anyone else having this problem water vs. food

on 4/6/10 10:50 pm - Harvey, LA
I had revision 1-27-10 (my doctor revised my orginial gastric bypass removing the part of the stomach that was not in use and made my stomach and stoma back to orignal size and removed hernias) and losing weight very slowly and I am watching what I eat and I am eating my proteins first drinking lots of fluids.I am never really hungry or overeat.I am having a hard time with waiting an hour after I eat to drink something. I will drink water up until I get ready to eat so I won't get thirsty but the minute I start eating I begin to get thirtsy no matter what I eat. I know it's a mind thing but how do I work on getting past this. Is it o/k to take a few sips inbetween. I started walking this week and hopefully that will help with dropping the pounds.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Thanks alot for all your support.
on 4/8/10 11:53 am
Hello Blessed....
I am currently getting all the paperwork ready for delivery to my insurance company hoping for a revision approval. My EGD is scheduled for April 17th. Right now, unless this EGD shows something making this impossible- My hope is to have the same procedure as you... I really just want my original RYN (1999) to be corrected. (put everything back) - I ASSUME the outcome of the EGD will show that my pouch and stoma have  been stretched beyond repair! I made VERY bad choices... and I can eat pretty much whatever I want- whenever I want -- without getting sick! 
I do not have dumping, do not have things get stuck  ( I can take all 6 vitamins (in capsule form) a one time without any problems!

When / If  I have a revision, I have learned my lesson and WILL make the changes needed!  
I feel this may be my 2nd (and only) chance I have -- I want my life back! No more just trying a little to see if I can handle it-- NOPE~!

I have read so many things about revisions and SO many talk about the approach you and I are taking being a bad idea! It seems most recommend the DS?  At this time, I personally  am scared of having a DS. I am not saying I will not do it, but.... I will wait for the EGD results and have a BIG talk with the Doc. (I am going to Dr Barker in Dallas)

So.........My question to you....
Are you happy with your revision?
Has your weight lose been harder this time??
Since your revision in Jan 10 how much weight have you lost?

I know i am askng very personal questions but i feel that you and I had our original surgery around the same time and i hope to have a revision this year and I REALLY want to hear your ( or anyone else's ) honest outcome and comments/suggestion.
on 4/8/10 10:33 pm - Harvey, LA
Good Morning,
Yes I am very happy with my revision. I am not hungry all the time and when I eat which is small portions I am full and satisfied.My biggest ordeal was sugar addiction.I now don't even crave sugar not that I don't think about it but my body doesn't crave it where I have to have it.My doctor removed the old part of my stomach where the ghrelin is that makes you hungry.I have lost about  20 lbs so far so the weight loss is not as fast as the first surgery.I also just started walking this week about 2-3 miles a day so this should speed things up.I only have about 20 more pounds to lose because my goal is to reach my 145 pounds.I have also lost alot of inches.When I had my orginial surgery about 10 years I was much younger. I just made 50 years old last month so I not as young and the metabolism does work as goodbut I am still blessed and highly favored in God's Eye.I hope everything works for you.God Bless You. 
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