Considering band revision and have a couple questions

Mary B.
on 4/19/10 2:14 am - Southern, MD
Im currently just over a year out with my Realize band. I do feel restriction but having trouble dieting. The band does help, Im just not working it.

Anyway, my questins are...

1. Can you get a revision...or should I say will insurance cover a revision by choice, with noting wrong with the band?

2. Is it possible to have the band removed and the new surgery done at the same time or does that require two surgeries...remove, recovery, new surgery?

I was self pay, so Im still paying off my first surgery.

3. I have BC/BS Federal. Anyone know if it may be covered? I know that the Fed insurance has no pre existing condition clause as my old insurance specifically did not cover any type of WLS.

Im just in the early stages here, but these seem like the main questions to me.

Thanks for your help.
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 4/19/10 5:54 am - Virginia Beach, VA
1. It depends on your insurance. I know with my insurance, you can have a revision if you did not achieve a certain amount of loss when you were orginally banded.
2. My doc tried to switched mine out and it was not possible although several other people have had it done all at once. If they don't then it becomes a nightmare! I have to reapply for surgery even though its not my fault that the doctor could not get another in.
3. IDK
Lapband done 6/19/2006 Removed 11/19/2009
Sleeve done 7/29/2010 SW: 228/CW:197/GW:137

on 4/19/10 11:20 pm
1)It varies by insurance companies.

2) I had my revision to VSG performed at the same time as my band removal. Some surgeons prefer 2 separate procedures.

3) No clue.

I won't preach to you about the band and not working it, but you realize that all of the WLS options can be cheated, and you won't have success unless you change your lifestyle and food choices. Even some RNY and DS patients can not make it to goal, or have regain. Just go into a revision eyes wide open, you've already endured surgery once, and to go through another WLS isn't easy.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

Mary B.
on 4/19/10 11:54 pm - Southern, MD
On April 20, 2010 at 6:20 AM Pacific Time, USAF Wife wrote:
1)It varies by insurance companies.

2) I had my revision to VSG performed at the same time as my band removal. Some surgeons prefer 2 separate procedures.

3) No clue.

I won't preach to you about the band and not working it, but you realize that all of the WLS options can be cheated, and you won't have success unless you change your lifestyle and food choices. Even some RNY and DS patients can not make it to goal, or have regain. Just go into a revision eyes wide open, you've already endured surgery once, and to go through another WLS isn't easy.
Thank you. Yes...I know, you are absolutely right that it is a lifestyle change. Yes, I do make poor food choices many times. I do feel that I did give it a very good try though...I followed the rules, I didnt follow the rules and still stayed the same weight. I'm feeling like if I could see some movement/improvement/weightloss that it would help motivate me. I lost weight once before in my life on Phen Fen. When the weight started falling off...I became so motivated that I worked out all the time and watched every morsel that went into my mouth.

How do you like your VSG? My surgeon does the band, sleeve or RNY. Im afraid of the RNY because I know a couple people who have had it and gained weight back. Thats one of the big reasons I chose the band cause I figured it was adjustible for life and I was afraid of being cut and rearranged. Now Im afraid of being fat forever!

Thank you so much for your thoughts.
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 4/20/10 12:23 am, edited 4/20/10 12:25 am
I love my VSG. I'm almost 11 months out, and couldn't be happier. I hated my band, I had complications that led to a lot of damage to my stomach.

With the VSG, I'm truly never hungry still, not all patients experience that, but the majority of us do not ever get physically, stomach hunger. I've dropped 145lbs in 11 months with the majority of my weight dropping off in the first 6 months.

VSG doesn't force you to make better choices, but I found it easier to choose protein over slider foods, and because I wanted to lose weight, I was extremely strict with carb counts. I lead a very normal life post-op. I get to eat anything and everything I want just in smaller quantities. I couldn't eat a lot of good food with the band, but the sleeve has given me so many more options for a balanced daily menu. But, now that I'm further out, I can eat a lot of slider foods(chips, pretzels, crackers, rice and pasta are now slider foods for me) so I have to be careful because I could fall back into old habits. I could easily suck down a big milkshake if I wanted to do so. I just have to remember that I decided to change my relationship with food, and VSG helped tremendously.

You should come over to the VSG board and lurk around, and ask some questions. I refused to have RNY for many reasons. If VSG would not have been an option, I would have simply had my band removed.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 4/22/10 11:13 am - Boynton Beach,, FL

The band is difficult to work with but i would give it some more time.  i had two bands over a 9 year period before i decided to throw in the towel and revise to a bypass which has worked wonders for me.  I would suggest you try to make the band work since that's what you have right now.  Mabye you need an adjustment.  Many people have had good success with the band.  As far as insurance goes, my did cover all 3 revisions but each time i had complications other than failure to lose weight.  It depends on your insurance if they will cover or not.  good luck to you.




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