Help- feeling frustrated!

on 3/22/10 6:17 am, edited 3/22/10 6:24 am - Lynn, MA
I met with the dr. today to discuss a revision possibilty. He states that he really doesn't do them or like to do them (if I remember correctly). Instead he states that I should go on the HMR (liquid) diet for about 2 months and I should lose about 40 more lbs.  Stupidly I agree to them and leave the office for blood work etc....and then it hits me...what am I doing?  I knew I should have had someone come in my appt w/ me as my mind was racing. Oh yeah and I need to exercise more, I already do 5-6 days a week....make them longer times at the gym or get a personal trainer!

I know people who were on the HMR and didn't like the taste and only lasted 1month. My husband had a good point, why did I have the band only to go on a liquid diest 2 1/2 yrs later? 

So, I am all confused, upset and discouraged! I was hoping for a revision as I was banded 11/07 lost 10lbs preop and 30lbs post. Please don't get me wrong I am happy w/ that but it is not anywhere I think the weight should be and I still am on meds etc....

Thanks for letting me vent and also, anyone have any advice? I like my hospital and dr.
on 3/22/10 9:48 am - McKinney, TX
WOW. I felt like that a couple of times with my original surgeon. He just kept convincing me that I was eating too much and the wrong things while I was in the office and make me feel like crap about myself. Then I would go home and think about it and wonder why I let him do that.

To make a long story short I switched my surgeon to one that would listen and hear what I was saying and of course my original surgeon did only lap bands so I needed a new surgeon anyway.

YOU have to make a choice, let him control you or speak up for yourself and if you cant then find a surgeon who doesnt make judgements and pidgeon hole you into the "typical patient',

Turns out, I do have complications so my new surgeon has submitted to do a reversal.

Keep at it. Only you know your body and you have to be your advocate....

I would go with you and tell that surgeon for you...LOL if we didnt live so far apart :)

Hang in there and keep fighting for YOU!

Lap Band 10/2007 Had complications  - waiting on approval to have band removed and revised to RNY with NEW surgeon Dr. Nicholson!

HW 315 SW 286 CW285 GW 180

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain
on 3/23/10 7:58 am - Lynn, MA
thanks for the reply. I have been going over it in my mind and thinking of all the pros and cons.....arrughh!! LOL!

Still working on this.

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