Revision --Lap band to RNY-- It kinda makes me sad

Deborah C.
on 5/4/10 4:42 am - Eglin AFB , FL
I had my Lapband surgery in january 2008.  At first everything was wonderful i lost weight, I was happy.  Slowly things have gone from wonderful to miserable.  In the last nearly 2 1/2 years i have had restriction problems.  Finding that "sweet spot" where the restriction is perfect has been impossible.  In March I walked into the surgeons clinic.  We had just recently returned home from a 3 week trip to see family.  After getting back I has having a hard time eating a meal.  Everytime i would eat something after the first bite i would start vomiting.  I was at my wits end.  Crying at every meal because I knew that I would end up with my head in the toilet.  Once the surgeon was notified that i was there he requested we go to radiology to see that the problem was.  After seeing a barium pill get stuck and experiencing my gagging because of the pill being stuck he removed fluid and mentioned in passing a possible revision. 

My husband and I had a few conversations on the posibility of a revision prior to this so hear the words 'revision surgery"   weren't that bad.  The next day my surgeon calls and schedules an appointment to discuss the revision and schedule the surgery.   Ass my consultaion appointment looms i cannot helo but feel as though i had failed.  I have also began to question if there is a slight bit of depression involved stemmign from the feelings of failure.  i just dont know what to do.  i am not sure i should go ahead witht he revision or if i should discussing trying out the lapband for a little longer.  Any ideas?
Monique H.
on 5/4/10 6:04 am
I'm not sure how you can use the word failure here. You were having problems with the band itself. Another thing, when I went to my consult for ds the surgeon pulled out the book that you get with the lapband and showed us what the company itself said about it as far as losing excess weight and keeping it off. DO NOT feel like you failed at this. Do however make sure you research the possible revisions and make an informed choice about the one you choose. I can't stress this enough.

WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 5/4/10 7:29 am

Hi there,

I am kind of in the same boat. I had my lap band on 10-19-09, no weight loss and vomiting and left upper abdominal pain. The vomiting started after my third fill, anything less than 6.5 cc's and I felt no restriction, anything more and I vomited after eating anything....I feel like a failure too, but i am finding comfort in the fact that there is more people like us out there. I went to see my surgeon today. We set a date for revision to rny for the 31st f this month. I am waiting for insurance approval now. I admit I am scared this time around. Before my lay surgery I was more excited and a little nervous. I am questioning if I am doing the right thing because of the added risk I am subjecting myself too. There is a 1-2% chance for leakage, this can lead to sever complications and in some cases death. The percentage of rick for dvt is the same for the rny as it is for the lap and morbidity increases form .1 to .5 %....I got these facts from  my doctor. I have been thinking , does this make me selfish? Putting my family through this adding potential risk to my life...Is this the right thing????? Then I asked myself how much does my weight effect my life right now. The answer to that is way more than it should. I do not enjoy things the way I should. I love playing tennis but I do not play at this point because it is hard on my body and I am super selfconscious of my weight and how I look. I love the beach but hate to go because I spend more time trying to strategically cover my body than enjoying myself. I feel my weight is holding me back from a better career. I do not like family gatherings because the rest of my family is very slender and in shape, just the thought of Christmas give me a panic attack. I have not seen my grandmother or my aunt since before Christmas because I am too embarrassed and selfconscious about the fact that I have not lost any weight. I have a wonderful loving caring and supportive boyfriend. I do not even let him see me naked. He sometimes asks me to be naked when we are intimate, I explain to him that I would be too selfconscious and I would then not be able to enjoy myself. Just the thought of being naked in front of him makes me want to cry. He accepts this, but wishes that i was more comfortable. My ex-fiance would get mad and think it was because I did not want to be close to him...I love to jog, hike and be outdoors. I can not jog right now because I am too heavy, I can never find cute athletic clothes that fit so I end up wearing a ratty old men's t-shirt and stretch pants. I caring at the thought of weddings or my boyfriends business black tie events. I made him go alone to his company cook out last summer because I was too self conscious. As you can see, my weight every aspect of my life in a negative way. I guess I am trying to say the benefits out way the risks but I am still a little scared. You have to weigh this out, only you will know if it is right thing.
I wish you luck and keep me posted on your decision.


