Vivian Prouty I'm not trying to bash you....

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 12:20 pm
Revision on 11/26/12
on 4/19/10 12:33 pm
Then you should have asked for her information only so that you could contact her privately.  If you couldn't contact her directly, then you didn't need to say anything at all.  Or you could have commented to her post directly, which still would have been tacky but not as intrusive.  By posting this for everyone to see and become involved in you are making it extremely personal (you really couldn't have been more so)  and you absolutely are bashing her, don't fool yourself.  

I am not trying to be the comment police (as some of you like to call it) but if you read the posting guidelines you'll find that you are guilty of violating them and she is not.  That is not just my opinion. 
Ada M.
on 4/19/10 10:53 pm
Revision on 11/26/12

I could have done it your way and many more ways as well.  This is not a black and white situation.  The way I handled it was my choice and I stand by it.  I have no problem expressing myself.  The way you, or anyone else perceives my post is subjective, not an absolute.

I'm not saying your way is wrong but I'm not saying my way is wrong either. 

on 4/20/10 12:24 am - Layton, UT
On April 20, 2010 at 5:53 AM Pacific Time, Ada M. wrote:

I could have done it your way and many more ways as well.  This is not a black and white situation.  The way I handled it was my choice and I stand by it.  I have no problem expressing myself.  The way you, or anyone else perceives my post is subjective, not an absolute.

I'm not saying your way is wrong but I'm not saying my way is wrong either. 

You said, " I have no problem expressing myself.  The way you, or anyone else perceives my post is subjective, not an absolute."

You are doing EXACTLY that which you called Vivian out for doing.  Preaching. 

Block her.  Move on.  It's old news.  Vivian is harmless.  You are harmless.  We are intelligent people and can skip over that which we're not interested in.  Public forums are public forums and since O.H. has backed out of policing things.....we sure don't need you to help with that little duty.  It was a dead topic til you stirred the pot again!

Vivian has become an easy "off topic" assault.   In the BIG picture of O.H. life,.....she is not even a nano second bleep on the message boards!  I can't believe that you have been active on here since 02 and this lil issue is the one you come out of lurkerdom to address.  Really?  It's rather pathetic.

So how's your surgery workin for you?  What kind of revision are you looking into?  Have you checked out  ??  Is life better since your WLS?  Glad you did it?


Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Ada M.
on 4/20/10 12:59 am
Revision on 11/26/12
Hi Joyce,

I can understand your concern since you also have recieved numerous personal attacks from others while supporting ERNY. I'd never seen you respond to your attackers in this manner but I guess when you are not on the receiving end of an attack it's easier to be more aggressive.   I know you've recently changed your stand on ERNY due to numerous health problems, but even then I supported your right to talk about a surgery you believed in at that time.  I wrote you, telling you that too!

The difference here is that you were contributing information regarding revisions.  It was up to any reader to do their own research but it was information.  That's all I ask for on this board.  INFORMATION.

Joyce, I am not trying to take on any "duty".  Thats far too much responsibilty for me, however I do not think there is anything wrong in offering suggestions or comments and I appreciate all the comments made to this post.   Whether they support me or not, everyone is allowed to have a stance.  It's not for me, you or anyone else to judge whether anyones' comment is right or wrong.  In fact we can all "agree"  to "disagree". 

BTW, I've spoken with OH and they have agreed Vivians postings would be more appropriate in a different forum.  They will be sending Vivian an email suggesting the same thing I mentioned.  Hopefully it will seem less personal from them.
Ada M.
on 4/19/10 12:26 pm
Revision on 11/26/12
Hi Stephanie,

First of all I tried to send her a PM but it was not possible.  Secondly, this is the only post from me regarding this matter.  I don't intend to put 5 separate posts about it daily.  I've made my suggestions and I'm satisfied.  What is done later as a result of this and other conversations is left up to something bigger than me.

I hope I've answered your questions.  Please feel free to ask more if further clarification is needed.

on 4/20/10 10:58 pm - Bear, DE
It is a sad commentary to look at this discussion and think that Christ could ever think of sanctioning the tone and manner in which it is brought forth.  Nothing good has resulted out of this post and I know the frustration and hurt that all parties certainly feel...especially the OP.  You want comfort (whether you say it or not) and you want support b/c now it seems that YOU are under attack.  Well I certainly do offer support and prayer that you will be comforted and restored.  I too have been misunderstood in my meanderings. But please look at your post and see that there is no way that you can say you are NOT BASHING a person and then proceed to PUBLICLY BASH the person to the point wherein you call her SELFISH...publicly.

You let your PERSONAL feelings out of the bag and really should have taken some time to ask yourself why you are TAKING OFFENSE to someone else's being a blessing and/or encouragement to others. 


May God bless us in all of our endeavors.  May He forgive us for our frailties and our vanities and bless us to be prosperous in health, soul, and in life.            
Debbie M.
on 4/21/10 12:16 am
Beautfilly stated Altheda 

SW 358/CW 201/Goal - anything below 160
Angel to TEAZ (Michelle)

Ada M.
on 4/21/10 5:08 am
Revision on 11/26/12
Hi Altheda,

I appreciate your comments but I want to make something very clear:  I DO NOT WANT ANY FORM OF SUPPORT!!  I don't need it nor do I seek it.  I have received many PM's from people saying they are glad I said what I said.  Still it doesn't matter to me that they wrote, because I did not post my message looking for support.  Of course I thank them because it's the proper thing to do.

All members do not feel the way you feel and all members do not feel the way I feel.  That's life. I do not represent any one except myself and therefore I will be true to myself.  My God knows my heart way better than you could possibly know, therefore I do not have any misgivings about my post.

You are right I did let my feelings out.  Thats why I posted.  No where in any of my responses have I stated that I am "offended" by anyones response, so it confuses me that you feel you know me well enough to assume that I have taken offense.

This thread has been an interesting experience.  It has shown that interpretations and perceptions abound everywhere. Good or bad it's what makes us human.   It's what shows we are alive, breating, thinking people!  There is nothing wrong with that!

Altheda, you don't know what "good" may have resulted due to this post.  All you can see is what is visible now.  Neither you nor I have an idea of the things that will change. We cannot read peoples minds, thoughts or know their actions for the near future.  What I do know is I have done what I was supposed to do and it is well.
on 4/20/10 11:26 pm, edited 4/20/10 11:30 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
On second thought...just block her....I just did and it has gotten rid of all of her threads when I log in.... ...What I am most grateful for today!! Yippee!
Lapband done 6/19/2006 Removed 11/19/2009
Sleeve done 7/29/2010 SW: 228/CW:197/GW:137

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