Vivian Prouty I'm not trying to bash you....

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 1:49 am
Revision on 11/26/12
Nope Kerry,

You got it all wrong.  I know I'm not righteous and I don't pretend to be!  But everyday i work on being the best I can be. 

I don't call people names such as liar, thief etc...Who am I to judge?  I certainly didn't attcack Vivian or call her names such as you have done to me.  I expressed an opinion and possible options and there was nothing mean-spirited about that.

I still believe this forum should stick to giving information about revisions.  Something you have always done quite well.

Kerry J.
on 4/19/10 2:17 am - Santa Clara, UT
You're right Ada, I don't know you at all, I don't know your name, what you look like or where you live, all I know about you is what I read that you post. And I found your post to be offensive and mean. When you couple that with your anonymous profile, which means you're not taking responsibility for what you're posting; it all bothers me enough that I will say something.

If you've read my posts, you know I don't mince words or hint around, I say what I think I don't pull any punches and I don't sugar coat things. I also take responsibility for what I post and when I'm wrong about something, I don't mind admitting it and apologizing for my mistake.

So, I didn't like you attack on Vivian, it bothered me and it still does, I think  you're all wrong about it and have no business attacking her. But, you're right, I did go too far in calling you a liar, you were stating your opinion you didn't lie about anything, so for that I do apologize.

I suggest you post your picture and where you live, so people know something about you and then suggest other ways for Vivian and you to encourage people here. That would be constructive and have some credibility.

Debbie M.
on 4/19/10 4:01 am
Well said Kerry

SW 358/CW 201/Goal - anything below 160
Angel to TEAZ (Michelle)

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 4:43 am
Revision on 11/26/12
I appreciate the apology.  You didn't have to which makes it all the more appreciated. 

When I first joined OH in 2003, I had a full profile with pictures and details for about 2 years..  However, due to the type of job I had at the time I found that too much information about me was available on the internet via OH and so did my employers.  Just by googling my info, I would pop up!  My company approached me about this information and I was mortified that they knew anything about my personal decisions and private life.  I was asked to remove this information or face discipline.

I did as I was asked not only  because of their request but because I wanted my information to be available to people with whom I felt safe.  My choice to remain anonymous  is not for attacking people.   Thats not my nature and none of my past posts have been in that vein including the one to Vivian.  I addressed options and other outlets with her.

BTW, My name is Ada.  I live in Illinois and I had RNY with the Kane group in 2003.  I truly am looking for revision options, I truly want help and I truly pray that the right decisions will be made concerning my revision.  

This is why I come here.
on 4/19/10 5:49 am, edited 4/19/10 5:50 am - Virginia Beach, VA
I UNDERSTAND AND SUPPORT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY ADA!   Keep on keeping on!! I don't think you are being negative. She posts the same thing on several boards.   Please feel free to post your revision questions and supportive answers!
Lapband done 6/19/2006 Removed 11/19/2009
Sleeve done 7/29/2010 SW: 228/CW:197/GW:137

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 6:13 am
Revision on 11/26/12

Bless you for that!!  I've been a member for a long time and I'm not going anywhere soon. 

I've never been one to get into fights but I have been known to stand up and fight.  In this instance, I don't see why it's causing a fight but it's okay.  Everyone is allowed an opinion we just need to avoid cutting each other off at the knees in the process.
on 4/21/10 5:19 am - Sacramento, CA
I just read this post an I must say you hit the nail on the head Kerry!!!!!!!!!!! Preach!!!!!!!
on 4/19/10 6:44 am - Virginia Beach, VA
The funny thing about this is that we are the oldest forum people here and your getting a lecture on proper OH etiquette. Tee-hee, you've been a member since '02 and I have been one since '04 (had to created a new profile, didn't like my info being shared). Anyway, keep up the good work!
Lapband done 6/19/2006 Removed 11/19/2009
Sleeve done 7/29/2010 SW: 228/CW:197/GW:137

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 6:50 am
Revision on 11/26/12

LOL!  Oh well, it's all water under the bridge at this point.  I really appreciate the support!  You keep up the good work too!

on 4/19/10 12:05 pm

Can you please explain how YOUR post that distracted me from looking up useful revision information is ok but Vivian's aren't?  Your post has nothing to do with revisions and I'm highly annoyed that you felt the need to post it here for everyone to see and respond to instead of just sending her a private message. 


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