on 3/29/10 4:06 am - St. George, UT
Thank you so much...Your answer was most definately clear and helpful...I also appreciate your sentiments....

on 3/29/10 10:32 am - Layton, UT
There are some people we keep around just to remember what stupid looks like.  Ignore them.

Zee Starrlite
on 3/30/10 12:21 am

Some people are kept around just to remember what a corpse looks like.  Look away I say, look away.

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 3/29/10 10:40 am - MI
On March 29, 2010 at 9:40 AM Pacific Time, JROLFSON wrote:
Who is jumping on false headlines? I only asked a question...I don't know anything about the new health care reform and have heard tons and tons of things both bad and good so I was wondering if you have no health care at all will you then be eligible for health care through medicare and if so...Does it cover weight loss surgery...This could be great hope for those out there who have no insurance and don't work...You know it sucks when you can't even ask a question for information when you are totally ignorant about something and get a crappy response like the one you sent to my question...Sorry I'm not a know it all, sorry I haven't read the how many thousands of pages in the health care reform bill...Sorry, Sorry, Sorry..This is exactly why I can't stand this site anymore...


You go girl!  And don't be sorry, I think everyone else, or at least the majority of us took your questions for what it was intended for.  This site does seem to go up and down with this kind of crap.


on 3/29/10 8:40 am
Why are you screaming at her! settle down and answer like an adult. She only asked a question.
on 3/30/10 3:56 am, edited 3/30/10 3:57 am - St. George, UT
Thank you to those of you *****alize I wasn't bashing the Health Care Program I'm trying to understand it and what it will do for us...This question was asked with my best friend in mind not for me...She currently works for a company who says once the reform takes place they will not be instituting insurance but instead will pay the imposed fine instead....therefore, would she then be eligible for I guess medicare? medical? whichever and if so, do either of those entities whichever is applicable (Not really familiar with them, have never had any dealings with them at all) pay for weight loss surgery...She has worked for this company for 25 years and is 200 lbs overweight...but the employer has planted itself lthat the fine would be less costly than the insurance they would have to provide....also this employer has said that if made to buy employee insurance he would either 1 go out of business or two have to lower salaries to cover the offset...Just saying what I was told and asking how does this affect this person...Oh and changing jobs isn't an option as we all know in these times and how easy is it to find a job at 350 lbs? I was 200 lbs and people looked at me with that ohhhh! look...Thank you for listening....

Maybe because I posted a red hot smiley face showing anger or a blue confused smiley face showing confusion was I called on the carpet...Maybe you felt I was mad at the new health care system, I'm not mad, just frustrated and confused that I don't understand nor do I seem to get answers to my questions...for some reason it's so hard to express what you want to say in this forum because the least little thing can be blown out of proportion simply because the reader interprets things differently...that's all...

on 4/1/10 7:38 am - Huntsville, AL

I'm sure YOUR religion considers it a sin to LIE.  Puh-leeeeeese.  Do you think we just fell off a turnip truck yesterday?

Your flamey face , and wording made it clear you were all ready to RELOAD based on what you heard on Fux News.

on 4/1/10 8:14 am - St. George, UT

What is Fux News anyway? And, who are you to assume what my religion is? Or if I'm even religious! I don't have to explain my self to a person who indeed speaks and acts like someone who would ride on a turnip truck....( oh sorry didn't mean to bash farmers now, I'm sure that will be next right? )

I've been posting on this site for a very long time and honestly have always been met with favor by most....Your post was so rude and out of context I can't even believe it...Are you so ready to bash anyone that might just have the least little doubt or confusion regarding any of the changes which are happening in this country faster than we can discern or fathom what they are...I for one question everything I don't just eat **** because I'm told it tastes like steak I want to know for myself it is steak...Thank you very much!

And the  Face was based on the frustration and anger I was feeling at having such a hard time getting answers to my questions prior to posting on this site...But, of course that was to be misconstrued and blown out of proportion and you who knows nothing about me and honestly I have never seen you post before although I think most people know me on this Revision site, has a lot of nerve calling me out for something that is so completely off base...Shame on you and the turnip truck you rode in on....Why don't you do us all a favor and back it on out of here...

Janie Rolfson
on 4/1/10 11:47 am - MI
 Hey Janie,

Don't let ignorance or rudeness stop you from posting your questions or any other of your responses for that matter.  It's not worth the frustration or aggravation over individuals who obviously have closed minds or are to ignorant even for themselves.  Sometimes it's best just to ignore them, simply because they are not worth the effort, time or aggravation to post a response to their trash.  

There are always a few who get some sort of satisfaction or their self esteem by belittling others or trash talking them whether they know anything about them or not.  As you have said, many on this site has appreciated your support and wisdom and get useful information for your posts and don't care what "smiley faces" you use to express yourself.

            "The greatest ignorance is to reject something  you know nothing about"

Desiree N.
on 11/5/10 5:19 am - Marietta, GA

You can find alot on the healthcare reform here.   I had an issue with securing new insurance.  BCBS still found a way to not cover me.  The insurers actually don't have to be in full compliance until 2014.

I have been having trouble securing individual plans due to my RNY.
I lost my company job in 2006 and was finally able to secure and individual plan with AETNA who covered the original RNY I had in 2003, but I have been unsuccesful in changing that insurance. I think even if I go to a group plan again, I may need to keep this crappy plan as a back up.

Hope this helps.
Desiree Novajosky, Esq.
RNY 4/7/03  at Emory in Atlanta.
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