on 5/4/10 10:54 am - Alvarado, TX
I am going through things and feelings also.  I got my band 2/6/08.  It is hard because you see so many people successful with the band and here we are facing ANOTHER surgery.  I am learning more and more that MANY people are struggeling with the band and have been told that it is not my fault and it is not yours either.  I am going in for an endoscopy this week and hopefully will be scheduled for my sleeve soon.  Take it a day at a time and good luck to you in your decisions throughout this process. 
on 5/4/10 11:58 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Its normal to have reservations and to even go through stages where you feel like a failure. It looks like we have all been there. I am currently looking for a revision as well just don't know when and how right now. I'm sure that you will be successful this time worries!!!
on 5/5/10 9:13 am - Carver, MA
Everyone of you, please read my blog.  I had revision on 2/1/10 and it has been the best move ever for me.  I can finally eat without pain or vomiting.  You have not failed the band, the band has failed you.

I had the same emotions but after having it removed and on with the losing (50lbs since 2/1/10), it has been the best decision for me.

Keep your chins up you deserve the best.

Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
on 5/5/10 1:47 pm
Please do not feel like a failure. You didn't do anything wrong, you didn't fail your band at all. I had the band, and it failed me miserably. I worked that thing, I did everything "right" and it still had to come out after only 8 months.

I revised to the sleeve, and it was the absolute best decision I could have ever made. Getting rid of that pouch changed everything, I love my normal little stomach now. I wish you the best, and just do what is best for you and your future. I couldn't be happier with my results, and my life post-op.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 5/18/10 2:36 am - AZ
OMG thank you for this. I had the band put in May 14, 2008. I lost 55 lbs right away, and NOTHING since. (In fact, I am beginning to regain.) I have yet to feel any real restriction. I supposedly had 9 CC in my 10 CC band with no restriction. Went and had a fill under fluro, and discovered that there was only 2 CC in my band, but no leaks. Now I have 4 CC's in there. I have a LITTLE restriction, but it HURTS now. I am always nauseous, I have BAD acid reflux, and I can TELL it's only above the band in my pouch. I feel like I am always going at both ends. (UGH!!!!!!) My primary care Dr has me on prescription drugs for the reflux, but it doesn't really help. I am beginning the process of going from the band to the VSG.
I appreciate your post, and the posts of others. No matter how often I tell myself I am not a failure, I still feel like one. It's a little comforting to know that I'm not the only one in this boat.
on 5/18/10 3:59 am - Chester, NY
Personally, i do not think there were enough long-term studies done in this country for the lapband. Most people who have it think it works great for a few years, then problems arise. I had mine 6 years ago. About 3 years ago I started having complicarions. 5 Other people I have kept in touch with through the OH boards who had their surgeries about the same time as mine, also have issues. 2 do not. I think the problem is that this is a foriegn object placed in your body, there is no way to ensure it's success or see if it will still be efficient 5 years down the road. Look how many different bands they have come out with over the years. They wouldn't be remodling them if they worked so well, right?

 M/C 10/18/10  9w2d...forever loved

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
                                                      It's a boy!

on 5/19/10 4:31 pm
 I am so glad to have found this. I am going through the exact same emotions as everyone on this thread. I had surgery in August of 07 and lost maybe 30 pounds. I now have regained that 30 and added about 10 more. I am in the process of hearing from insurance for a revision later this month. I would either have no restriction at all or would vomit up after every bite. For two months almost, I lived off of scrambled eggs. I felt like a failure - and my parents felt like I failed them, too. But then I talked to my doctor, who told me, "I failed you." Hearing him say that was not vindication necessarily, but it was a good thing to hear from my surgeon who had such high hopes, saw my downfall, but still wants to help me lose all this weight.

It sucks. It does. But you have to do what is right for you. If your "tool" isn't the right one for the job, go back to the toolbox and get another.
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