extra calcium and vitamin K.. 

As for any other reason for the weight loss not being as much for a revision patient..  one of the answers I got was that's just how it is...  And that some things just could not be explained..

Trust me... I"m no super woman... I would compare this to the RNY as far as the way you will be able to eat..  Sometimes it may just take a few months and fills to get you where you need to be.  I do hope and pray I'm able to keep this off and that I do not get a stretched pouch again.  That is something you still have to be careful with as it's a real concern.  Make you you only put 4-5 oz of food on your plate and get rid of the rest of it. 

Good luck and feel free to email me with any questions.... My regular email is [email protected]

on 5/7/10 9:17 am - MI
  Congratulations Jeannie on your success!  Way to go. 

on 5/8/10 5:28 am - broussard, LA
The Band has a MIND of its own.........I have the band and im revising to the BYPASS..... I can only eat about 3 bites of meat and 1/2 cup of veggies and have NOT lose weight........... I cant eat before 11 AM without getting sick.....food stuck or anything like that.......I band can be TIGHT for days and than 1 day you can eat like a NORMAL person................Just be ready for the change with the band............its COMPLICATED  and weight  loss is waaayyyy slower than the BYPASS....But whatever you choose GOOD LUCK with your journey............
on 5/9/10 1:02 am

My insurance did pay for it.  I had Aetna and they were great when it came to revision surgeries.  Cigna was the worse.

One of the requirements w/ Aetna was pouch dilation and almost anyone that has gained weight back has a stretched pouch...  They did not require me to have any comoribities (spelling?)  the underwriter told me once people lose weight from the first surgery,  the comorbities go away.  I cant remember all of the qualifications but I know I had no health problems... just weight gain and I was approved.

on 5/9/10 1:14 am
How long have you had your band?

I can relate to a few things you've said... Like after the band is really tight.... 6-8 weeks later it will loosen up some but I still cant eat a regular meal.. But I could eat 8 -10 oz...  So that is when I know it's time for another band fill.

I think the one big inconvenience to the band is having to always go for band fills. (By the way... the fills DO NOT HURT) 

My weight loss... I can go two weeks and the scales will not move.. then I will lose 1-2 lbs.. and then go a month and not lose anything... then I will drop 5 lbs all at once...  But I do remember my RNY being like that... the weight loss #'s was just better.

As of now...  I'm glad I did the band and would recommend it..  However I'm not sure what the long term results will be..  I'm just crossing my fingers and trying to eat right...

Good luck
~ Dana ~
on 5/8/10 8:44 pm - Henderson, NV
Good questions..I have been thinking about it and so many people tell me not to do it, I am fine at the weight I am at...BUT I am not happy. 

Did insurance cover any part of this or did you cash pay? 

~ Dana ~


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