Vivian Prouty I'm not trying to bash you....

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 12:11 am
Revision on 11/26/12
Good morning Vivian,

I'd like to start by saying I am a sign, sealed and delivered born-again Christian so I am not against you faithwise.  I also believe it's important to be grateful everyday and I include them in my prayers or in conversations with girlfriends.  So I understand your philosophy!

However I have to say that your posts are a little annoying.  Only because I come here specifically to look for infomation, advice and and anything related specifically to "revision weightloss surgery".  Your posts don't help me on this quest and yet I see your posts filling up the forum as I skim titles, looking for what I believe is relevant in my search.  It's not fair that I have to navigate around your irrelevant posts and it's not fair that you think it's okay to innundate this forum with whats on your mind without enlightening us about something concerning revisions.  It's almost; and I hesitate to say this because I understand your intent- SELFISH! 

I don't want to block you because you may at one point provide information that could make a huge difference on my journey and also because I think you are a decent person.  But could you possibly create your own forum or maybe even a blog expressing how you feel daily?  That way people who are in that mindframe can go there specifically be blessed or contribute to it.  I think you would receive a lot of support and while there may be naysayers and trashtalkers who visit your forum/blog, at least they specifically sought you out and can't complain that your in the wong forum.

It's just a thought Vivian.  I love you with the love of Christ and hope you don't take this personal
Debbie M.
on 4/19/10 12:21 am, edited 4/19/10 12:24 am
Wow, what a mean spirited post and to do it in a public forum, talk about self-serving.  I also think it's terrible the way you hide behind the Lord to justify it. In the past 5 days there have been 26 posts, that's about 5 per day, hardly a time consumer.  You might want consider sending someone a private message in the future,  and if there's no PM access - post something asking her to get in touch with you.  it would probably be a kinder way of sharing your frustrations. 

SW 358/CW 201/Goal - anything below 160
Angel to TEAZ (Michelle)

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 12:33 am
Revision on 11/26/12
Good morning Debbie,

I was very careful in choosing my words so as not to come off mean spirited at all.  I mentioned my faith to show that I have no problem with the content of her post just the placement of it.   

Your way of addressing this situation is a possibility just as my way is a possibility.  Neither is necessarily better than the other, just different.

I am open to your comment and I am not taking it personal.  I've just stated how I feel without aggression and I stand by it.

Have a blessed day!
Vivian Prouty
on 4/19/10 12:50 am - Fort Worth, TX
 Ada....I do take offense to this.   I called and talked to OH about this post on this particular forum and was told that people seeking revisions DO need to be reminded that there are so much in life to be grateful for on a daily basis.   As a Obesity Help Support Group leader it is NOT my intent to step on anyone's toes and trust me.....if you personally knew me you would know that this is true.   If you don't like my post....please just pass it by and don't read it.   It is a uplifting post and I have toned down my posts.    I do believe that my feelings have been bashed and stepped on enough over this subject.  If you have a problem with this it to OH since I was advised to keep posting it.   Thank you and have a great day !!!

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


Ada M.
on 4/19/10 1:22 am
Revision on 11/26/12

I don't think there is anyway to avoid hurting someones feelings when adressing a subject that is dear to them.  Still without personally attacking you, I felt the need to adress this issue because it bothers me.  Yes I can pass it by as you suggested but I believe it's better to address the issue head-on and see if there can be some sort of resolution.

Calling OH does not change the fact that the post's are irrelevant to revision surgery as a whole.  After all, based on their comment ". Every group of people can be reminded about being grateful in life." then technically these posts can be placed on any forum.  "OH" is not the "people" desperately looking for answers.  "OH" is a useful platform for "us" to find solutions.

Why have you specifically chosen this forum?  Why the need to use this forum as a platform for expression of a topic not specific to revision?  Why aren't you open to creating a platform for this positive expression and garner a following that way?  Why would OH advise you to keep posting something? That's a pretty strong word considering posting here is unpaid and subject-relevant.  What if others decided to choose any forum here and start posting irrelevant issues as well.  Everything would become convoluted.  How would we choose what's acceptable.  After all the interpretation would be subjective.  

All I'm saying is to avoid this chaos, it's best to stick to the subject matter.  If you knew me, I'm the type of person who avoids conflict as much as possible.  I'm always open to compromise on pretty much anything except my faith.  If you are not open to hearing other opinions even when not antagonistic, then perhaps you need to step back from the situation for a moment and really reflect...if not then I fear you will appear to be passive-agressive, but agressive nonetheless.

Just a thought Vivian.  Just a thought......
Vivian Prouty
on 4/19/10 1:27 am - Fort Worth, TX
 I am blocking you now !!!!!

Hugs and blessings ~~~Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 4/19/10 2:18 am - OH
Kerry J.
on 4/19/10 12:55 am - Santa Clara, UT
Well Ada M. aren't you just precious.

Why don't you post your picture and show us who you really are. You're a coward and a jealous fool and you are no more a follower of Christ than any self centered bible thumper. You're a hypocrite and a liar.

How do you like them beans Ada M?

Ada M.
on 4/19/10 1:29 am
Revision on 11/26/12
Hi Kerry,

It's unfortunate you feel the need to personally attack me.  You don't know me but alas have stooped to a very mean-spirited level to bash me.

I'm quite surprised.  I've ready your posts through the years and have found them quite informative.  I've always viewed you as logical and factual and I'm not sure what I said that ticked you off so terribly but I'm okay.  I know my mind and my intent so I'm gravy!

I sincerely mean it when I say, I hope you have a great day!
Kerry J.
on 4/19/10 1:42 am - Santa Clara, UT
I am having a great day Ada M.

I calls em as I sees em.

And when someone posts and attack while hiding behind an anonymous profile, I don't like it one bit and that is what you did.

There was no reason for you to attack Vivian, she just posts positive encouraging things for people to consider. What possible good came from your attack post? None.

It was a mean spirited baseless attack and one Christ would never approve of. You're no follower of Christ, if you think posting such things are OK.

You remind me of the money changers in the Temple; pretending to be something holy when you're something else.

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