help understanding this...

on 3/27/10 5:49 am - fort worth, TX
aetna says...

Conversion to a RYGB or BPD/DS may be considered medically necessary for members who have not had adequate success (defined as loss of more than 50 percent of excess body weight) two years following the primary bariatric surgery procedure and the member has been compliant with a prescribed nutrition and exercise program following the procedure;

how do i know what they consider excess weight, is there a scale of what insurance thinks i should weigh? im almost 4ft 10 went from 243 pounds now im 170. how do i figure it out?


I'm really a perfect size six, I just keep it covered in fat so it doesnt get scratched.

on 3/27/10 11:45 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Body Mass Indicator Seeker

Go there and work with the numbers til you see ideal.

I'm thinking it's around 93#.

So, if you started 243, you needed to lose 150 to hit 100%

You're at 170, so you've lost 73 lbs of the 150 the chart ays you needed to lose. Mind you, I'm guessing at the 93#, just using it for easy figuring.

73# lost of 150 to lose = 49%, so under 50%

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

Linda F.
on 3/27/10 12:43 pm - Tampa, FL
I still don't get it.  My insurance company has the same language.  Can someone help me?  If I started at 271 and I'm 5'1" what weight would I have had to gotten to to have lost "more then 50 percent of excess body weight"?
Caleña M.
on 3/27/10 2:17 pm

This is the same exact language I have, and before lap band i weigned 238, and I used my surgeons goal weight of 123, I needed to loose 115 lbs, I only lost 15% of the 115 lbs in almost two years. 

My surgeon used this chart, I should be between 122 - 137

Take your starting weight less your goal weight based on the chart and thats your excess weight.  Figure out what percentage you lost from that number.  If its less than 50%, you can revise, of course, you may have to prove you did follow the perscribed nutrition program and excersice plan, which is my case.

DS SW - 201 4/21/11; GW 130
Linda F.
on 3/27/10 2:38 pm - Tampa, FL

How would I go about proving that I stuck to the diet and exercise plan.....13 years later.....what kind of "proof" are you using?

Caleña M.
on 3/27/10 10:45 pm
Well my plan allows for ONE WLS within a two year period period.  Then I can revise to bypass or DS ONLY.   I'm not sure if you have this clause.  So, If I don't have any other issues with the band, other than not loosing the excess weight, I can revise and my proof is since the surgery date of June 2008, I actually joined weigh****chers for 12 weeks and I have copies of those checks, I also followed a doctor supervised nutrition program on year 2, and I have a letter from the doctor stating this, along with the credit card statement which I paid out of pocket,  along with my food journals for proof.  As far as excercise, I belong to a gym in which I scan in, and I am able to print out online the scanning dates and times, so I have proof of that also for about 3 months (they must purge data regularly), and I have a record of all the debits from my bank account to pay for the membership monthly.

Find out if you have the 2 year clause.  I think if its been 13 years and you regained weight, more than 50%, all of it, or even more I think you qualify for a revision.
DS SW - 201 4/21/11; GW 130
Linda F.
on 3/28/10 12:51 am - Tampa, FL
Thanks Calena!  NOw if I can only get Cigna to agree with you.
on 3/30/10 6:30 am - North Lauderdale, FL

Who are you using in Florida for your DS?  I'm in South Florida and was considering a DS but I couldn't find anyoen down here who is doing it.  I think the closest I found on the DS website was in GA....

Just wondering...

on 3/30/10 6:29 am - North Lauderdale, FL

Who are you using in Florida for your DS?  I'm in South Florida and was considering a DS but I couldn't find anyoen down here who is doing it.  I think the closest I found on the DS website was in GA....

Just wondering...

Linda F.
on 3/30/10 8:09 am - Tampa, FL
There are only a (small) handful of doctors that are qualified to do a RNY to DS Revision.  Rabkin (CA), Husted (KY), Greenbaum (NJ), Keshashian (CA), Ungson (MX) and Marchesini (Brazil) - I am sure that there are a couple of others - but not many.

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