Lap band vs sleeve

on 4/15/10 2:19 am
Hi, I am new here. I have had a lap band for 7 years. Initially lost 50 pounds, have gained it all back. I have Barrett's esophogus and am going to see Dr. about removing the band. He has mentioned the sleeve. What is different. What happens if you over eat with the sleve? Do you have Gerd problems? I have a lot of problems with meat, vegetables and pretty much anything that is good for you! I am not generally a sweet eater, but, have had more of a desire for sweets lately. I have many conditions that would benefit from losing weight, diabetes, back and joint problems, etc. I need to lose this weight!! But, I am afraid of another surgery that will just make be throw up and cause me more problems with my esophogus. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
on 4/15/10 10:53 am - Deer Park, TX
I too would like info on this.  I had lapband in 2005, lost almost 70 lbs and then over the last year or so gained it all back.  EDG showed no problem with band, doc says I am too tight and dont need a fill, but I can eat anything and everything and drink while doing so.  He has mentioned a revision but I am scared.  I just want to look like my profile pic again.

on 4/17/10 1:03 pm, edited 4/17/10 1:04 pm
I'm a band to sleeve revision patient.

The sleeve is nothing like the band. I am on Prilosec to prevent acid reflux issues. I eat a very well balanced and nutritious diet. I eat meat 2-4 times daily. I eat salad weekly, fresh fruits and veggies daily. I don't throw up.

With the sleeve, you'll need to eat slow, measure your food early out as the portions are very small. I'm 10 months out, and can only eat 4 ounces of dense protein with a few bites of veggies. I can choose to slider foods just like you can eat with the band, but none of the surgeries will keep you from eating slider foods. They operate on our stomachs not our brains.

The biggest difference with the sleeve vs. the band is that the VSG has truly resolved my ravenous hunger. I'm never hungry. I simply eat because I know I need to eat for fuel.

If you overeat with the sleeve you'll be uncomfortable, and you can vomit. If you are mindful of your portions and measure out by volume not weight early on until you feel your full signal, or can eyeball your portions vomiting should not be a problem. I only vomited a couple of times post sleeve because I measured my portions. You do have to eat slowly and chew well especially early out with the sleeve. For the first couple of months, I could only eat 2ounces of food per meal. It has gotten better with time, and I can eat more food now than I could at 3-4 months post op.

You should post on the VSG board as there are a lot of us revision patients that frequent that board more often, and you could get more feedback.

I honestly love life post VSG. I live a very normal life, eat normal foods, eat out 2-4 times a week, and do not feel like I'm dieting.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/18/10 1:49 am - Tuvalu
I'm a band to DS revision and that's like a "band-to-sleeve-plus."  No barfing with the DS--again, we have the same stomach as the sleeve people.  My esophagus HEALED (I had dysmotility) by my having that POS band remove and getting the DS.

The LapBand "works"--and that's if losing HALF your excess weight counts as "works"--for 22% of the folks who get one.   It should be outlawed...or at least the false advertising should be.

My suggestion--"LapBand...your first step to your NEXT weight loss surgery."  

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